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Deletes a container file system and all its contents.Applies to: NFS server
Related commands: CREATE CONTAINER
DELETE CONTAINER container_file_system
Wildcards are not allowed.Requires both read and delete access to the directory.
Requires BYPASS privilege.
Required.Device and directory name of the container file (no wildcards).
The container file has file type .CONTAINER.
#1 |
Deletes the container directory WORK1$:[DOVE.NEST_BUILDING] along with the container file, all subdirectories, and files.
Displays a list of files, along with typical directory information, in a UNIX container directory.Applies to: NFS server
DIRECTORY "/path/name"
[ /FULL ]
[ /VMS ]
- Read access to the specified container directory.
- BYPASS privilege.
Required.Name of the UNIX container directory for which you want a directory listing and, optionally, directory names.
Optional. Default: Brief display.Displays a comprehensive list of information, including the OpenVMS file name, for each file.
Optional. Default: No OpenVMS file names provided.Provides the corresponding OpenVMS file name for each file.
#1 |
TCPIP> DIRECTORY/FULL "/nest_container" Directory: /nest_container . OpenVMS file: _$1$DISK:[SYSTEM.NEST.HATCHLING]00012301$BFS.DIR;1 Size File ID: 74497 Blocks: 4 Owner Bytes: 1915 UID: 0 Created: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:18.91 GID: 1 Revised: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:19.24 Mode: 755 Type: Directory Accessed: 1-NOV-2002 13:16:20.52 Links: 2 .. OpenVMS file: _$1$DISK:[SYSTEM.NEST.HATCHLING]00012301$BFS.DIR;1 Size File ID: 74497 Blocks: 4 Owner Bytes: 1915 UID: 0 Created: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:18.91 GID: 1 Revised: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:19.24 Mode: 755 Type: Directory Accessed: 1-NOV-2002 13:16:20.52 Links: 2 .SUPER.SYS OpenVMS file: no corresponding file Size File ID: 6145 Blocks: 1 Owner Bytes: 54 UID: 0 Created: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:18.91 GID: 1 Revised: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:17.24 Mode: 644 Type: File Accessed: 1-NOV-2002 13:16:18.52 Links: 1 .BITMAP.SYS OpenVMS file: no corresponding file Size File ID: 6657 Blocks: 16 Owner Bytes: 8187 UID: 0 Created: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:18.91 GID: 1 Revised: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:17.24 Mode: 644 Type: File Accessed: 1-NOV-2002 13:16:18.52 Links: 1 .HISTORY.SYS OpenVMS file: no corresponding file Size File ID: 66305 Blocks: 1 Owner Bytes: 129 UID: 0 Created: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:18.91 GID: 1 Revised: 1-NOV-2002 13:17:17.24 Mode: 644 Type: File Accessed: 1-NOV-2002 13:16:18.52 Links: 1 |
Displays a full directory listing of the container file system /nest_container .
#2 |
TCPIP> DIRECTORY "/dove/nest/plans" |
Displays names of the files in UNIX directory /dove/nest/plans .
For most services, this command disables the specified service but does not stop the current process. This allows you to perform an orderly shutdown of the service, which prevents new connections while allowing current connections to continue.To stop and restart the current process:
- Wait until the process exits, or stop it using the service-specific shutdown command procedure (TCPIP$service_SHUTDOWN.COM).
- Restart the service using the service-specific startup command procedure (TCPIP$service_STARTUP.COM).
Note that, for the NFS server, TELNET, and RLOGIN, the DISABLE SERVICE command stops the current process.
[ /ADDRESS=IP_address ]
[ /PORT=n ]
[ /PROCESS=process ]
[ /PROTOCOL=protocol ]
Required.Service you want to disable. Specify any service that appears in the SHOW SERVICE display. To disable all services, use a wildcard.
Optional. Default: only the services for the specified address.
Optional. Default: All ports.Disables the service communicating at the specified port.
Optional. Default: All processes.Disables the service running as the specified process.
Optional. Default: All protocols.Disables only the services that use the specified protocol.
#1 |
Disables TELNET.
#2 |
Disables the remote login process that is bound to address
Interactively terminates a TCP/IP connection.
Required.Number of the device socket associated with the connection you want to terminate.
#1 |
Interactively terminates the connection at DEVICE_SOCKET BG123.
