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Attempts to mount the /usr file system. If it cannot, it waits 1 minute and retries the connection up to 20 times.
#4 |
TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS5:[USERS.MNT] /HOST="sigma" /PATH="/usr" %DNFSMOUNT-S-MOUNTED, /usr mounted on _DNFS5:[USERS.MNT] TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS5:[USERS.MNT] /HOST="sigma" /PATH="/usr/users" /FORCE %DNFSMOUNT-S-REMOUNTED, _DNFS5:[USERS.MNT] remounted as /usr/users on SIGMA |
Specifies a lower level in the NFS server path with the second mount. This constitutes another path name and qualifies for an overmount.
#5 |
TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH.MNT] /HOST="sigma" /PATH="/usr" %DNFSMOUNT-S-MOUNTED, /usr mounted on _DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH.MNT] TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH] /HOST="sigma" /PATH="/usr" /FORCE %DNFSMOUNT-S-MOUNTED, /usr mounted on _DFS22:[USERS.SMITH] %TCPIP-I-OCCLUDED, previous contents of _DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH] occluded |
The /FORCE qualifier performs an occluded mount. If you issue the DIRECTORY command, the NFS client occludes (hides from view) the subdirectory dropped from the first MOUNT command.
To make the directory visible again, either issue the SHOW MOUNT command (both mounts will be visible) or dismount DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH].
#6 |
Mounts path INFERNO with label BOOK1 and logical name BEATRICE. Specifies the volume structure as ODS-5.
Sends ICMP ECHO packets to hosts to determine whether they are active. Same as the LOOP command.
PING [ host ]
[ /ADDRESS=xx.xx.xx.xx ]
[ /ALL ]
[ /FULL ]
[ /PATTERN="hexadecimal-string" ]
[ /[NO]ROUTE ]
[ /WAIT=n ]
Specifies the host to which the test packets are sent.
Omitting host tests the TCP/IP Services software on the local node, as defined by the system logical TCPIP$INET_HOST.
Optional.Specifies the IP address of the host to which the test packets are sent.
Optional. Default: Not all requests.Displays all ICMP ECHO_REQUESTs, even if not in direct response to this operation.
Optional.Numeric output only. No attempt is made to look up symbolic names for host addresses. This occurs only when displaying ICMP packets other than ECHO_RESPONSE.
Optional. Default: 4 packetsSpecifies the number of packets to send. If you specify 0, packets are sent continuously until you terminate it with Ctrl/C.
Optional. Default: 64 bytes.Specifies the size of the ICMP ECHO_REQUEST.
Optional.Fills out the packet you send with up to 16 bytes, which is useful for diagnosing data-dependent problems. The string is a hexadecimal string of up to 32 characters (16 bytes).
For example, /PATTERN="ff" causes the sent packet to be filled with ones (1).
Optional. Default: /ROUTE.
/ROUTE Request is routed through the normal routing tables.
/NOROUTE Normal routing tables are bypassed.
If the host is not on the LAN, you get an error./WAIT=n
Optional.Specifies the number of seconds to wait between sending packets.
#1 |
TCPIP> PING dented |
Specifies that the local host test the connectivity path to host dented .
Removes a link to a directory within a UNIX container directory. If there are no other links to it, the directory is deleted.Related commands: CREATE DIRECTORY, DIRECTORY
Applies to: NFS server
- Read and write access to the parent directory
- BYPASS privilege
Required.Directory with the link you want to remove.
#1 |
TCPIP> REMOVE DIRECTORY "/eagles/eaglet" |
Removes a link to the directory /eagles/eaglet .
Deletes directory names from the export database so that they are not available for mounting by an NFS client.Related commands: ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, MAP, SET CONFIGURATION MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP
Applies to: NFS server
REMOVE EXPORT "/path/name"
[ /HOST=host ]
Requires read and write access to the export database.
Required.Directory name to delete from the export database.
Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.When the software encounters a match, it displays a description and solution. If /CONFIRM is enabled, the software then requests confirmation before deleting each directory name. Enter one of the following:
- Y to delete the name
- N to retain the name
If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request.
Optional. Default: /HOST=* (all hosts).Host, running NFS client, that will become unable to access the specified container directory.
