DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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typedef struct 
      int             reason; 
      XEvent          *event; 
      unsigned short  newred; 
      unsigned short  newgrn; 
      unsigned short  newblu; 
      char            *newname; 
      unsigned short  origred; 
      unsigned short  origgrn; 
      unsigned short  origblu; 
} DXmColorMixCallbackStruct; 

Callback Field Descriptions


An integer set to the callback reason. See the Callback Reasons section for the values that are valid for this widget.


A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback.


The new red color value for the color mixing widget.


The new green color value for the color mixing widget.


The new blue color value for the color mixing widget.


Passes a color name to an application. If the user selects a named color from the Browser and then triggers a callback to the application without modifying the new color, the newname field of the callback data structure is filled in with a pointer to an ASCII, null-terminated string that contains the color's X11 name. This string is read-only, and should not be freed or modified.

If a color is generated in one of the other color models, or generated in the browser and subsequently modified, the newname field in the callback structure is set to Null.


The original red color value for the color mixing widget.


The original green color value for the color mixing widget.


The original blue color value for the color mixing widget.

Callback Reasons


The user has activated the OK push button.


The user has activated the Apply push button.


The user has activated the Cancel push button.


The color mixing widget allows your DECwindows Motif applications to query users for a color. The color mixing widget provides users with immediate feedback, displaying each new color as it is selected. This widget uses a pop-up dialog box (or nonpop-up dialog box if you use the DXmCreateColorMix routine) that is preconfigured to contain the following subwidgets:
Subwidget Description
Scratch pad Stores intermediate colors for later use in color mixing
Color display subwidget Displays the original color and the new color.
Color model option menu subwidget Implements choice of color model.
Color mixer subwidget Provides graphic tools users can use to define new colors.
Push button subwidgets Activates color mixing widget functions.
Label subwidgets Provides descriptive information.

The color mixing widget allows a user to choose from up to five different color models:


When considering whether to use a pop-up or nonpop-up color mixing widget, note the following:
  • The pop-up color mixing widget (which you create with the DXmCreateColorMixDialog routine) allocates the necessary color cells each time it is mapped and then releases them each time the widget is unmapped.
  • The nonpop-up color mixing widget (which you create with the DXmCreateColorMix routine) allocates the necessary color cells at creation time but does not release them until the widget is destroyed. As such, if color resources are limited, your application should use the pop-up color mixing widget instead of the nonpop-up version.

See the DECwindows Motif Guide to Application Programming for a complete description of the color mixing widget. See also the following routines for related information:
Routine Description
DXmCreateColorMix Creates the color mixing widget without a dialog box.
DXmColorMixGetNewColor Retrieves (returns) the current color value from the color mixing widget.
DXmColorMixSetNewColor Sets the new color red, green, and blue values in the color mixing widget.

Geometry Management The color mixing widget completely controls the layout of its children. Resizing The color mixing widget computes the smallest possible size required to enclose all of its children, including any of the variably sized color mixing subwidgets. The size remains fixed while the user selects different color models from the option menu.


Creates a compound string text widget.
Widget Class Hierarchy

Core Resource Set
XmPrimitive Resource Set
DXmCSText Resource Set


Widget DXmCreateCSText (parent, name, args, num_args) 
        Widget   parent; 
        char     *name; 
        Args     *args; 
        int      num_args; 
Resource Information You can set the following widget-specific resources in the args:

Boolean              DXmNbidirectionalCursor; 
int                  DXmNeditingPath; 
XtCallbackList       DXmNnofontCallback; 
int                  DXmNtextPath; 
XtCallbackList       XmNactivateCallback; 
Boolean              XmNautoShowCursorPosition; 
int                  XmNblinkRate; 
int                  XmNcolumns; 
DXmCSTextPosition    XmNcursorPosition; 
Boolean              XmNcursorPositionVisible; 
Boolean              XmNeditable; 
int                  XmNeditMode; 
XtCallbackList       XmNfocusCallback; 
XmFontlist           XmNfontList; 
XtCallbackList       XmNlosingFocusCallback; 
Dimension            XmNmarginHeight; 
Dimension            XmNmarginWidth; 
int                  XmNmaxLength; 
XtCallbackList       XmNmodifyVerifyCallback; 
XtCallbackList       XmNmotionVerifyCallback; 
Boolean              XmNpendingDelete 
Boolean              XmNresizeHeight: 
Boolean              XmNresizeWidth; 
int                  XmNrows; 
Boolean              XmNscrollHorizontal; 
Boolean              XmNscrollLeftSide; 
Boolean              XmNscrollTopSide; 
Boolean              XmNscrollVertical; 
XmRPointer           XmNselectionArray 
int                  XmNselectionArrayCount 
int                  XmNselectThreshold 
DXmCSTextPosition    XmNtopPosition; 
XmString             XmNvalue; 
XtCallbackList       XmNvalueChangedCallback; 
Boolean              XmNwordWrap; 

Return Value

The identifier (widget ID) of the created compound string text widget.



