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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
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Connects your terminal to a storage controller through the appropriate bus for that controller. The /SERVER and /TASK qualifiers are required.For use only with storage controllers. Requires the DIAGNOSE privilege.
/TASK=task-name node-name
Specifies the node name of the storage controller.
The SET HOST/DUP command creates a virtual terminal connection and executes a utility or diagnostic program on a storage controller that uses the Diagnostic and Utilities Protocol (DUP) Standard Dialogue.Once the connection is established, operations are performed under the control of the utility or diagnostic program.
When the utility or diagnostic program terminates, control is returned to the local system.
To abort or prematurely terminate the connection and return control to the local system, press Ctrl/\.
Further information regarding the operation of the utility and diagnostic programs available on a particular controller may be obtained from the appropriate documentation set for that controller.
To use the SET HOST/DUP facility, you must first install FYDRIVER, the DUP class driver. To load FYDRIVER, add the following commands to the SYSTARTUP.COM command procedure in the SYS$MANAGER directory.
On Alpha, specify the following commands:
$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> CONNECT FYA0/NOADAPTERThis operation requires CMKRNL (change mode to kernel) privilege.
/NOLOG (default)
Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log information is stored in the file HSCPAD.LOG./SERVER=server-name
Specifies the server name for the target storage controller.This qualifier is required.
Specifies the utility or diagnostic name to be executed on the target storage controller under direction of the server.This qualifier is required.
$ SET HOST/DUP/SERVER=MSCP$DUP/TASK=DIRECT R2DH5Y %HSCPAD-I-LOCPROGEXE, Local program executing - type ^\ to exit utility |
The SET HOST/DUP command in this example connects the user terminal to the utility program called DIRECT executing on a storage controller named R2DH5Y under direction of the MSCP$DUP server.
Connects your terminal to an HSC disk and tape controller through the computer interconnect (CI) bus.Used only with HSC controllers. Requires the DIAGNOSE privilege.
SET HOST/HSC node-name
Specifies the node name of the HSC.
The SET HOST/HSC command establishes a connection to an HSC disk and tape controller by way of the CI bus. (The SHOW CLUSTER command lists the names of HSC controllers that are accessible to your node.) No password is required to access the HSC; however, only SHOW commands are accepted when the HSC Secure/Enable switch is in the Secure position.Once the connection is made to the HSC, operations may be performed as if you were attached to the local terminal of the HSC. However, access to ODT (Octal Debugging Tool) and offline diagnostics are not permitted.
Press Ctrl/C to obtain a prompt from the HSC before entering commands. To exit from the HSC and return to the local system, press Ctrl/\.
A description of HSC commands and utilities can be obtained from the HSC documentation.
To use the SET HOST/HSC facility, you must first install FYDRIVER, which is the Diagnostic and Utilities Protocol (DUP) driver associated with the CI. To load FYDRIVER, add the following commands to the SYSTARTUP.COM command procedure in the SYS$MANAGER directory:
$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN CONNECT FYA0/NOADAPTERThis operation requires CMKRNL (change mode to kernel) privilege.
/NOLOG (default)
Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log information is stored in the file HSCPAD.LOG.
$ SET HOST/HSC HSC001 %HSCPAD-I-LOCPROGEXE, Local program executing - type ^\ to exit, ^Y for prompt HSC> |
This SET HOST/HSC command connects the user terminal to the HSC named HSC001.
Connects your terminal to a specified service available on the local area network (LAN), establishing one session for communication between your terminal and that service.The service node that provides the service must be on a remote node, must be on the same extended LAN, and must be running at least Version 5.0 of the LAT protocol.
SET HOST/LAT service-name
Specifies the name of the service to which you want your terminal connected. A service is a resource on the LAN. A service often consists of all of the resources of a computer system. Other examples of services are a file storage system and an application program running on a computer system. A computer system that offers one or more services is called a service node.If several service nodes offer the same service, and you do not specify the /NODE=node-name qualifier, your terminal connects to the service node that is the least busy.
To display a list of services on your LAN, use the LAT Control Program (LATCP) SHOW SERVICES command. Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.
The SET HOST/LAT command allows you to connect your terminal to a specified service, establishing one LAT session for communication between your terminal and that service. (For an overview of the LAT protocol and its advantages, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.)The service node that provides the service must be on a remote node, must be on the same extended LAN, and must be running at least Version 5.0 of the LAT protocol.
Some services are password protected. You are prompted for a password unless you specify the password with the /PASSWORD qualifier.
Once the connection to the service is made, you can interact with the service as if your terminal is directly connected to it. Some services will prompt you. For example, if the service is an OpenVMS system, it prompts you for a user name and password. You must have an account on the service node to log in.
Press the disconnect character to end the LAT session and return to DCL command level on your local system. With some services, such as general timesharing services like OpenVMS, you can end the LAT session by logging out of the service. The default disconnect character is Ctrl/\. Use the /DISCONNECT qualifier to change the default disconnect character.
