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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual
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Obtains information about a specified message contained in the set of currently selected messages.
MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO context ,in_item_list ,out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. All utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that can be returned by this routine are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
Message context information to be passed to message routines. The context argument is the address of a longword that contains message context information returned by MAIL$MESSAGE_BEGIN.in_item_list
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying options for the routine. The in_item_list argument is the address of a list of item descriptors, each of which specifies an option and provides the information needed to perform the operation.The item list is terminated by longword value of 0.
When you specify Boolean item code MAIL$_MESSAGE_BACK, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO reads the identification number of the current message and returns the preceding message.Specify the value 0 in the buffer length and buffer address fields of the item descriptor.
MAIL$_MESSAGE_ID specifies the message identification number of the message on which the operation is to be performed. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a longword that contains the message identification number.Do not specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_BACK, MAIL$_MESSAGE_ID, and MAIL$_MESSAGE_NEXT in the same call to MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO.
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_MESSAGE_NEXT, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO reads the message identification number of the current message and returns the message that follows it.Specify the value 0 in the buffer length and buffer address fields of the item descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | itmlst_3 |
type: | longword |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_BINARY_DATE, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the message arrival date as a quadword binary value.MAIL$_MESSAGE_CC
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_CC, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the CC: field of the current message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_ID, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the message identification number of the current message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a longword that receives the message identification number of the current message.MAIL$_MESSAGE_DATE
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_DATE, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the message creation date string. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_EXTID, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the external identification number of the current message as a string. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_FROM, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the From: field of the specified message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_REPLY_PATH, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the reply path of the specified message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_RETURN_FLAGS, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the Mail system flag values for the current message as a 2-byte bit mask value.MAIL$_MESSAGE_SENDER
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_SENDER, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the name of the sender of the current message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_SIZE, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the size of the current message in records as a longword value.MAIL$_MESSAGE_SUBJECT
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_SUBJECT, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the Subject: field of the specified message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_TO, MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO returns the To: field of the specified message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO obtains information about a particular message. MAIL$MESSAGE_GET retrieves a message from the set of currently selected messages.The first call to MAIL$MESSAGE_GET passes control to MAIL$MESSAGE_INFO. Subsequent calls that include the MAIL$_MESSAGE_CONTINUE item code return text records.
MAIL$_CONITMCOD The specified item codes define conflicting operations. MAIL$_DELMSG The message is deleted. MAIL$_ILLCTXADR The context block address is illegal. MAIL$_INVITMCOD The specified item code is invalid. MAIL$_INVITMLEN The specified item length is invalid. MAIL$_MISREQITEM The required item is missing. MAIL$_NOFILEOPEN The mail file is not open. MAIL$_NOMOREMSG No more messages. MAIL$_WRONGCTX The context block is incorrect. MAIL$_WRONGFILE The specified file is incorrect in this context. SS$_ACCVIO Access violation. Any condition value returned by LIB$GET_VM.
Modifies information in the message header.
MAIL$MESSAGE_MODIFY context ,in_item_list ,out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. All utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that can be returned by this routine are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
Message context information to be passed to message routines. The context argument is the address of a longword that contains message context information returned by MAIL$MESSAGE_BEGIN.in_item_list
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying options for the routine. The in_item_list argument is the address of a list of item descriptors, each of which specifies an option and provides the information needed to perform the operation.The item list is terminated by longword value of 0.
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_MESSAGE_BACK, MAIL$MESSAGE_MODIFY reads the identification number of the specified message in order to return the first record in the preceding message.Specify the value 0 in the buffer length and buffer address fields of the item descriptor.
Do not specify the item codes MAIL$_MESSAGE_BACK, MAIL$_MESSAGE_ID, and MAIL$_MESSAGE_NEXT in the same call to MAIL$MESSAGE_MODIFY.
MAIL$_MESSAGE_FLAGS specifies system flags for new mail. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a word that contains bit mask offsets. The following offsets can be used to modify the 2-byte bit mask:
- MAIL$V_replied
- MAIL$V_marked
MAIL$_MESSAGE_ID specifies the message identification number of the message on which an operation is to be performed. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a longword that contains the message identification number.Do not specify the item codes MAIL$_MESSAGE_BACK, MAIL$_MESSAGE_ID, and MAIL$_MESSAGE_NEXT in the same call to MAIL$MESSAGE_MODIFY.