The identifier (widget ID) of the parent widget.


The name of the created widget.


The application override argument list.


An integer that represents the number of arguments in the application override argument list.



A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that the shape of the cursor at the insertion point will be dependent on the current editing direction. Access is CSG. The default is False.


A read-only value that holds the current editing text path (direction) in the compound string text widget. Initially, it is set to be equal to DXmNtextPath. This resource is used only if XmNvalue is Null. The values for this resource are as follows:
Value Description
DXmDIRECTION_RIGHT_DOWN (0) The direction of the text path is right and then down.
DXmDIRECTION_LEFT_DOWN (1) The direction of the text path is left and then down.

The default is DXmDIRECTION_RIGHT_DOWN, or 0. Access is CG.


Callback made when the compound string text widget cannot find the font required to display text assigned (tagged) with a specific character set. The reason for this callback is DXmCR_NOFONT. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
event A pointer to the XEvent structure that generated the callback.
charset A character set identifier for which the widget has no matching font in its font list. The callback modifies the widget font list to include an entry for the required character set.
charset_len The length of the charset string.

The default is Null. Access is C.


A read-only value that holds the main text path (direction) of the text in the compound text widget. This resource is used only if XmNvalue is Null. It is set from the initial compound string value of the widget. The values for this resource are as follows:
Value Description
DXmDIRECTION_RIGHT_DOWN (0) The direction of the text path is right and then down.
DXmDIRECTION_LEFT_DOWN (1) The direction of the text path is left and then down.

The default is DXmDIRECTION_RIGHT_DOWN, or 0. Access is CG.


Callback (or callbacks) made when the user activates the CSText widget. The reason for this callback is XmCR_ACTIVATE and the associated callback structure is DXmCSTextCallbackStruct. The default is Null. Access is C.


A Boolean resource that, when True, ensures that the visible text contains the cursor. The default is True. Access is CSG.


An integer indicating the blink rate of the text cursor in milliseconds. The default is 500 milliseconds. Access is CSG.


The width, in characters, of the window. The default is 20 characters (if no width is specified with the XmNwidth resource). Access is CSG.


An integer indicating the current location of the cursor. The default is 0. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that the cursor position is marked by a blinking text cursor. The default is True. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, indicates that the user can edit the text in the compound string text widget. When False, the user cannot edit the text. Access is CSG. The default is True.


Specifies the set of keyboard bindings used for CSText. The default set of keyboard bindings is XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT. For multiline text, use XmMULTI_LINE_EDIT. Access is CSG.


Callback (or callbacks) made when the compound string text widget has accepted the input focus. The reason for this callback is XmCR_FOCUS and the associated callback structure is DXmCSTextCallbackStruct. The default is Null. Access is C.


The font list to be used for the compound string text widget. The default is the current server font list (DXmDefaultFont). Access is CSG.


Callback (or callbacks) made when the compound string text widget loses input focus. The callback reason is XmCR_LOSING_FOCUS and the associated callback structure is XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
event A pointer to the XEvent that generated this callback.
doit Controls whether the action that invoked the callback is performed. Setting this field to False negates the action.
currInsert The current position of the insertion cursor.

The default is Null. Access is C.


The number of pixels between the top or bottom edge of the window and the text. The default is 6 pixels. Access is CSG.


The number of pixels between the left or right edge of the window and the text. The default is 6 pixels. Access is CSG.


The maximum length of the text, in characters, in the compound string text widget. The default is the largest integer (MAXINT). Access is CSG.


Callback (or callbacks) made before text is deleted from or inserted into the CSText widget. The callback reason is XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE and the associated callback structure is DXmCSTextVerifyCallbackStruct. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
event A pointer to the XEvent that generated this callback.
doit Controls whether the action that invoked the callback is performed. Setting this field to False negates the action.
currInsert The current position of the insertion cursor.
newInsert The position of the cursor after the action has been completed.
startPos The starting position of the text that is to be modified.
endPos The ending position of the text that is to be modified. If no text is replaced or deleted, the value is the same as startPos.
text A pointer to an XmString holding the text to be inserted.

The default is Null. Access is C.


Callback (or callbacks) made before the cursor is moved to another position. The callback reason is XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR and the associated callback structure is XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
event A pointer to the XEvent that generated this callback.
doit Controls whether the action that invoked the callback is performed. Setting this field to False negates the action.
currInsert The current position of the insertion cursor.
newInsert The position of the cursor after the action has been completed.

The default is Null. Access is C.


A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that selected text containing the insertion point is to be deleted when new text is entered. The default is True. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that specifies whether the compound string text widget resizes its height to accommodate all the text contained in the widget. When True, the compound string text widget resizes its height and the text is always displayed starting from the first position in the source, even if instructed otherwise. This resource is ignored if XmNscrollVertical is True. The default is False. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that specifies whether the compound string text widget resizes its width to accommodate all the text contained in the widget. When True, the compound string text widget resizes its width. This resource is ignored if XmNwordWrap is True. The default is False. Access is CSG.


