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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Version 7.2
New Features Manual
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To install an image with shared address data, you use the new keyword ADDRESS_DATA with the INSTALL/SHARED command:
Note that when you install an image (Image A, for example) with shared address data, and Image B is called by Image A, Image B must also be installed with shared address data. Two corollaries of this rule are the following:
On OpenVMS Alpha systems, you can use the [NO]ADDRESS_DATA keyword with the following commands:
When you use the ADDRESS_DATA keyword with either command, P1 space addresses are assigned for shareable images. With the assigned addresses, the Install utility can determine the content of an address data section when the image is installed rather than when it is activated, reducing CPU and I/O time. A global section is created to allow shared access to address data image sections.
The command in this example installs the INFOSHR file as a shared known
image and creates shared global sections for code sections and
read-only data sections. Because the command includes the ADDRESS_DATA
keyword, address data is also created as a shared global section.
4.20 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Enhancements (Alpha Only)
The following sections describe the new SDA features included in
OpenVMS Version 7.2.
4.20.1 New and Enhanced Commands
The following SDA CLUE extension commands, SDA extension routines, and
SDA commands are either new or have new or changed qualifiers or
parameters for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. For further information about
these commands, see the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual. CLUE CALL_FRAME Extension Command
The following table shows the qualifiers for the CLUE CALL_FRAME extension command:
Qualifier | Meaning |
/ADDRESS= n | Specifies the PCB address of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME/PROCESS. |
/CPU [cpu-id|ALL | Indicates that the call frame for a CPU is required. The CPU should be specified by its number or by using ALL to indicate all CPUs. |
/IDENTIFICATION= n | Specifies the identification of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME/PROCESS. |
/INDEX= n | Specifies the index of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME/PROCESS. |
/PROCESS [process-name|ALL] | Indicates that the call frame for a process is required. The process should be specified with one of the qualifiers /ADDRESS, /IDENTIFICATION, or /INDEX; or by its name, or by using ALL to indicate all processes. |
The CLUE ERRLOG extension command has a new qualifier, /OLD. The /OLD
qualifier dumps the errorlog buffers into a file using the old errorlog
format. The default action, if /OLD is not specified, is to dump the
errorlog buffers in the common event header format. CLUE FRU Extension Command
The CLUE FRU extension command outputs the Field Replacement Unit (FRU)
table to a file for display by DECevent. CLUE REGISTER Extension Command
The Alpha SDA new command CLUE REGISTER displays the active registers
for the crash CPU. The CLUE REGISTER command is only valid when
analyzing crash dumps. CLUE SG Extension Command: /CRAB qualifier
The CLUE SG extension command displays the scatter-gather map. The
/CRAB qualifier displays the ringbuffer for the specified Counted
Resource Allocation Block (CRAB). The default action is to display the
ringbuffer for all CRABs. CLUE SYSTEM/LOGICAL Extension Command
The Alpha SDA new command CLUE SYSTEM/LOGICAL command displays the
contents of the shared logical name tables in the system. SDA$GET_CURRENT_CPU Extension Routine
The SDA$GET_CURRENT_CPU extension routine gets the CPU database address
of the currently selected CPU. SDA$SET_CPU Extension Routine
The SDA$SET_CPU extension routine sets a new SDA CPU context. SDA$SET_PROCESS Extension Routine
The SDA$SET_PROCESS extension routine sets a new SDA process context. SHOW DUMP Command: /MEMORY_MAP Qualifier
Displays the memory map of a full dump. SHOW EXECUTIVE Command: EXECLET-NAME Parameter
The Alpha SDA command SHOW EXECUTIVE has a new parameter, execlet-name. If execlet-name is given, SDA only displays the data for the specified execlet. Wildcards can be used in execlet-name, in which case SDA displays data for all matching execlets.
