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Updated: 11 December 1998

OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual

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$OPEN macro
    expansion of
    for invoking the Open service #1
    for invoking the Open service #2
    using in example #1
    using in example #2
    using in example #3
Open service #1
Open service #2
Open service #3
Open service #4
Open service #5
    condition values
    control block input fields
    control block output fields
    NAM input fields
    NAM output fields
    program example #1
    program example #2
    requirements for using
Packed decimal byte
    structure for key type
Packed decimal string
    as key type
$PARSE macros
    for processing wildcard characters
Parse service
    condition values
    control block input fields #1
    control block input fields #2
    preparing for file search
    preparing for wildcard character processing
    program example
    requirements for using
    improving with SHR argument
Print format options
    for VFC records with 2-byte control area
Program execution mode
    using to call services
Programming interface
    to RMS
Programming languages
    using control blocks with
Prolog levels
$PUT macro
    program example
Put service
    condition values
    control block input fields
    control block output fields
    inserting records by sort order
    inserting records into indexed files
    inserting records into relative files
    inserting records into sequential files
    inserting records with duplicate keys
    record locking caution
    record-processing options
    requirements for using
    update-if logic
    using RAB$V_TPT option
    using RAB$V_UIF option
    using with mailboxes
    using with stream format files
R0 register
    use by control block store macros
RAB$B_BID field
RAB$B_BLN field
RAB$B_KRF field
    for selecting key path
RAB$B_KSZ field
    DECnet requirements
    key size compared to data types
    shared offset
    use with limit option
    use with search key #1
    use with search key #2
    used with performance caching optimization
RAB$B_MBC field
    default logic
    for establishing global buffer size in shared sequential file operations
    for establishing global buffer size in shared sequential file operations
    performance benefit
    use restriction #1
    use restriction #2
RAB$B_MBF field
RAB$B_PSZ field
RAB$B_RAC field
RAB$B_TMO field
    for various record functions
    requirement for RAB$V_TMO option
    use with RAB$V_TMO option for mailbox service
    use with timeout option for terminal operation
RAB$C_KEY option
RAB$C_RFA option
RAB$C_SEQ option
RAB$L_BKT field
    as output
    use with block I/O #1
    use with block I/O #2
RAB$L_CTX field
RAB$L_FAB field
RAB$L_KBF field
    shared offset
    use with limit option
    use with RAB$B_KSZ field
    use with search key
RAB$L_PBF field
RAB$L_RBF field #1
RAB$L_RBF field #2
RAB$L_RBF field #3
RAB$L_RHB field
RAB$L_ROP field
    record processing options
    specifying key match method
RAB$L_STS field
RAB$L_STV field
    alternate access to
    for returning I/O status block
    for returning I/O status block from Put service
    for returning process identification (PID) #1
    for returning process identification (PID) #2
    for returning record length
    using with Get service
RAB$L_STV0 field
RAB$L_UBF field
RAB$L_XAB field
    requirement for using XABTRM
$RAB macro
RAB$V_ASY option
    use restriction
RAB$V_BIO option
RAB$V_CCO option
RAB$V_CDK option
RAB$V_CVT option
RAB$V_EOF option
RAB$V_EQNXT option
    specifying key match method #1
    specifying key match method #2
    specifying key match method #3
    specifying key match method #4
    specifying key match method #5
    used with reverse-search (RAB$V_REV) option
RAB$V_ETO option
    required to use XABTRM
RAB$V_FDL option
RAB$V_KGT option
    used with reverse-search (RAB$V_REV) option
RAB$V_LIM option
RAB$V_LOA option
    determining fill size
    example of use
    use restriction #1
    use restriction #2
RAB$V_LOC option
    use restriction
RAB$V_NLK option
    precedence over RAB$V_ULK option
RAB$V_NXR option
RAB$V_NXT option
    specifying key match method #1
    specifying key match method #2
RAB$V_PMT option
RAB$V_PTA option
RAB$V_RAH option
    default logic
    use restriction
RAB$V_REA option
    use restriction
RAB$V_RLK option
    precedence over RAB$V_REA option
RAB$V_RNE option
RAB$V_RNF option
RAB$V_RRL option
RAB$V_TMO option #1
RAB$V_TMO option #2
    for immediate mailbox service
RAB$V_TPT option
    use restriction
    using with Put service
