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The following sections contain requirements for hardware, software, OpenVMS classes, installation account and backup.
2.1.1 Back Up Your System Disk
Perform a backup of your system disk before installing any software.
Use the backup procedures that have been established at your site. See
the OpenVMS System Managers Manual: Essentials and the
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manuals in the
OpenVMS operating system documentation for more information.
2.1.2 Hardware Requirements
The Enterprise Integration Packages support all valid OpenVMS Alpha CPU configurations.
The Enterprise Integration Server for OpenVMS License Package products
require 64 MB of memory, 525MB (1.05 M blocks) of disk space during
installation, and 512MB (1 M blocks) of disk space after installation.
2.1.3 Software Requirements
Enterprise Integration Packages Release 3.4 component versions are
fully supported only on OpenVMS Alpha 7.3-2. HP strongly recommends
that you upgrade to this operating system version. See the individual
component SPDs or installation guides for components that support other
versions of OpenVMS.
2.1.4 Installation Account Requirements
Install the products from an installation account with:
Parameter | R3.0, R3.1, R3.2 Value | R2.0 Value |
ASTLM | 200 | 250 |
BIOLM | 10000 | 150 |
BYTLM | 300000 | 64000 |
DIOLM | 200 | 150 |
ENQLM | 2048 | 2048 |
FILLM | 300 | 300 |
PRCLM | 10 | 3 |
PGFLQUOTA | 65000 | 65000 |
WSEXTENT | 16384 | 16384 |
TQELM | 200 | 200 |
WSDEF | 1024 | 2000 |
WSQUO | 2048 | 4000 |
JTQUOTA | 4096 | 4096 |
The file SYSUAF.DAT contains user account quotas. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. First set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE:
At the (UAF) prompt, enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example:
To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command. The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SYSTEM account and then exits from the utility:
After you exit from the utility, the system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect.
For more information on modifying account quotas, refer to the
description of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS System Management
Documentation Subkit.
2.1.6 OpenVMS Class Requirements
The Enterprise Integration Packages-related components require that you have installed all the OpenVMS default classes.
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