You cannot use SET HOST/LAT to connect to the local node.
Specifies whether connection attempts should be retried automatically when a connection fails because a service is unknown or unavailable, or because a node is unknown or unreachable. Also specifies that reconnects should be attempted automatically if a service has disconnected abnormally. The default is /NOAUTOCONNECT./AUTOPROMPT (default)
Causes an OpenVMS Username: prompt to appear with no user action when a SET HOST/LAT command is issued.On a terminal server port, you can configure the port to have AUTOPROMPT disabled (/NOAUTOPROMPT) so that you are required to press Return when connecting to a node to get the Username: prompt. However, when connecting to a reverse LAT service, the AUTOPROMPT characteristic should be disabled.
Defines a character that generates a break on lines that expect a break rather than a carriage return. To generate a break, press the Ctrl and break-character keys together. The default break-character value is the tilde (~).You can select any ASCII character between @ and Z, except C, M, Q, S, Y, and the left bracket ([). You cannot select a character that is already defined as the disconnect character.
Specifies the port on a node to which you want to connect. The /NODE qualifier is required when you specify the /DESTINATION_PORT qualifier. The port must be available and must offer the service you specify. OpenVMS and certain other LAT service node systems ignore the /DESTINATION_PORT qualifier./DIAL=(NUMBER:number[,MODEM_TYPE:modem-type])
Allows a modem attached to the outgoing terminal line to be autodialed using the autodial protocol of that modem. The NUMBER keyword is the telephone number to be autodialed and is a required parameter.The MODEM_TYPE keyword is optional. It can be used to specify any of the following modem types:
- DMCL (any modem that uses the DEC Modem Command Language)
- DF03 (default)
- DF112
Each modem type requires a specific modem dialer code. Check with your system manager to see which modem dialer codes are installed on your system.
In addition, the MODEM_TYPE keyword can be used to specify a modem type other than DF03, DF112, or DMCL. A template is provided for users interested in supporting other modems with autodial capabilities (see SYS$EXAMPLES:DTE_DF03.MAR).
Defines the character that you can use to disconnect from a remote session. To generate a disconnect, press the Ctrl and disconnect-character keys together. The default disconnect-character is the backslash (\).You can select any ASCII character from @ through Z, except C, M, Q, S, Y, and the left bracket ([). For example, if you specify /DISCONNECT=A, Ctrl/A will be the disconnect character. You cannot select a character that is already defined as the break character.
/EIGHT_BIT (default)
Determines whether the outgoing terminal line supports 8-bit or 7-bit characters. By default, 8-bit characters are supported. If you specify /NOEIGHT_BIT, then 7-bit characters are supported.
To change the number of bits per character on the remote terminal server port, that port must have the REMOTE MODIFICATION characteristic enabled./FRAME=n
The /FRAME=n qualifier allows a user making a LAT connection to a remote system to specify the number of data bits that the terminal driver expects for every character that is input or output. The value of n can be from 5 to 8. The default value depends on the settings for the terminal established by the /PARITY and /EIGHT_BIT qualifiers. The following example specifies a character frame size of 7 bits per character:
Logs all data that is delivered during the LAT session. If you do not specify a log file, the data is stored in the file SETHOST_LAT.LOG./NODE=node-name
Specifies the node that offers the service to which you want to connect. The node you specify must be a remote node. Failover is not performed if the connection fails./PASSWORD=password
Specifies the password required by a service that is password protected. If you do not specify the /PASSWORD qualifier when requesting a connection to a password-protected service, you are prompted for a password./QUEUE
/NOQUEUE (default)
When connecting to a reverse LAT service that is already in use (such as a dial out modem), you are notified that the service is in use and the SET HOST/LAT command terminates. However, LAT can allow incoming connections to be queued to any reverse LAT service that supports service queueing, which enables users to be placed on a queue when using reverse LAT services.LAT reports your position in the queue. When the resource becomes available, you are immediately notified. You can cancel the queued connection by pressing Ctrl/Y and terminating the SET HOST /LAT command.
Sets the baud rate at which the terminal receives and transmits data. If the input and output rates are the same, specify the qualifier as /SPEED=rate.Not all terminals support different input and output baud rates. For specific information on baud rates for your terminal, consult the manual for that terminal.
The default transmission rates are installation dependent.
The valid values for input and output baud rates are as follows:
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600If you select an invalid or unsupported speed, the terminal line speed will remain set at its previous value.
