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Updated: 12 December 1998 |
OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual
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The following BASIC program uses the H-floating data type. BASIC also supports the D-floating, F-floating, and G-floating data types, but does not support the complex data types.
#1 |
10 !+ ! Sample program to demonstrate a call to MTH$HEXP from BASIC. !- EXTERNAL SUB MTH$HEXP ( HFLOAT, HFLOAT ) DECLARE HFLOAT X,Y ! X and Y are H-floating DIGITS$ = '###.#################################' X = '1.2345678901234567891234567892'H CALL MTH$HEXP (Y,X) A$ = 'MTH$HEXP of ' + DIGITS$ + ' is ' + DIGITS$ PRINT USING A$, X, Y END |
The output from this program is as follows:
MTH$HEXP of 1.234567890123456789123456789200000 is 3.436893084346008004973301321342110
The following COBOL program uses the F-floating and D-floating data types. COBOL does not support the G-floating and H-floating data types or the complex data types.
This COBOL program calls MTH$EXP and MTH$DEXP.
#1 |
The output from this example program is as follows:
MTH$EXP of 1.234000E+01 is 2.286620E+05 MTH$DEXP of 3.456000000000000E+00 is 3.168996280537917E+01
The first Fortran program below uses the G-floating data type. The second Fortran program below uses the H-floating data type. The third Fortran program below uses the F-floating complex data type. Fortran supports the four floating data types and the three complex data types.
#1 |
C+ C This Fortran program computes the log base 2 of x, log2(x) in C G-floating double precision by using the RTL routine MTH$GLOG2. C C Declare X and Y and MTH$GLOG2 as double precision values. C C MTH$GLOG2 will return a double precision value to variable Y. C- REAL*8 X, Y, MTH$GLOG2 X = 16.0 Y = MTH$GLOG2(X) WRITE (6,1) X, Y 1 FORMAT (' MTH$GLOG2(',F4.1,') is ',F4.1) END |
The output generated by the preceding program is as follows:
MTH$GLOG2(16.0) is 4.0
#2 |
C+ C This Fortran program computes the log base 2 of x, log2(x) in C H-floating precision by using the RTL routine MTH$HLOG2. C C Declare X and Y and MTH$GLOG2 as REAL*16 values. C C MTH$HLOG2 will return a REAL*16 value to variable Y. C- REAL*16 X, Y X = 16.12345678901234567890123456789 CALL MTH$HLOG2(Y, X) WRITE (6,1) X, Y 1 FORMAT (' MTH$HLOG2(',F30.27,') is ',F30.28) END |
The output generated by the preceding program is as follows:
MTH$HLOG2(16.123456789012345678901234568) is 4.0110891785623860194931388310
#3 |
C+ C This Fortran example raises a complex base to C a NONNEGATIVE integer power using OTS$POWCJ. C C Declare Z1, Z2, Z3, and OTS$POWCJ as complex values. C Then OTS$POWCJ returns the complex result of C Z1**Z2: Z3 = OTS$POWCJ(Z1,Z2), C where Z1 and Z2 are passed by value. C- COMPLEX Z1,Z3,OTS$POWCJ INTEGER Z2 C+ C Generate a complex base. C- Z1 = (2.0,3.0) C+ C Generate an integer power. C- Z2 = 2 C+ C Compute the complex value of Z1**Z2. C- Z3 = OTS$POWCJ( %VAL(REAL(Z1)), %VAL(AIMAG(Z1)), %VAL(Z2)) TYPE 1,Z1,Z2,Z3 1 FORMAT(' The value of (',F10.8,',',F11.8,')**',I1,' is + (',F11.8,',',F12.8,').') END |
The output generated by the preceding Fortran program is as follows:
The value of (2.00000000, 3.00000000)**2 is (-5.00000000, 12.00000000).
MACRO and BLISS support JSB entry points as well as CALLS and CALLG entry points. Both MACRO and BLISS support the four floating data types and the three complex data types.