Format for multiple hosts:
/HOST=("host0","host1", "host2")
#1 |
TCPIP> REMOVE EXPORT "/house/finch" |
Removes the name of container directory /house/finch from the export database. This directory is now inaccessible to NFS client users.
#2 |
TCPIP> REMOVE EXPORT "/oceans/swamps" /HOST=("tern","crane") |
Modifies the accessibility of local UNIX directory /oceans/swamps . This directory is now unavailable to users working on hosts tern and crane , which run NFS client software.
Removes a link to a file within a container directory. If there are no other links to it, the file is deleted.Related commands: DIRECTORY, REMOVE DIRECTORY
Applies to: NFS server
REMOVE FILE "/path/name"
- Read and write access to the parent directory
- BYPASS privilege
Required.File with the link you want to remove.
#1 |
TCPIP> REMOVE FILE "/peacock/" |
Removes the NFS link to the file preening .
Deletes mail messages from SMTP queues.Without the user parameter, all messages from the user name that correspond to your process's user name are deleted.
Related commands: SEND MAIL, SHOW MAIL
Applies to: SMTP
REMOVE MAIL [ user ]
[ /[NO]COPY=[directory] ]
[ /ENTRY=n ]
Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege for mail messages that are not yours.
Optional. Default: All mail messages with your process's user name.Removes messages sent from the specified user name.
Optional. Default: Messages copied to the user's default directory.Copies messages to be deleted to the specified directory.
/NOCOPY: Messages are not copied.
Optional. Defaults:
- With an entry number specified --- /NOCONFIRM
- Without an entry number specified --- /CONFIRM
If you specify /CONFIRM, or if you omit an entry number, requests confirmation before deleting each message. Respond to the CONFIRM: prompt by entering one of the following:
- Y to delete the mail message
- N to retain the mail message
- G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode
If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier or an entry, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request.
Optional. Default: All.Queue entry numbers to remove from the SMTP queue.
#1 |
Removes all messages for your process's user name, or deletes everything in the SMTP queue if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
#2 |
Removes message 781, if it corresponds to your process's user name, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
#3 |
Removes all messages for BROOD, if your process's user name is BROOD, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
#4 |
Removes all messages for COCKATOO, if this is your process's user name, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. Before deletion, copies this queued mail to the specified directory.
Deletes entries from the volatile and permanent proxy database.Related commands: ADD PROXY, SHOW PROXY
Applies to: NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS, remote shell, LPR/LPD, and customer-developed services
REMOVE PROXY [ user_name ]
[ /GID=n ]
[ /HOST=host ]
[ /NFS=options ]
[ /REMOTE_USER=user ]
[ /UID=n ]
- Read and write access to the proxy database
- One of the following privileges:
Optional. Default: All entries (REMOVE PROXY *).Deletes the specified entries from the proxy database.
Optional. Default: Both communication and NFS entries.Deletes communication (non-NFS) proxies.
Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.With /CONFIRM enabled, the software requests confirmation before deleting records. At the CONFIRM: prompt, enter one of the following:
- Y to delete the entry
- N to retain the entry
- G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode
If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request.
Optional. Default: All GIDs.Deletes only proxies for the specified group identifier (GID).
Optional. Default: All hosts.Deletes only proxies for the specified host.
Optional. Default: /NFS=(INCOMING,OUTGOING).Deletes an NFS proxy. Specify one of the following:
/NFS=OUTGOING Proxy to use NFS client /NFS=INCOMING Proxy to use NFS server /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMING) Proxy to use NFS client and NFS server /PERMANENT
Optional. Default: None.Deletes entries only from the permanent proxy database.
Optional. Default: None.Deletes entries for the specified remote user name.
Optional. Default: All UIDs.Limits the search of entries to delete to proxies for the specified UID.
#1 |
Removes authorization for UID 83 on host GOLDEN from OpenVMS account peacock .
#2 |
Removes authorization for UID 83 from host GOLDEN.
#3 |
TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY /HOST=("goose","grouse") |
Removes authorization for all users on hosts goose and grouse .
#4 |
Totally removes authorization for UID 83.
#5 |
Removes authorization for remote user PARTRIDGE on all hosts.
Requeues a mail message for delivery. Releases jobs that are in a hold state.Related commands: REMOVE MAIL, SHOW MAIL
Applies to: SMTP
SEND MAIL [ user ]
[ /AFTER=time ]
[ /ENTRY=n ]
SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege required to requeue mail messages that do not correspond to your process's user name.
