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For routing mail, adds routing information to the local Mail Exchanger (MX) database.Each entry contains a list of hosts that can accept mail for the specified destination. The list is in order of routing preference.
The local MX information is stored in the routes database.
The MX entry is one of the record types in the BIND database. In addition, a BIND server might provide an MX record.
SMTP is designed to determine where the sending system should try to relay mail. It is also designed to identify where the sending system actually tries to relay mail. To find a destination address, the MX routing lookup process follows this sequence:
- Local MX database
- Remote MX database
- BIND database
- Local hosts database
Related command: SHOW MX_RECORD
SET MX_RECORD destination
[ /GATEWAY=host ]
Requires read and write access to the routes database.
Required.Host name or domain name to which mail will be sent.
Required with SET MX_RECORD. Optional with SET NOMX_RECORD.Gateway through which mail will be relayed. Must have an address in either the local hosts database or the BIND database.
A destination can have multiple gateways, each with an associated preference value.
Required.Arbitrary number for ranking multiple gateways for a destination. The smaller the number, the higher the preference in sending mail by way of that gateway.
Do not use with SET NOMX_RECORD.
#1 |
Assigns MARS as the gateway for host JUNO with a preference of 100.
#2 |
Assigns VENUS as the gateway for host JUNO with a preference of 200.
Configures the BIND resolver and designates a BIND server. By default, all settings are process specific.
- To make modifications that are systemwide, use the /SYSTEM qualifier.
- The local host's domain is used as the default domain unless you also specify /DOMAIN.
- To reload the BIND server databases, use the /INITIALIZE qualifier.
- /NOSERVER does not require any options.
SET NAME_SERVICE [ /CLUSTER=dev:[directory]]
[ /[NO]DOMAIN=domain ]
[ /[NO]PATH=domain ]
[ /RETRY=number of retries ]
[ /[NO]SERVER=host ]
[ /TIMEOUT=seconds ]
[ /TRANSPORT=protocol ] )
The /SYSTEM qualifier requires SYSPRV or BYPASS and SYSNAM privileges. The /INITIALIZE qualifier requires BYPASS, READALL, or SYSPRV privileges.
Optional.Specifies the common BIND directory. By default, the clusterwide common directory is common-disk:[TCPIP$BIND_COMMON]. This qualifier reloads the BIND database on every master BIND server running in the OpenVMS Cluster.
This qualifier must be used with the /INITIALIZE qualifier.
Optional.Disables the BIND resolver. All name and address lookups are now directed to the local hosts database. Use with /SYSTEM.
Optional.Defines the default domain. The default domain is appended to host name references made from the local process.
/NODOMAIN deletes the process-specific definition of the domain. Do not use with /SYSTEM.
Optional. Default: Not enabled.Enables the BIND resolver. Must be used with /SYSTEM.
Optional. Default: No reloading.Reloads all BIND server databases and the BIND configuration file. Either TCPIP$ETC:RNDC.CONF or TCPIP$ETC:RNDC.KEY must be set up to allow for secure communication between the user and the BIND server. For more information, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.
Optional.Defines the BIND resolver's domain search list.
To specify multiple domains, list them by search preference. The resolver starts with the first domain on the list, and continues to search each domain until the name is found or until all domains have been exhausted and the lookup fails.
/NOPATH removes domains from the list.
If you define a domain list and then issue another SET NAME_SERVICE /PATH command, TCP/IP Services appends the new domains to the end of the list.
If no search list is defined, the default behavior of the BIND resolver is to do a lookup on the name as you typed it. If that lookup fails, then the default domain is appended and the lookup is attempted again.
/RETRY=number of retries
Optional. Default: four retries.Specifies the number of times that the BIND resolver attempts to contact a BIND server if previous tries fail.
Optional.Specifies the host name or address of the BIND server or servers that the resolver will query.
To specify multiple hosts, list them by request preference. The resolver sends the first lookup request to the first host on the list.
/NOSERVER removes hosts from the list.
If you define a server list and then issue another SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER command, TCP/IP Services appends the new servers to the end of the list.
Do not use /NOSERVER with /SYSTEM.
Optional. Default: Changes are process specific.Makes your settings systemwide.
