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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help
Message Users
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SYSBOOT-E-Bad image header detected while checking system version
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The versions of the system loadable image
being read do not match the current OpenVMS operating system versions.
The images on your system disk are incompatible.
User Action: Obtain a new copy of the OpenVMS system
SYSBOOT-E-Device names not allowed
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: Device names are not valid when
specifying a parameter with the USE command. The device defaults to the
system root (usually the [SYS0.] directory on the system device).
User Action: Reenter the command without a device name.
SYSBOOT-E-End of file error reading
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: An end-of-file error occurred while
SYSBOOT was reading a system loadable image; the error message includes
the file name. The system disk may be corrupt.
User Action: Attempt to reboot the system or try a
different drive. If this fails, obtain a new copy of the OpenVMS system
SYSBOOT-E-Error reading file
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: An irrecoverable error occurred while
SYSBOOT was reading a parameter file in response to a USE command. The
error message contains the file name.
User Action: Reenter the command, specifying the
correct file name.
SYSBOOT-E-I/O error reading file
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: An irrecoverable I/O error occurred while
SYSBOOT was reading a parameter file or a system loadable image. If the
error occurred while a parameter file was being read, SYSBOOT does not
perform the requested action. If the error occurred while a system
loadable image was being read, SYSBOOT terminates the bootstrap
User Action: Attempt to reboot the system or try a
different drive.
SYSBOOT-E-Not a parameter file
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: A file specified in a USE command is not
a parameter file. The error message contains the file name.
User Action: Reenter the command, specifying a
parameter file.
SYSBOOT-E-System version mismatch found
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The versions of the system loadable image
being read do not match the current OpenVMS operating system versions.
The images on your system disk are incompatible.
User Action: Obtain a new copy of the OpenVMS system
SYSBOOT-E-Unable to locate file
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT cannot locate a file; error
message will contain the file name.
User Action: Reenter the command, specifying the
correct file name, or mount the correct media in the console drive.
SYSBOOT-F-Boot time files have too many noncontiguous pieces
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: This error occurs during system
initialization. The system dump, page, or swap file is overly
fragmented (that is, approximately 100 pieces.)
User Action: Back up the system disk using the backup
disk as the new system disk. The Backup utility copies the files in
such a way that the files consist of fewer fragments.
SYSBOOT-F-FBIC version less than minimum required for VMS
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The hardware ECO level is below the level
required for correct software operation.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative.
SYSBOOT-F-Invalid console ID
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The console type code in the console
identification register does not correspond to any supported console
device for the VAX-11 processor being booted.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative.
SYSBOOT-F-Microcode revision level too low to boot
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The hardware ECO level for the VAX-11
processor being booted is below that required to boot the OpenVMS
operating system.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative.
SYSBOOT-F-Not enough nonpaged pool to map
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT is unable to allocate sufficient
nonpaged pool to map a driver or system loadable image. The error
message will include the file name.
User Action: Reboot the system with a larger value for
SYSBOOT-F-Pageable system space exceeds 512 MB
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The size of pageable system space exceeds
that which can safely be mapped with page file backing store.
User Action: Reconfigure the system to require less
pageable system space, then reboot the system. Reduce one or more of
the PAGEDYN and GBLPAGES parameters.
SYSBOOT-F-PFN allocation overwrites CI ucode
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The allocation of physical pages for the
system page table, nonpaged dynamic pool, interrupt stack, and resident
executive overwrites the CI microcode.
User Action: Reconfigure the system to require less
physical memory, then reboot the system. Reduce one or more parameters
controlling the allocation of physical memory: NPAGEDYN, BALSETCNT, and
SYSBOOT-F-PFN bit map conflict - Physical page count set too low
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT cannot find sufficient contiguous
pages of physical memory (within the bounds specified by the parameter
PHYSICALPAGES) to contain the PFN bitmap.
User Action: Reboot the system with a larger value for
SYSBOOT-F-Switch of boot volume attempted with S0_PAGING=0, must be 1
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: An attempt was made to switch the boot
volume while system paging was turned on. System paging must be turned
User Action: Set the system parameter S0_PAGING to 1
and reboot.
SYSBOOT-F-System revision less than minimum required for VMS
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The hardware ECO level is below the level
required for correct software operation.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative.
SYSBOOT-F-Unable to allocate physical memory
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The sum of pages required for the system
page table, nonpaged dynamic pool, interrupt stack, and resident
executive exceeds available physical memory.