To change the speed on the terminal server port, the REMOTE MODIFICATION characteristic must be enabled on that terminal server port.When initiating a connection, SET HOST/LAT may attempt to set terminal server port characteristics, such as the speed and the default speed for a LAT device. If the device connected to the terminal server port has a fixed speed (such as a dial-out modem) and you do not want the host to try to change this, disable the REMOTE MODIFICATION characteristic on that port using the following command:
Local> DEFINE PORT x REMOTE MODIFICATION DISABLE Local> LOGOUT PORT xUse the following command for terminal servers that support the CHANGE command:
#1 |
$ SET HOST/LAT SORTER %LAT-S-CONNECTED, session to SORTER established %LAT-I-TODISCON, type ^\ to disconnect the session Username: MACKRILL Password: . . . $ LOGOUT MACKRILL logged out at 30-DEC-1998 11:04:51.45 %LAT-I-DISCONNECTED, session disconnected from SORTER -LAT-I-END, control returned to node HOME $ |
This SET HOST/LAT command connects the user to the service SORTER, which is a computer system. The first message confirms that the user has been connected to that service. The second message informs the user how to disconnect the session. (The user can also disconnect the session by logging out from SORTER.) SORTER then prompts for the username and password. Use the normal login procedure to log in to the system. When the user logs out of the service SORTER, the terminal displays the DCL command prompt of the user's local processor system (HOME).
#2 |
This command connects the user's terminal to the service BUDGET that is offered on port BOSTON, on service node STATE. The user can disconnect the session by typing Ctrl/F.
#3 |
$ SET HOST/LAT PURSE Password: |
This command attempts to connect the user's terminal to the service PURSE. The service PURSE is password protected, so the user is prompted for a password. The user could have specified the password within the SET HOST/LAT command, as shown in the next example.
#4 |
This command connects the user's terminal to the password-protected service PURSE. The password is BEOR.
Allows you to log in to a remote host over a TCP/IP connection and start an interactive terminal session by accessing the RLOGIN application.
- IPhostname
- IPaddress
You can specify the IPhostname or the IPaddress, but not both. |
Specifies the IP host name of the remote host.IPaddress
Specifies an IP address of the remote host.
The SET HOST/RLOGIN command allows you to log in to a remote host by invoking RLOGIN client software that runs on your system. Once you start the terminal session, you can enter commands interactively on the remote host. The parameter that specifies the remote host is either an IP host name or an IP address.
Specifies that Kerberos authentication should be used for acquiring access to the remote node./PASSWORD=password
Optional qualifier that specifies the password of the user logging in to the remote host./TERMINAL_TYPE=type
Sets the terminal emulator to one of the following terminal types: VT100, VT200, VT300, VT400, VT500./TRUNCATE_USERNAME
Specifies that the current user name should be truncated to 8 characters before attempting to connect to the remote node. The qualifier is required for communication with systems that limit the size of their login names to 8 characters. The /TRUNCATE_USERNAME qualifier is ignored if /USERNAME is specified./USERNAME=username
Specifies the user name for logging in to the remote node. The user name can be enclosed in quotes to preserve the case of the user name for case-sensitive systems such as UNIX systems. If the /USERNAME qualifier is not specified, the default is the current user's user name.
$ SET HOST/RLOGIN remotehst1 |
This example creates an RLOGIN connection to remote host remotehst1 over a TCP/IP connection.
Connects you to a remote host over a TCP/IP connection by invoking the TELNET application.
- IPhostname
- IPaddress
You can specify the IPhostname or the IPaddress, but not both. |
Specifies the IP host name of the remote host.IPaddress
Specifies an IP address of the remote host.
The SET HOST/TELNET command allows you to connect to a server on a remote system by invoking the TELNET client software that runs on your system. The parameter that specifies the remote host is either an IP host name or an IP address. Most of the attributes are negotiated with the remote node. The qualifiers are used only in exception cases (for example, cases where a remote server does not support a negotiated parameter but requires a certain characteristic for the connection).
Specifies that Kerberos authentication should be used for acquiring access to the remote node./PORT=port
Specifies the remote TCP port to use. The default is 23./TERMINAL_TYPE=type
Sets the terminal emulator to one of the following terminal types: VT100, VT200, VT300, VT400, VT500.
$ SET HOST/TELNET remotehst2 |
This example creates a TELNET connection to remote host remotehst2 over a TCP/IP connection.
Connects you to a remote IBM host over a TCP/IP connection, causing the local keyboard to emulate an IBM 3279-class terminal keyboard by invoking the TN3270 terminal emulator.
- IPhostname
- IPaddress
You can specify the IPhostname or the IPaddress, but not both. |
Specifies the IP host name of the remote host.IPaddress
Specifies an IP address of the remote host.
The SET HOST/TN3270 command allows you to connect with a TELNET server on a remote IBM system by invoking the TN3270 terminal emulator TELNET client program on the local host. The parameter that specifies the remote host is either an IP host name or an IP address. The TN3270 client will automatically determine the terminal type (IBM-3278-2, IBM-3278-3, IBM-3278-4, or IBM-32798-5).
Specifies that Kerberos authentication should be used for acquiring access to the remote node./PORT=port
Specifies the remote TCP port to use. The default is 23./TERMINAL_TYPE
Sets the terminal emulator to one of the following terminal types: VT100, VT200, VT300, VT400, VT500.
$ SET HOST/TN3270 remotehst3 |
This example creates a connection to a TELNET server on the remote IBM system remotehst3 over a TCP/IP connection.
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