Makes a physically remote file system that is currently accessible to local users inaccessible.Dismounts a remote file system or directory from local device DNFSn: (the mount point).
Related commands: MOUNT, SHOW MOUNT
Applies to: NFS client
DISMOUNT { mount_point | logical_name }
[ /ALL ]
[ /HOST=host ]
[ /[NO]WAIT ]
Dismounting a /SYSTEM mount requires SYSNAM privilege.Dismounting a /GROUP mount requires GRPNAM privilege.
Required (if you omit logical_name and the /ALL qualifier). Default: None.DNFS device (and optional directory tree) required to dismount. Specify this mount point as one of the following:
DNFSn: DNFSn:[dir.subdir] DNFSn:[dir.subdir]filewhere:
n Value from 1 to 9999. [ dir] or
[ dir.subdir]Directory to mount
(up to eight in addition to the [000000] directory).file Individual file to dismount. If you use the /ALL qualifier, you must specify DNFSn: without the directory tree.
Required (if you omit mount_point and the /ALL qualifier). Default: None.Logical name that you defined with the MOUNT command of the device to dismount.
Optional.Dismounts one of the following:
- All file systems from all servers: DISMOUNT /ALL
- All file systems on the specified server: DISMOUNT /ALL /HOST=host
- All file systems on the specified device: DISMOUNT DNFSn: /ALL
If you dismount using the /ALL qualifier, the dismount operation completes even if the server is not currently reachable.
Optional. Default: None.Dismounts all file systems from the specified NFS server.
Valid only with the /ALL qualifier.
Optional. Default: /NOWAIT.
- Does not dismount the mounted file system if outstanding activities exist.
- Waits until the dismount has been completed.
- If you try to access any files on the mount point, the dismount fails.
- The client completes the command immediately.
- Dismounting does not actually occur until all file activity has been completed.
#1 |
Makes the file system mounted on local device DNFS3: inaccessible to local users.
#2 |
Dismounts only the specified mount point, [USR.MNT], on local device DNFS4:.
#3 |
Dismounts the DNFS5:[000000] mount point and waits for it to occur.
#4 |
Dismounts all mount points on all devices.
#5 |
Dismounts all mount points served by host robin .
Enables a service on the running TCP/IP Services software.Related commands: DISABLE SERVICE, SHOW SERVICE
ENABLE SERVICE [ service ]
[ /ADDRESS=IP_address ]
[ /PORT=n ]
[ /PROCESS=process ]
[ /PROTOCOL=protocol ]
Optional. Default: All services.Specifies the service to enable. The service must be defined in the services database.
Optional. Default: the service only to the specified address. If your host is multihomed, use this qualifier to configure the service to be offered on a specific Internet interface.
Optional. Starts the service on the specified port./PROCESS=process
Optional.Runs the service as the specified process.
Optional. Default: TCP.Runs the service with the specified protocol.
#1 |
Initializes TELNET communications.
#2 |
Starts the remote login service for users on the host with IP address
#3 |
Starts the SMTP receiver. To start the SMTP sender, see the START MAIL command. For instructions on how to start the SMTP sender when TCP/IP Services starts up, see the SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE command.
Exits from the management program.
Copies a file from within a container directory to an OpenVMS file.Related commands: IMPORT, DIRECTORY
EXPORT "/path/name" vms_file_name
No wildcards.
Required.Specifies the container directory and name of the file you want to copy.
Required.Specifies the target OpenVMS file name for the copied file.
#1 |
TCPIP> EXPORT "/upland/sand/piper" USER1$:[BIRDY]JOBS.TXT |
Copies the file piper from the container directory /upland/sand to the regular OpenVMS file JOBS.TXT in directory [BIRDY] on disk USER1$:.
Displays online help for using management commands.
HELP [ topic ]
Optional.Specifies a specific topic for which to display help. When you enter the HELP command without specifying topic, a list of topics is displayed.
Copies an OpenVMS file to a UNIX file located in a container directory.Related commands: EXPORT, DIRECTORY
Applies to: NFS server
IMPORT vms_file_name "/path/name"
[ /HOST=host ]
[ /[NO]LOG ]
[ /MODE=n ]
[ /UID=n ]
[ /USER_NAME=vms_user_name ]
No wildcards.
Required.Name of the file to copy.
Required.Specifies the name of the UNIX container directory into which you want to copy the file and a file name.