The height, in characters, of the window. This resource is ignored if the XmNeditMode resource is XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT. The default is 1 character (if no height has been specified with the XmNheight resource). Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, adds a scroll bar that allows the user to scroll through the text horizontally. The default is False. Access is CG.

This resource is valid only for the DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine.


A Boolean resource that, when True, places the vertical scroll bar on the left side of the compound string text window. This resource is ignored if the XmNscrollVertical resource is False. Access is CG.

This resource is valid only for the DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine.


A Boolean resource that, when True, places the horizontal scroll bar at the top side of the compound string text window. The default is False. Access is CG.

This resource is valid only for the DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine.


A Boolean resource that, when True, adds a scroll bar that allows the user to scroll through the text vertically. The default is False. Access is CG.

This resource is valid only for the DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine.


Specifies actions that result from multiple mouse clicks. The value of this resource is an array of XmTextScanType elements. The following values (listed in the order they occur in the default array) indicate the possible actions:
Value Description
XmSELECT_POSITION Resets the insertion cursor position
XmSELECT_WORD Selects a word
XmSELECT_LINE Selects a line of text
XmSELECT_ALL Selects all of the text

The default is the default array. Access is CSG.


The number of elements in the XmNselectionArray resource. The default is 4. Access is CSG.


The number of pixels of motion required to select the next character during a mouse click and drag operation. The default is 5 pixels. Access is CSG.


Displays the position of text at the top of the window. The default is 0. Access is CSG.


The text contents of the compound string text widget. The default is Null. When Null, the text path and editing paths are set to DXmDIRECTION_RIGHT_DOWN. Otherwise, the text and editing paths are set from the direction of the first segment of the value. The access is CSG.


Callback (or callbacks) made when the value of the compound string text widget changes. The reason for this callback is XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED and the associated callback structure is DXmCSTextCallbackStruct. The default is Null. Access is C.


A Boolean resource that specifies whether word wrap is set. When True, lines are broken at word breaks and text does not run off the right edge of the window. This resource is ignored if the XmNeditMode resource is set to XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT. The default is False. Access is CSG.

Resource Exceptions

The DXmCSText widget supports the Core resources XmNwidth and XmNheight differently in that the defaults for both resources are set as large as necessary to display the rows and columns with the given margin width and margin height.

Callback Information

Following are descriptions of the two callback structures used by the CSText widget: DXmCSTextCallback Structure

typedef struct 
      int           reason;  
      XEvent        *event;  
      char          *charset; 
      unsigned int  charset_len; 
} DXmCSTextCallbackStruct; 
DXmCSTextCallback Fields


An integer set to the callback reason.


A pointer to the XEvent structure that generated the callback.


A character set identifier for which the widget has no matching font in its font list. The callback modifies the widget font list to include an entry for the required character set.


The length of the charset string. DXmCSTextCallback Reasons The following table lists the reasons and valid callback fields:
Reason Description Valid Fields
DXmCR_NOFONT There was no entry in the widget font list for the required character set. reason, event, charset, charset_len
XmCR_ACTIVATE The user activated the CSText widget. reason, event
XmCR_FOCUS The compound string text widget has received the input focus. reason, event
XmCR_HELP The user selected help. reason, event
XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED The user changed the value of the text in the compound string text widget. reason
XmTextVerifyCallback Structure

typedef struct 
      int                reason;  
      XEvent             *event;  
      Boolean            doit; 
      DXmCSTextPosition  currInsert, newInsert; 
      DXmCSTextPosition  startPos, endPos; 
      XmString           text; 
} XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct, *XmTextVerifyPtr; 
XmTextVerifyCallback Fields


An integer set to the callback reason.


A pointer to the XEvent structure that generated the callback.


Controls whether the action that invoked the callback is performed. Setting this field to False negates the action.


The current position of the insertion cursor.


The position of the cursor after the action has been completed. (Used only by the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback and XmNmotionVerifyCallback callback routines.)


The starting position of the text that is to be modified. (Used only by the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback callback routine.)


The ending position of the text that is to be modified. If no text is replaced or deleted, the value is the same as startPos. (Used only by the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback callback routine.)


A pointer to a compound string containing the text that is to be inserted. (Used only by the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback callback routine.) XmTextVerifyCallback Reasons The following table lists the reasons and valid callback fields:
Reason Description Valid Fields
XmCR_LOSING_FOCUS The compound string text widget has lost the input focus. reason, event, doit, currInsert
XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE The user is deleting or inserting text. reason, event, doit, currInsert, newInsert, startPos, endPos, text
XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR The user is moving the insertion cursor to another position. reason, event, doit, currInsert, newInsert


The DXmCreateCSText routine creates a compound string text widget that provides your application with text editing capabilities, including the ability for users to enter and edit text in the same character set and writing direction used throughout the user interface. By default, the text window expands or shrinks as the user enters or deletes text characters. Note that the text window does not shrink below the initial size set at creation time.

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