The following MACRO programs show the use of the CALLS and CALLG instructions, as well as JSB entry points.
#1 |
.TITLE EXAMPLE_JSB ;+ ; This example calls MTH$DEXP by using a MACRO JSB command. ; The JSB command expects R0/R1 to contain the quadword input value X. ; The result of the JSB will be located in R0/R1. ;- .EXTRN MTH$DEXP_R6 ;MTH$DEXP is an external routine. .PSECT DATA, PIC, EXE, NOWRT X: .DOUBLE 2.0 ; X is 2.0 .ENTRY EXAMPLE_JSB, ^M<> MOVQ X, R0 ; X is in registers R0 and R1 JSB G^MTH$DEXP_R6 ; The result is returned in R0/R1. RET .END EXAMPLE_JSB |
This MACRO program generates the following output:
R0 <-- 732541EC R1 <-- ED6EC6A6 That is, MTH$DEXP(2) is 7.3890560989306502
#2 |
.TITLE EXAMPLE_CALLG ;+ ; This example calls MTH$HEXP by using a MACRO CALLG command. ; The CALLG command expects that the address of the return value ; Y, the address of the input value X, and the argument count 2 be ; stored in memory; this program stores this information in ARGUMENTS. ; The result of the CALLG will be located in R0/R1. ;- .EXTRN MTH$HEXP ; MTH$HEXP is an external routine. .PSECT DATA, PIC, EXE, WRT ARGUMENTS: .LONG 2 ; The CALLG will use two arguments. .ADDRESS Y, X ; The first argument must be the address ; receiving the computed value, while ; the second argument is used to ; compute exp(X). X: .H_FLOATING 2 ; X = 2.0 Y: .H_FLOATING 0 ; Y is the result, initially set to 0. .ENTRY EXAMPLE_G, ^M<> CALLG ARGUMENTS, G^MTH$HEXP ; CALLG returns the value to Y. RET .END EXAMPLE_G |
The output generated by this MACRO program is as follows:
address of Y <-- D8E64003 <-- 4DDA4B8D <-- 3A3BDCC3 <-- B68BA206 That is, MTH$HEXP of 2.0 returns 7.38905609893065022723042746057501
#3 |
.TITLE EXAMPLE_CALLS ;+ ; This example calls MTH$HEXP by using the MACRO CALLS command. ; The CALLS command expects the SP to contain the H-floating address of ; the return value, the address of the input argument X, and the argument ; count 2. The result of the CALLS will be located in registers R0-R3. ;- .EXTRN MTH$HEXP ; MTH$HEXP is an external routine. .PSECT DATA, PIC, EXE, WRT Y: .H_FLOATING 0 ; Y is the result, initially set to 0. X: .H_FLOATING 2 ; X = 2 .ENTRY EXAMPLE_S, ^M<> MOVAL X, -(SP) ; The address of X is in the SP. MOVAL Y, -(SP) ; The address of Y is in the SP CALLS Y, G^MTH$HEXP ; The value is returned to the address of Y. RET .END EXAMPLE_S |
The output generated by this program is as follows:
address of Y <-- D8E64003 <-- 4DDA4B8D <-- 3A3BDCC3 <-- B68BA206 That is, MTH$HEXP of 2.0 returns 7.38905609893065022723042746057501
#4 |
.TITLE COMPLEX_EX1 ;+ ; This example calls MTH$CLOG by using a MACRO CALLG command. ; To compute the complex natural logarithm of Z = (2.0,1.0) register ; R0 is loaded with 2.0, the real part of Z, and register R1 is loaded ; with 1.0, the imaginary part of Z. The CALLG to MTH$CLOG ; returns the value of the natural logarithm of Z in ; registers R0 and R1. R0 gets the real part of Z and R1 ; gets the imaginary part. ;- .EXTRN MTH$CLOG .PSECT DATA, PIC, EXE, NOWRT ARGS: .LONG 1 ; The CALLG will use one argument. .ADDRESS REAL ; The one argument that the CALLG ; uses is the address of the argument ; of MTH$CLOG. REAL: .FLOAT 2 ; real part of Z is 2.0 IMAG: .FLOAT 1 ; imaginary part Z is 1.0 .ENTRY COMPLEX_EX1, ^M<> CALLG ARGS, G^MTH$CLOG; MTH$CLOG returns the real part of the ; complex natural logarithm in R0 and ; the imaginary part in R1. RET .END COMPLEX_EX1 |