The benefit of the execlet-name parameter is to reduce
the volume of output necessary to obtain the desired information. SHOW EXECUTIVE Command: /SUMMARY Qualifier
The Alpha SDA command SHOW EXECUTIVE has a new qualifier. The /SUMMARY
qualifier displays a single line of output for each loadable image. SHOW GSD Command: New Qualifiers
The SHOW GSD command has the following new qualifiers:
Qualifier | Meaning |
/GLXGRP | Displays information in the group global section descriptors of a Galaxy system |
/GLXSYS | Displays information in the system global section descriptors of a Galaxy system |
The SHOW LOCK command has the following new qualifiers:
Qualifier | Meaning |
/BLOCKING | Displays only the locks that have a blocking AST specified or attached |
/BRIEF | Displays a brief one line of lock information |
/CONVERT | Displays only the locks that are on the conversion queue |
/GRANTED | Displays only the locks that are on the granted queue |
/POOL | Displays the lock managers poolzone information, which contains the lock blocks (LKB) and resource blocks (RSB) |
[, keyword...]) |
Displays only the locks that have the specified status bits set in the LKB$L_STATUS field. For the keywords and their meanings for this qualifier, see the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual. |
/SUMMARY | Displays summary data and performance counters |
/WAITING | Displays only the waiting locks |
The Alpha SDA command SHOW PAGE_TABLE has the following new qualifiers:
Qualifier | Meaning |
/INVALID_PFN [= option] | This qualifier, which is valid on platforms that supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private memory, nor in Galaxy shared memory, nor are I/O access pages. |
/NONMEMORY_PFN [= option] | This qualifier, supported on all platforms, causes SDA to display only page table entries that are neither in the system's private memory nor in Galaxy shared memory. |
/PTE_ADDRESS | Specifies that the range given is of PTE addresses instead of the virtual addresses mapped by the PTEs. |
/SECTION_INDEX= n | Displays the page table for the range of pages in the global section or pageable part of a loaded image. |
Both /INVALID_PFN and /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifiers allow two optional keywords, READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages are displayed. If READONLY is given, only pages marked for no write access are displayed. If WRITABLE is given, only pages that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PAGE_TABLE=ALL/INVALID_PFN=WRITABLE would display all system pages whose protection allows write, but which map to PFNs that do not belong to this system. |
The Alpha SDA command SHOW PAGE_TABLE /FREE has a new qualifier. The
/HEADER=address qualifier causes SDA to display the free list for the
specified private page table. SHOW PARAMETER Command
The Alpha SDA new command SHOW PARAMETER displays the name, location, and value of one or more SYSGEN parameters at the time that the system dump is taken.
The SHOW PARAMETER command has the following parameter:
Parameter | Meaning |
SYSGEN_parameter | The name of a parameter to be displayed. The name given may include wildcards. However, a truncated name is not recognized, unlike the equivalent SYSGEN and SYSMAN commands. |
The SHOW PARAMETER has the following qualifiers:
Qualifier | Meaning |
/ACP | Displays all Files-11 parameters. |
/ALL | Displays the values of all parameters except the special control parameters. |
/CLUSTER | Displays all parameters specific to clusters. |
/DYNAMIC | Displays all parameters that can be changed on a running system. |
/GALAXY | Displays all parameters specific to Galaxy systems. |
/GEN | Displays all general parameters. |
/JOB | Displays all Job Controller parameters. |
/LGI | Displays all LOGIN security control parameters. |
/MAJOR | Displays the most important parameters. |
/MULTIPROCESSING | Displays parameters specific to multiprocessing. |
/PQL | Displays the parameters for all default process quotas. |
/RMS | Displays all parameters specific to OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS). |
/SCS | Displays all parameters specific to OpenVMS Cluster System Communications Services. |
/SPECIAL | Displays all special control parameters. |
/STARTUP | Displays the name of the site-independent startup procedure. |
/SYS | Displays all active system parameters. |
/TTY | Displays all parameters for terminal drivers. |
The Alpha SDA command SHOW PFN_DATA has two new qualifiers: /PRIVATE
[=address] and /UNTESTED. The /PRIVATE [=address] qualifier causes SDA
to display private PFN lists. If no address is given, all private PFN
lists are displayed; if an address is given, only the PFN list whose
head is at the given address is displayed. The /UNTESTED qualifier
causes SDA to display the state of the untested PFN list that was set
up for deferred memory testing. SHOW PROCESS Command: New Qualifiers
The Alpha SDA command SHOW PROCESS has the following new qualifiers:
Qualifier | Meaning |
/BRIEF | This qualifier, when used with the /LOCKS qualifier, causes SDA to display each lock owned by the current process in brief format; that is, one line for each lock. |
/CHANNEL [=PID_ONLY] | Displays information about the I/O channels assigned to the process. If the keyword FID_ONLY is given, SDA does not attempt to translate the FID (File ID) to a file name when invoked with ANALYZE/SYSTEM. |
/FANDLE | Displays the data on the process's fast I/O handles. |
/INVALID_PFN [= option] | This qualifier, which is valid on platforms that supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private memory, nor in Galaxy shared memory, nor are I/O access pages. |
Displays the lock management locks owned by the current process.