RAB$V_UIF option
    effects on Put service
    use restriction for indexed files
    using with Put service
RAB$V_ULK option
    subordinate to RAB$V_NLK option
RAB$V_WAT option
RAB$V_WBH option #1
RAB$V_WBH option #2
RAB$W_ISI field
RAB$W_RFA field
    additional symbolic offsets
    as argument to $RAB_STORE macro
    guidelines for using
RAB$W_RSZ field #1
RAB$W_RSZ field #2
RAB$W_RSZ field #3
RAB$W_STV0 offset
    alternate access to RAB$L_STV
RAB$W_STV2 field
    for returning length of escape sequence
RAB$W_STV2 offset
    alternate access to RAB$L_STV
RAB$W_USZ field
    recommended value
    use with block I/O
RAB64 (64-bit record access blocks)
    summary of fields
$RAB64 macro
RAB64$PQ_KBF field
RAB64$PQ_RBF field
RAB64$PQ_RHB field
RAB64$PQ_UBF field
RAB64$Q_CTX field
RAB64$Q_RSZ field
RAB64$Q_USZ field
RAB64 structure
    program example
RAB64$W_RFA field
    as argument to $RAB64_STORE macro
$RAB64_STORE macro
    argument categories
    comparing with $RAB64 macro
    RFA argument
RABs (record access blocks)
    description #1
    description #2
    in C example
    summary of fields #1
    summary of fields #2
    use in VAX MACRO example
$RAB_STORE macro
    argument categories
    comparing with $RAB macro
    RFA argument
RDT (revision-date-time) argument
Read service
    condition values
    control block input fields
    control block output fields
    requirements for using
Record I/O
    how to execute
Record locking record-processing options
Record processing
    services listed
    using record management services
Record processing macros
    format example
Record-processing option
    for Connect service
Record streams
    in the context of a RAB
        RMS program example
    program example show file insertion
    reading and writing requirements
        RMS program example
    saving when making call
Relative file field
    record access
Relative files
    buffer requirement
    defining cell size
    description of relative record number
    determining record length
    establishing highest record number
    nonexistent record processing
    omitting initial prezeroing
    random access
    record size limit
    RFA value
    specifying bucket size
    specifying cell size
Release service
    condition values
    control block input and output fields
Remove service
    caution against mixing with Search service
    comparing with Erase service
    condition values
    control block input fields
    control block output fields #1
    control block output fields #2
    improving performance
    requirements for using
    use with wildcard characters and search lists
Rename service
    alternative to specifying arguments to $RENAME macro
    condition values
    control block input fields
    control block output fields
    exception in argument list
    indicating successful completion
    noting format difference
    program example
    requirements for using
Reserved event flag
    use of
    to calling services
Resultant string
Retrieving records
    program example
Reverse-search key option
    design characteristics
    performance caching optimization
    used with duplicate keys
Revision date and time
    establishing with XABDAT
Revision date and time field
Rewind service
    condition values
    control block input fields
    control block output fields
    use restriction
    allowable program execution modes
    applicable macro programming rules
    block I/O #1
    block I/O #2
        processing services
    calling example
    calling sequence
    calling services
    Control Block Macros
    control blocks
    file organizations
    illformed calls
    implementation from high-level language
    invoking at run time
    naming conventions #1
    naming conventions #2
    naming conventions #3
    passing argument list to
    passing arguments to
    program interface description
    record access modes
    record formats
    restrictions to calling
    security features
    service macros
    supporting file operations
    supporting record operations
    use of DEC Multinational character set
    use of reserved event flags
    block identifier field limitation
RMS calling services
RMS Journaling
    testing for flag
RMS macros
    capabilities listed
    for creating and processing files
    format rules
RMS$_OK_DUP alternate success status
RMS$_OK_LIM success status code
RMS$_XAB error
RMS_DFNBC system parameter
    for specifying default network block count
    access options
    implementation of RMS #1
    implementation of RMS #2
    information to RMS listed
    processing environment

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