User Action: Reconfigure the system to require less
physical memory, then reboot the system. Reduce one or more parameters
controlling the allocation of physical memory: NPAGEDYN, BALSETCNT, and
SYSBOOT-F-Unable to allocate PTEs for Boot Driver
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT is unable to allocate the system
page table entries (PTEs) needed by the boot driver.
User Action: Increase the value of parameter SPTREQ.
SYSBOOT-F-Unable to allocate SPT+PHD+SCB
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT cannot find enough contiguous
pages of physical memory to contain the required system page table
(SPT), process header (PHD), and system control block (SCB).
User Action: Reduce parameters controlling SPT size:
SYSBOOT-F-Unable to locate storage bit map file
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT cannot locate the storage bitmap
file (BITMAP.SYS) in directory [000000] on the system disk. The system
disk is either defective or corrupt.
User Action: Obtain a new copy of the OpenVMS system
SYSBOOT-F-Unable to locate SYS.EXE
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT cannot locate the system image
file in directory [SYS$LDR] on the bootstrap volume. The system disk is
either defective or corrupt, or the disk being accessed is not the
system disk.
User Action: Obtain a new copy of the OpenVMS system
SYSBOOT-F-Unable to read continuation volume
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read
the continuation volume when booting the OpenVMS operating system from
multiple volumes.
User Action: Attempt to reboot the system; try a
different drive or obtain a new copy of the OpenVMS system disk.
SYSBOOT-F-Unexpected exception
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred
indicating a probable hardware error or SYSBOOT logic error.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative.
SYSBOOT-F-Unexpected machine check
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: An unexpected machine check occurred
indicating a probable hardware error or SYSBOOT logic error.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative.
SYSBOOT-F-Unknown processor
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The processor type code in the system
identification register does not correspond to any supported model of a
VAX-11 processor.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative.
SYSBOOT-I-GBLPAGES have been trimmed
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The combined size of the system and
global page tables exceeds the OpenVMS architectural maximum (4,194,303
pages). SYSBOOT has reduced the size of the global page table by
decreasing the SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGES.
User Action: Review the ACTIVE value of the GBLPAGES
parameter to make sure it is large enough to support normal system
operation in your environment. Using SYSMAN, reevaluate the values of
the parameters that determine the size of the system and global page
tables, especially if the value computed by AUTOGEN has been overridden
in MODPARAMS.DAT. (Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.)
SYSBOOT-W-DMPFRG SYSDUMP.DMP is too fragmented to be used
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The system dump file is severely
User Action: Back up the system disk and use the
backup disk as the new system disk.
SYSBOOT-W-ECO level less than minimum required for VMS
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The hardware ECO level is below the level
required for correct software operation.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative. The bootstrap operation
can be continued, but the integrity of the software could be
SYSBOOT-W-FPLA, PCS, or WCS version less than minimum required for VMS
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The hardware ECO level is below the level
required for correct software operation.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative. The bootstrap operation
can be continued, but the integrity of the software could be
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT raised the specified maximum
working set size to accommodate the minimum working set size allowed by
the OpenVMS operating system. To execute, every process requires a
minimum fluid working set (MINWSCNT) plus space for its process header
User Action: None.
SYSBOOT-W-Microcode patch level less than minimum required for VMS
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The hardware ECO level is below the level
required for correct software operation.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative. The bootstrap operation
can be continued, but the integrity of the software could be
SYSBOOT-W-Microcode version less than minimum required for VMS
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The hardware ECO level is below the level
required for correct software operation.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative. The bootstrap operation
can be continued, but the integrity of the software could be
SYSBOOT-W-Primary home block is bad
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The primary home block of the system disk
could not be read and an alternate block was selected for use as the
home block.
User Action: Back up the system disk and then use the
backup disk as the new system disk. The current system disk should be
SYSBOOT-W-System ROM version less than minimum required for VMS
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The hardware ECO level is below the level
required for correct software operation.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative. The bootstrap operation
can be continued, but the integrity of the software could be
SYSBOOT-W-WS default and quota raised to PDH+MINWSCNT
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: SYSBOOT raised the default working set
size specified to accommodate the sizes of the process header plus the
minimum fluid working set size.
User Action: None.
SYSHEADER, failed to read system file header; rebuild aborted
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