The /LOCKS [/BRIEF] qualifier produces a display similar in format to that produced by the SHOW LOCK command. See also the /BRIEF qualifier description. |
/NONMEMORY_PFN [= option] | This qualifier, supported on all platforms, causes SDA to display only page table entries that are neither in the system's private memory nor in Galaxy shared memory. |
/PERSONA [=address] |
Displays all persona security blocks (PSBs) held in the PERSONA ARRAY
of the process, and then lists selected information contained in each
initially listed PSB. The selected information includes the contents of
the following cells inside the PSB:
If a PSB address is specified, the above information is provided for that specific PSB only. |
/PERSONA/RIGHTS | Displays all the /PERSONA [=address] information and additional selected information, including all the Rights and their attributes currently held and active for each persona security block (PSB). |
/PERSONA/RIGHTS/AUTHORIZED | Displays all the /PERSONA [=address] information and additional selected information, including all the Rights and their attributes authorized for each persona security block (PSB). |
The SHOW PROCESS/PAGE_TABLES command has the following new qualifiers:
Qualifier | Meaning |
/PTE_ADDRESS | Specifies a PTE address instead of the virtual address mapped by the PTE. |
Displays the page table for the range of pages in the global section or
pageable part of a loaded image, or the process section specified when
used with the /PAGE_TABLE qualifier. Except for global sections where
global page table entries (GPTEs) are displayed, one of the qualifiers
/L1, /L2, or /L3 can also be specified.
Displays the PST for the single process section specified when used with the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier. The /SECTION_INDEX= n qualifier is ignored if neither the /PAGE_TABLE nor the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifiers is specified. |
/INVALID_PFN [= option] | This qualifier, which is valid on platforms that supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private memory, nor in Galaxy shared memory, nor are I/O access pages. |
/NONMEMORY_PFN [= option] | This qualifier, supported on all platforms, causes SDA to display only page table entries that are neither in the system's private memory nor in Galaxy shared memory. |
Both /INVALID_PFN and /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifiers allow two optional keywords, READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages are displayed. If READONLY is given, only pages marked for no write access are displayed. If WRITABLE is given, only pages that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PROCESS ALL/PAGE_TABLE=ALL/INVALID_PFN=WRITABLE would display all process pages (for all processes) whose protection allows write, but which map to PFNs that do not belong to this system. |
The SHOW RESOURCE command has the following new qualifiers:
Qualifier | Meaning |
/BRIEF | Displays a brief one line of the resource information |
/CONTENTION [=ALL] | Displays only resources that have at least one lock on either the waiting or conversion queue |
[ keyword,]) |
Displays only resources that have the specified status bits set in the RSB$L_STATUS field. For the keywords and their meanings for this qualifier, see the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual. |
The Alpha SDA command SHOW STACK has a new qualifier: /PHYSICAL. The
/PHYSICAL qualifier causes SDA to treat the start and/or end address in
the given range as a physical address. This qualifier is only relevant
when a range is specified. SHOW STACK Command: RANGE Parameter
The Alpha SDA command SHOW STACK has a new parameter, range. The range parameter displays a range of memory locations in stack format. You can express a range using the following syntax:
Value | Meaning |
m:n | Range of addresses from m to n |
m;n | Range of addresses starting at m and continuing for n bytes |
The Alpha SDA command SHOW SUMMARY has a new qualifier /USER=username. If /USER=username is given, SDA only displays the processes of the specified user. Wildcards can be used in /USER=username, in which case SDA displays processes of all matching users.
The benefit of the /USER=username qualifier is to reduce the volume of output necessary to obtain the desired information.
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