Optional. Default: 4 seconds.Specifies the timeout interval for the BIND resolver's requests to a server.
When the BIND resolver is used by the auxiliary server, the following conditions are true:
- The number of retries is one.
- The timeout interval is 1 second.
- The timeout interval increases by the power of two for each retry, as shown in the following table:
Current settings: If Retries=4
and Timeout=4Retry Timeout interval is: First 4 seconds Second 8 seconds Third 16 seconds Last 32 seconds Total = 1 minute for one server If a second BIND server exists and both servers time out, total = 2 minutes
Optional. Default: UDP.Protocol used for communicating with a BIND server. Specify one of the following:
#1 |
Defines hosts PARROT, SORA, and JACANA as systemwide BIND servers. Also enables the BIND resolver.
#2 |
For your process, defines host OSPREY as the BIND server. The servers that are defined systemwide will not be queried.
Defines or deletes an entry in the networks database.Equivalent to maintaining the /etc/networks file on UNIX hosts.
[ /ADDRESS=IP_address ]
[ /[NO]ALIAS=alias ]
Requires read, write, and delete access to the networks database.
Required.Name of the network.
You cannot delete a network by specifying an alias name.
Required for a new entry.IP address of the network.
Optional.Alternate name for the network.
- Do not use with SET NONETWORK.
- /NOALIAS= alias deletes an alias.
- /NOALIAS=* deletes all aliases.
Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.When used with SET NONETWORK, prompts you to confirm the delete request.
If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request.
#1 |
Creates an entry for network MYNA at IP address, and its alias MYNA_1, to the networks database.
#2 |
Adds a second alias for network MYNA.
#3 |
Deletes the alias MYNA_2 from the network MYNA entry in the networks database.
#4 |
TCPIP> SET NETWORK "jungle" /ALIAS=("parrot","canary","motmot") |
For network jungle , creates the aliases parrot , canary , and motmot .
Modifies dynamic configuration parameters that control NFS server operation.To modify a dynamic configuration parameter, use one or more of the command qualifiers.
Static configuration parameters can take effect only by restarting the NFS server. For more information, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. Edit the TCPIP$ETC:SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file to modify static configuration parameters, as explained in the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Tuning and Troubleshooting manual.
Requires the following privileges:
Optional. Default: If the SYSCONFIG attribute noproxy_enabled is set to 0, then proxies are required for server access. Otherwise, the values of noproxy_uid (for the user ID) and noproxy_gid (for the group ID) become the default for users who have no proxies defined.Disables the use of default UIDs and GIDs.
Optional.Enables the use of default UIDs and GIDs.
Optional. Default: --2.Default GID associated with files owned by a UIC that has no corresponding proxy mapping.
Optional. Default: 120 seconds.Maximum time period (in seconds) that unaccessed NFS files remain open.
Optional. Default: --2.Default UID associated with files owned by a UIC that has no corresponding proxy mapping.
#1 |
Sets the time period that unaccessed NFS files remain open to 180 seconds.
Sets parameters for ICMP, IP, TCP, and UDP.Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL, SHOW PROTOCOL
[ /PROBE_TIMER=seconds ]
[ /QUOTA=[ SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes ]
[ /QUOTA=options ]
Requires OPER privilege.
Required.Specifies the protocol software to configure.
Optional. Default: /NOREDIRECT.Sends ICMP_REDIRECT messages.
Optional. Default: /NOFORWARD.Forwards IP messages to other hosts.
Optional. Default: 7 seconds. Valid range: 1 to 126.Maximum time for trying to reassemble a received datagram.
Optional. Default: /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE.If a connection is more than one hop away, sets the segment size. Specify one of the following:
/MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE Sets the segment size as close as possible to the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE Sets the segment size as close as possible to the standard 512 bytes. /DELAY_ACK
Optional. Default: /DELAY_ACK.Enables or disables a delay before sending the following acknowledgments:
/DELAY_ACK ACKs are generated with a delay. /NODELAY_ACK ACKs are generated without any delay. /DROP_COUNT=n
Optional.Number of idle probes that can go unsatisfied before the software declares a TCP connection dead and closes it.