This program generates the following output:
R0 <--- 0210404E R1 <--- 63383FED That is, MTH$CLOG(2.0,1.0) is (0.8047190,0.4636476)
#5 |
.TITLE COMPLEX_EX2 ;+ ; This example calls MTH$CLOG by using a MACRO CALLS command. ; To compute the complex natural logarithm of Z = (2.0,1.0) register ; R0 is loaded with 2.0, the real part of Z, and register R1 is loaded ; with 1.0, the imaginary part of Z. The CALLS to MTH$CLOG ; returns the value of the natural logarithm of Z in registers R0 ; and R1. R0 gets the real part of Z and R1 gets the imaginary ; part. ;- .EXTRN MTH$CLOG .PSECT DATA, PIC, EXE, NOWRT REAL: .FLOAT 2 ; real part of Z is 2.0 IMAG: .FLOAT 1 ; imaginary part Z is 1.0 .ENTRY COMPLEX_EX2, ^M<> MOVAL REAL, -(SP) ; SP <-- address of Z. Real part of Z is ; in @(SP) and imaginary part is in CALLS #1, G^MTH$CLOG ; @(SP)+4. ; MTH$CLOG return the real part of the ; complex natural logarithm in R0 and ; the imaginary part in R1. RET .END COMPLEX_EX2 |
This MACRO example program generates the following output:
R0 <--- 0210404E R1 <--- 63383FED That is, MTH$CLOG(2.0,1.0) is (0.8047190,0.4636476)
The following Pascal programs use the D-floating and H-floating data types. Pascal also supports the F-floating and G-floating data types. Pascal does not support the complex data types.
#1 |
{+} { Sample program to demonstrate a call to MTH$DEXP from PASCAL. {-} PROGRAM CALL_MTH$DEXP (OUTPUT); {+} { Declare variables used by this program. {-} VAR X : DOUBLE := 3.456; { X,Y are D-floating unless overridden } Y : DOUBLE; { with /DOUBLE qualifier on compilation } {+} { Declare the RTL routine used by this program. {-} [EXTERNAL,ASYNCHRONOUS] FUNCTION MTH$DEXP (VAR value : DOUBLE) : DOUBLE; EXTERN; BEGIN Y := MTH$DEXP (x); WRITELN ('MTH$DEXP of ', X:5:3, ' is ', Y:20:16); END. |
The output generated by this Pascal program is as follows:
MTH$DEXP of 3.456 is 31.6899656462382318
#2 |
{+} { Sample program to demonstrate a call to MTH$HEXP from PASCAL. {-} PROGRAM CALL_MTH$HEXP (OUTPUT); {+} { Declare variables used by this program. {-} VAR X : QUADRUPLE := 1.2345678901234567891234567892; { X is H-floating } Y : QUADRUPLE; { Y is H-floating } {+} { Declare the RTL routine used by this program. {-} [EXTERNAL,ASYNCHRONOUS] PROCEDURE MTH$HEXP (VAR h_exp : QUADRUPLE; value : QUADRUPLE); EXTERN; BEGIN MTH$HEXP (Y,X); WRITELN ('MTH$HEXP of ', X:30:28, ' is ', Y:35:33); END. |
This Pascal program generates the following output:
MTH$DEXP of 3.456 is 31.6899656462382318
The following PL/I programs use the D-floating and H-floating data types to test entry points. PL/I also supports the F-floating and G-floating data types. PL/I does not support the complex data types.
