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Updated: 12 December 1998 |
OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual
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Given the cosine of an angle, the Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians routine returns that angle (in radians).
MTH$ACOS cosine
MTH$DACOS cosine
MTH$GACOS cosine
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
0 <= angle <= Pi sign
MTH$ACOS returns an F-floating number. MTH$DACOS returns a D-floating number. MTH$GACOS returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
The cosine of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this cosine. The absolute value of cosine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ACOS, cosine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DACOS, cosine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GACOS, cosine specifies a G-floating number.
The angle in radians whose cosine is X is computed as:
Value of Cosine Value Returned 0 Pi sign/2 1 0 -1 Pi sign 0 < X < 1 zATAN(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) , where zATAN and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type -1 < X < 0 zATAN(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) + Pi sign 1 < |X| The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled See MTH$HACOS for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xACOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Digital. MTH$_INVARGMAT Invalid argument. The absolute value of cosine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.
#1 |
100 !+ ! This BASIC program demonstrates the use of ! MTH$ACOS. !- EXTERNAL REAL FUNCTION MTH$ACOS DECLARE REAL COS_VALUE, ANGLE 300 INPUT "Cosine value between -1 and +1 "; COS_VALUE 400 IF (COS_VALUE < -1) OR (COS_VALUE > 1) THEN PRINT "Invalid cosine value" GOTO 300 500 ANGLE = MTH$ACOS( COS_VALUE ) PRINT "The angle with that cosine is "; ANGLE; "radians" 32767 END |
This BASIC program prompts for a cosine value and determines the angle that has that cosine. The output generated by this program is as follows:
$ RUN ACOS Cosine value between -1 and +1 ? .5 The angle with that cosine is 1.0472 radians
#2 |
PROGRAM GETANGLE(INPUT,OUTPUT); {+} { This Pascal program uses MTH$ACOS to determine { the angle which has the cosine given as input. {-} VAR COS : REAL; FUNCTION MTH$ACOS(COS : REAL) : REAL; EXTERN; BEGIN WRITE('Cosine value between -1 and +1: '); READ (COS); WRITELN('The angle with that cosine is ', MTH$ACOS(COS), ' radians'); END. |
This Pascal program prompts for a cosine value and determines the angle that has that cosine. The output generated by this program is as follows:
$ RUN ACOS Cosine value between -1 and +1: .5 The angle with that cosine is 1.04720E+00 radians
Given the cosine of an angle, the Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees routine returns that angle (in degrees).
MTH$ACOSD cosine
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in degrees. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
0 <= angle <= 180MTH$ACOSD returns an F-floating number. MTH$DACOSD returns a D-floating number. MTH$GACOSD returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, G_floating, D_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
Cosine of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this cosine. The absolute value of cosine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ACOSD, cosine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DACOSD, cosine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GACOSD, cosine specifies a G-floating number.
The angle in degrees whose cosine is X is computed as:
Value of Cosine Angle Returned 0 90 1 0 -1 180 0 < X < 1 zATAND(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) , where zATAND and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type -1 < X < 0 zATAND(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) + 180 1 < |X| The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled See MTH$HACOSD for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xACOSD routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Digital. MTH$_INVARGMAT Invalid argument. The absolute value of cosine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.
The output generated by this Pascal example program is as follows:
The angle, expressed in degrees, is: 6.00000E+01
Given the sine of an angle, the Arc Sine in Radians routine returns that angle (in radians).
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
-Pi sign/2 <= angle <= Pi sign/2
MTH$ASIN returns an F-floating number. MTH$DASIN returns a D-floating number. MTH$GASIN returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
The sine of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this sine. The absolute value of sine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ASIN, sine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DASIN, sine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GASIN, sine specifies a G-floating number.
The angle in radians whose sine is X is computed as:
Value of Sine Angle Returned 0 0 1 Pi sign/2 -1 -Pi sign/2 0 < |X| < 1 zATAN(X/zSQRT(1-X 2)) , where zATAN and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type 1 < |X| The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled See MTH$HASIN for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xASIN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Digital. MTH$_INVARGMAT Invalid argument. The absolute value of sine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.
Given the sine of an angle, the Arc Sine in Degrees routine returns that angle (in degrees).
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in degrees. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
-90 <= angle <= 90
MTH$ASIND returns an F-floating number. MTH$DASIND returns a D-floating number. MTH$GASIND returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
Sine of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this sine. The absolute value of sine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ASIND, sine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DASIND, sine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GASIND, sine specifies a G-floating number.
The angle in degrees whose sine is X is computed as:
Value of Sine Value Returned 0 0 1 90 -1 -90 0 < |X| < 1 zATAND(X/zSQRT(1-X 2)) , where zATAND and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type 1 < |X| The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled See MTH$HASIND for the description of the H-floating version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xASIND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Digital. MTH$_INVARGMAT Invalid argument. The absolute value of sine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.
Given the tangent of an angle, the Arc Tangent in Radians routine returns that angle (in radians).
MTH$ATAN tangent
MTH$DATAN tangent
MTH$GATAN tangent
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
-Pi sign/2 <= angle <= Pi sign/2
MTH$ATAN returns an F-floating number. MTH$DATAN returns a D-floating number. MTH$GATAN returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
The tangent of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The tangent argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this tangent. For MTH$ATAN, tangent specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATAN, tangent specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATAN, tangent specifies a G-floating number.
In radians, the computation of the arc tangent function is based on the following identities:
arctan(X) = X - X 3/3 + X 5/5 - X 7/7 + ... arctan(X) = X + X*Q(X 2),
where Q(Y) = - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + ...arctan(X) = X*P(X 2),
where P(Y) = 1 - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + ...arctan(X) = Pi sign/2 - arctan(1/X) arctan(X) = arctan(A) + arctan((X-A)/(1+A*X))
for any real AThe angle in radians whose tangent is X is computed as:
Value of X Angle Returned 0 <= X <= 3/32 X + X * Q(X 2) 3/32 < X <= 11 ATAN(A) + V* (P(V 2)), where A and ATAN(A) are chosen by table lookup and V = (X - A)/(1 + A*X) 11 < X Pi sign/2 - W* (P(W 2)) where W = 1/X X < 0 -zATAN(|X|) See MTH$HATAN for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xATAN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Digital.
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