Optional. Default: /CONVERT.Converts OpenVMS record files to STREAM_LF files. (The NFS server stores UNIX files in STREAM_LF format.)
Optional.Selects specific hosts if the proxy database has multiple host entries with the same user name and UID.
Optional. Default: Displays values for host, UID, GID, and user name.Displays a full description of the specified proxy database record for you to determine ownership.
Optional. Default: 755 (provides the following protection for owner, group, and world: rwx-rx-rx).Specifies a UNIX protection mask for a new directory.
Specify octal values in the following order: user, group, others. The values are:
- 0 --- No access
- 1 --- Execute access
- 2 --- Write access
- 3 --- Write and execute access
- 4 --- Read access
- 5 --- Read and execute access
- 6 --- Read and write access
- 7 --- Read, write, and execute access
For example, /MODE=751 provides:
User Read, write, and execute access 7 rwx Group Read and execute access 5 rx Other Execute access 1 x /UID=n
Optional. Default: Determined with CREATE DIRECTORY.Selects a specific entry in the proxy database to determine the ownership of the UNIX file.
In the proxy database:
- UID and GID fields identify UNIX ownership.
- User name field identifies OpenVMS ownership.
If you want to access an entry in the proxy database without a unique UID and user name combination, you might need to specify the /HOST qualifier. For example, the same UID and user name combination could appear on multiple hosts.
You can use the /UID qualifier in any combination with the /HOST and /USER_NAME qualifiers. However, if you do not have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, the values you specify must correspond to the values for your user name in the proxy database.
Optional. Default: None.Selects a specific entry in the proxy database to determine the ownership of the UNIX file.
The UID and GID fields in this entry establish the file's UNIX identity, while the user name field provides the OpenVMS ownership.
If you want to access an entry in the proxy database without a unique UID and user name combination, you might need to specify the /HOST qualifier. For example, the same UID and user name combination could appear on multiple hosts.
If you have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege and do not specify the /USER_NAME qualifier, the proxy record with a UID of 0 and a GID of 1 is selected.
SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege is required to select a user name that has a UIC different from the UIC of the process running the management program.
You can use the /USER_NAME qualifier in any combination with the /HOST and /UID qualifiers. However, if you do not have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, the values you specify must correspond to the values for your user name in the proxy database.
If you do not specify the /USER_NAME qualifier, the proxy record with a GID of 1 and a UID of 0 is selected. If there is no proxy entry for the UID of 0, IMPORT fails.
#1 |
TCPIP> IMPORT USER1$:[BIRDY]JOBS.TXT "/upland/sand/piper" |
Copies the file JOBS.TXT to the new file piper in the container directory /upland/sand . The file's ownership depends on the directory information specified with the CREATE DIRECTORY command.
Displays the communication controller definitions defined in the configuration database.Related commands: DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER, DELETE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER
Optional. Default: All devices.Specifies the OpenVMS device name of communication controller definitions to be displayed.
Optional. Default: All alphabetic characters.Specifies the first character of the Internet interface name corresponding to the communication controller definitions to be displayed. For more information on network interfaces, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.
#1 |
TCPIP> LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER Communication Controller Configuration Controller: LO Internet Interface: L Description: Type: LOCAL Controller: WI Internet Interface: W Description: Type: WIRELESS Controller: EC Internet Interface: C Description: Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET Controller: XE Internet Interface: D Description: Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET Controller: EF Internet Interface: F Description: Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET Controller: CL Internet Interface: I Description: ATM Classical IP Type: FDDI Controller: EL Internet Interface: L Description: ATM Emulated LAN Type: FDDI Controller: PP Internet Interface: P Description: Point to Point Protocol Type: PPP Controller: EB Internet Interface: B Description: Shared Memory LAN Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET Controller: EI Internet Interface: I Description: Fast Ethernet - I82558 Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET Controller: FA Internet Interface: A Description: Type: CLUSTER FDDI Controller: FC Internet Interface: C Description: Type: CLUSTER FDDI Controller: IC Internet Interface: C Description: Type: CLUSTER TOKEN_RING Controller: IR Internet Interface: R Description: Type: CLUSTER TOKEN_RING Controller: SL Internet Interface: S Description: Type: SERIAL Controller: CL Internet Interface: I Description: ATM Classical IP Type: FDDI TCPIP> |
Displays all the information in the table used to match OpenVMS device names with Internet interface names.
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