#1 |
/* * * * This program tests a MTH$D entry point * * * */ TEST: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN) ; DCL (MTH$DEXP) ENTRY (FLOAT(53)) RETURNS (FLOAT(53)); DCL OPERAND FLOAT(53); DCL RESULT FLOAT(53); /*** Begin test ***/ OPERAND = 3.456; RESULT = MTH$DEXP(OPERAND); PUT EDIT ('MTH$DEXP of ', OPERAND, ' is ', RESULT)(A(12),F(5,3),A(4),F(20,15)); END TEST; |
The output generated by this PL/I program is as follows:
MTH$DEXP of 3.456 is 31.689962805379165
#2 |
/* * * * This program tests a MTH$H entry point. * * Note that in the PL/I statement below, the /G-float switch * * is needed to compile both G- and H-floating point MTH$ routines. */ TEST: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN) ; DCL (MTH$HEXP) ENTRY (FLOAT (113), FLOAT (113)) ; DCL OPERAND FLOAT (113); DCL RESULT FLOAT (113); /*** Begin test ***/ OPERAND = 1.234578901234567891234567892; CALL MTH$HEXP(RESULT,OPERAND); PUT EDIT ('MTH$HEXP of ', OPERAND, ' is ', RESULT) (A(12),F(29,27),A(4),F(29,27)); END TEST; |
To run this program, use the following DCL commands:
$ PLI/G_FLOAT EXAMPLE $ LINK EXAMPLE $ RUN EXAMPLEThis program generates the following output:
MTH$HEXP of 1.234578901234567891234567892 is 3.436930928565989790506225633
The following Ada program demonstrates the use of MTH$ routines in a manner that an actual program might use. The program performs the following steps:
This example runs on DEC Ada for OpenVMS VAX.
#1 |
-- This Ada program calls the MTH$SQRT and MTH$JNINT routines. -- with FLOAT_MATH_LIB; -- Package FLOAT_MATH_LIB is an instantiation of the generic package -- MATH_LIB for the FLOAT datatype. This package provides the most -- common mathematical functions (SQRT, SIN, COS, etc.) in an easy -- to use fashion. An added benefit is that the VAX Ada compiler -- will use the faster JSB interface for these routines. with MTH; -- Package MTH defines all the MTH$ routines. It should be used when -- package MATH_LIB is not sufficient. All functions are defined here -- as "valued procedures" for consistency. with FLOAT_TEXT_IO, INTEGER_TEXT_IO, TEXT_IO; procedure ADA_EXAMPLE is FLOAT_VAL: FLOAT; INT_VAL: INTEGER; begin -- Prompt for initial value. TEXT_IO.PUT ("Enter value: "); FLOAT_TEXT_IO.GET (FLOAT_VAL); TEXT_IO.NEW_LINE; -- Take the square root by using the SQRT routine from package -- FLOAT_MATH_LIB. The compiler will use the JSB interface -- to MTH$SQRT. FLOAT_VAL := FLOAT_MATH_LIB.SQRT (FLOAT_VAL); -- Find the nearest integer using MTH$JNINT. Argument names are -- the same as those listed for MTH$JNINT in the reference -- section of this manual. MTH.JNINT (F_FLOATING => FLOAT_VAL, RESULT => INT_VAL); -- Write the result. TEXT_IO.PUT ("Result is: "); INTEGER_TEXT_IO.PUT (INT_VAL); TEXT_IO.NEW_LINE; end ADA_EXAMPLE; |
To run this example program, use the following DCL commands:
$ CREATE/DIR [.ADALIB] $ ACS CREATE LIB [.ADALIB] $ ACS SET LIB [.ADALIB] $ ADA ADA_EXAMPLE $ ACS LINK ADA_EXAMPLE $ RUN ADA_EXAMPLEThe preceding Ada example generates the following output:
Enter value: 42.0 Result is: 6
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