Optional. Default: 75 seconds.Number of seconds between probes for idle TCP connections (when the SO_KEEPALIVE option is set). If the remote system fails to respond, the connection is removed. Also, when initiating a TCP connection request, indicates the maximum number of seconds that the software waits for a response from the remote system before the request times out.
Optional.Queue size (in bytes) for messages.
The options for setting TCP message queue size are:
- RECEIVE:n --- Receive queue size. Default: 4096 bytes.
- SEND:n --- Send queue size. Default: 4096 bytes.
Optional.Turns TCP window scaling on and off. Default is on.
Scaling allows windows larger than 64 KB to be represented in the normal 16-bit TCP window field. Large windows allow improved throughput. Turning this option off may help you to troubleshoot communication problems with another TCP/IP implementation.
Optional. Default: /NOBROADCAST.Enables privilege checking for broadcast messages.
- /BROADCAST --- Nonprivileged users can send broadcast messages.
- /NOBROADCAST --- To send broadcast messages, users need a privileged UIC or the SYSPRV, BYPASS, or OPER privilege.
ONC RPC applications use broadcast messages and need privilege checking disabled.
Optional.Specifies the queue size (in bytes) for messages.
The options for setting UDP message queue size are:
- RECEIVE:n --- Receive queue size. Default: 9000 bytes.
- SEND:n --- Send queue size. Default: 9000 bytes.
#1 |
Sets IP to forward messages to other hosts, including other Internet cluster nodes.
#2 |
Sets the TCP probe timer parameter to 50 seconds.
Defines a routing path in either the permanent or volatile routes database.Routes in the permanent, on-disk routes database are static. Static routes can be supplemented by routes that the dynamic routing server receives. Defaults are as follows:
- If the network is not active, the command affects the permanent database.
- If the network is active, the command affects the volatile database. (To modify the permanent database, use the /PERMANENT qualifier.)
Note the following restrictions:
- You can add routes.
- You cannot use SET NOROUTE to remove a route that is maintained by the route daemon.
- To have full manual control over your routing table, first issue STOP ROUTING and then use SET NOROUTE.
- SET NOROUTE does not require any qualifiers.
Related commands: SHOW ROUTE, STOP ROUTING
HP strongly recommends that you do not specify alias names with the destination parameter or with the /GATEWAY=host qualifier.
SET [NO]ROUTE destination
[ /GATEWAY=host ]
[ /MASK=mask_length ]
Requires OPER privilege if:
- The TCP/IP Services product is running.
- The routes database requires read and write access.
Required unless you specify the /DEFAULT_ROUTE qualifier.Host or network through which to route packets. Specify one of the following:
- A host, as it is defined in the hosts database
- A network, as it is defined in the networks database
Not valid with /DEFAULT_ROUTE.
Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.Prompts you to confirm the change.
If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request.
Optional. Default: a second route to use if the first try to route a packet fails.
You must also specify a value for /GATEWAY.
Not valid with the destination parameter.
Optional. Default: None.Gateway for the route. Necessary to send packets to a host on another network.
Optional. Default: None.Defines the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) mask length. (The mask length is sometimes referred to as the prefix length.)
CIDR is a method of associating blocks of Internet addresses through the use of a mask. With CIDR, a route is a combination of the IP address and a value describing the length of the leftmost contiguous set of bits.
Optional. Defaults:
- Destination is classified based on its Internet network class (A, B, or C).
- If the address is clearly a network number, SET ROUTE interprets the number correctly.
Defines the route as a network route.
Use this qualifier if the network number could be misinterpreted as an IP host address; for example, if a network mask is nonstandard, or if the IP address is abbreviated.
This qualifier is required if you are creating a network route that specifies a CIDR mask (for example, /MASK=mask_length).
Optional. Defaults:If the network is not active, the permanent routes database is changed. If the network is active, the volatile routes database is changed.
Changes only the permanent routes database.
#1 |
Defines a route for local host DODO to send packets.
#2 |
TCPIP> SET ROUTE 101.81 /GATEWAY=100.42 |
Defines a gateway for routing packets for the host with IP address 101.81.
#3 |
Sets a route through the network whose IP address is 100.45.0.
#4 |
Sets a default route with host DEFGATE as the default gateway. Adds the definition to the permanent routes database.
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