Optional. Default: All.Requeues messages sent from the specified user name.
Optional. Default: Immediate delivery attempt.Time after which delivery is to be attempted.
Optional. Defaults:
- With an entry number specified --- /NOCONFIRM
- Without an entry number specified --- /CONFIRM
With /CONFIRM enabled, the software requests confirmation before deleting each message when you omit an entry number. At the CONFIRM: prompt, enter one of the following:
- Y to delete the message
- N to retain the message
- G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode
With /NOCONFIRM enabled, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request.
Optional.Queue number of the mail message to be re-queued for delivery.
Provides the dynamic mapping from an IP address to the corresponding physical network address (hardware address) on an FDDI, Ethernet, or Token Ring LAN segment.SET NOARP removes an address-mapping pair (IP address to physical network address).
Related command: SHOW ARP
SET ARP mac_address host
Requires OPER privilege.
Required.Specifies the physical network adddress (the hardware address) on an FDDI, Ethernet, or Token Ring LAN segment to be mapped to an IP address.
For mac_address, specify hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh, where hh are pairs of hexadecimal digits.
Required.Specifies the host on the targeted LAN segment. If you do not supply a host name, you must supply its corresponding IP address.
Optional. Default: /PERMANENT.Specifies whether the mapping information is cached.
/NOPERMANENT removes ARP mapping after the caching interval.
Not valid with SET NOARP.
Optional. Default: /PUBLIC.Specifies whether the local ARP responds to ARP requests from other hosts to the specified host.
/NOPUBLIC maps only for the local host.
Not valid with SET NOARP.
#1 |
Permanently maps CONDOR's host name to FDDI address AA-BB-04-05-06-07.
Creates client entries in the BOOTP database.SET NOBOOTP does not require any qualifiers.
[ /FILE=file]
[ /GATEWAYS=hosts ]
[ /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address ]
[ /SERVERS=type=host ]
[ /TIME_OFFSET=seconds ]
Requires read, write, and delete access to the BOOTP database.
Required.Specifies the client to which your system will download files upon request. Enter a host name or IP address.
Optional.Specifies the name of the client's system image or other file to download upon request.
- By default, upon receiving a request, BOOTP looks for this file in TCPIP$TFTP_ROOT:[host], where host is the client's host name, excluding the domain.
- If this directory does not exist, BOOTP uses:
TCPIP$TFTP_ROOT:[000000].- When the TCP/IP Services software receives a boot request, BOOTP verifies the existence and size of this file.
Optional. Default: None.Specifies the gateways used for routing.
Required.Specifies the client's hardware address. For hex_addr, specify: hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh.
Required if you use subnets; otherwise optional.Specifies the part of the host field of an IP address identified as the subnet.
The software calculates the default by setting the following:
- The bits representing the network field to 1
- The bits representing the host field to 0
You can divide the host field into a site-specific subnetwork and a host field. If you use subnets, you must specify a subnet field.
Optional.Specifies other servers whose names BOOTP can supply to clients. Here, host specifies a host name or IP address and type can be one or more of the following:
[NO]COOKIE Cookie server [NO]IEN_NAME IEN-116 name server [NO]IMPRESS Impress network image server (IMAGEN) [NO]LPR Berkeley 4BSD print server [NO]LOG MIT-LCS UDP logging server [NO]NAME BIND name server [NO]RESOURCE Resource Location Protocol
(RLP) server (RFC-887)[NO]TIME Internet time server (RFC-868) /TIME_OFFSET=seconds
Optional. Default: 0 seconds.Specifies the time difference, in seconds, between the client's time zone and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) expressed in seconds. This value is zero (0) in the British Isles and parts of Europe, a positive number for locations east of the zero meridian, and a negative number for locations west of the zero meridian.
#1 |
Adds client host PLOVER, with hardware address 08-00-2D-20-23-21 to the BOOTP database. BOOTP can respond to a remote boot request from client PLOVER with a reply packet containing the name of the file to down load and its IP address.
#2 |
Adds client host ERN to the BOOTP database and specifies that ERN will use PLOVER AND GULL as cookie servers.
#3 |
Adds client host PLOVER to the BOOTP database and specifies that PLOVER will use GULL as a COOKIE server and BIRDS as its name server.
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