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_MESSAGE_NEXT, MAIL$MESSAGE_MODIFY reads the message identification number of a message and returns the first record in the message following the current message.Specify the value 0 in the buffer length and buffer address fields of the item descriptor.
Do not specify the item codes MAIL$_MESSAGE_BACK, MAIL$_MESSAGE_ID, and MAIL$_MESSAGE_NEXT in the same call to MAIL$MESSAGE_MODIFY.
OpenVMS usage: | itmlst_3 |
type: | longword |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_CURRENT_ID, MAIL$MESSAGE_MODIFY returns the message identification number of the current message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a longword that receives the message identification number.
MAIL$_CONITMCOD The specified item codes define conflicting operations. MAIL$_DELMSG The message is deleted. MAIL$_ILLCTXADR The context block address is illegal. MAIL$_INVITMCOD The specified item code is invalid. MAIL$_INVITMLEN The specified item length is invalid. MAIL$_MISREQITEM The required item is missing. MAIL$_NOFILEOPEN The mail file is not open. MAIL$_NOMOREMSG No more messages. MAIL$_WRONGCTX The context block is incorrect. MAIL$_WRONGFILE The specified file is incorrect in this context. SS$_ACCVIO Access violation. Any condition value returned by $FIND and $UPDATE.
Selects a message or messages from the currently open mail file. Before you attempt to read a message, you must select it.
MAIL$MESSAGE_SELECT context ,in_item_list ,out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. All utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that can be returned by this routine are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
Message context information to be passed to message routines. The context argument is the address of a longword that contains message context information returned by MAIL$MESSAGE_BEGIN.in_item_list
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying options for the routine. The in_item_list argument is the address of a list of item descriptors, each of which specifies an option and provides the information needed to perform the operation.The item list is terminated by longword value of 0.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_BEFORE, MAIL$MESSAGE_SELECT selects a message received before a specified date and time. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains a character string 0 to 255 characters long in absolute time.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
MAIL$_MESSAGE_CC_SUBSTRING specifies a character string that must match a substring contained in the CC: field of the specified message. If the strings match, the message is selected. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
MAIL$_MESSAGE_FLAGS specifies bit masks that must be initialized to 1.MAIL$_MESSAGE_FLAGS_MBZ
MAIL$_MESSAGE_FLAGS_MBZ specifies Mail system flags that must be set to 0.MAIL$_MESSAGE_FOLDER
MAIL$_MESSAGE_FOLDER specifies the name of the folder that contains messages to be selected.The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains a character string 0 to 255 characters long.
Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
This item code is required.
MAIL$_MESSAGE_FROM_SUBSTRING specifies a user-specified character string that must match the substring contained in the From: field of a specified message. If the strings match, the message is selected.The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.
Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_SINCE, the Mail utility selects a message received since a specified date and time.The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains a character string 0 to 255 characters long in absolute time.
Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
MAIL$_MESSAGE_TO_SUBSTRING specifies a user-specified character string that must match a substring contained in the To: field of a specified message. If the strings match, the message is selected.The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains a character string 0 to 255 characters long.
Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
MAIL$_MESSAGE_SUBJ_SUBSTRING specifies a user-specified character string that must match a substring contained in the Subject: field of a specified message. If the strings match, the message is selected.The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains a character string 0 to 255 characters long.
Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | itmlst_3 |
type: | longword |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
When you specify MAIL$_MESSAGE_SELECTED, MAIL$MESSAGE_SELECT returns the number of selected messages as a longword value.
MAIL$MESSAGE_SELECT deselects previously selected messages whether or not you request a valid selection.
MAIL$_ILLCTXADR The context block address is illegal. MAIL$_INVITMCOD The specified item code is invalid. MAIL$_INVITMLEN The specified item length is invalid. MAIL$_INVQUAVAL The specified qualifier is invalid MAIL$_MISREQITEM The required item is missing. MAIL$_NOFILEOPEN The mail file is not open. MAIL$_NOTEXIST The specified folder does not exist. MAIL$_NOTISAM The operation applies only to indexed files. MAIL$_WRONGCTX The context block is incorrect. MAIL$_WRONGFILE The specified file is incorrect in this context. SS$_ACCVIO Access violation. Any condition value returned by LIB$GET_VM.
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