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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
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Provides information about the queue manager(s) on the system or OpenVMS Cluster.
SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS [queue-manager-name]
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which you want information displayed. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. The default value for the queue-manager-name parameter is the asterisk (*) wildcard character. If no queue manager name is specified, information on all queue managers is displayed.
The SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS command displays information about the queue manager(s) on the system or OpenVMS Cluster. The command assumes the /BRIEF qualifier as the default, and displays a one-line description that includes each queue manager's name, status, and process node name. The /FULL qualifier displays the following information:
- Full file specification of the queue database master file (disk, directory, and file name of the shared master file)
- Name of queue manager
- Status of queue manager
- The node name on which the queue manager process is running (if the queue manager process is currently running)
- Prioritized list of nodes on which the queue manager process can run
- Disk and directory containing the queue database files specific to the particular queue manager
If a queue manager process is not running, the current location node name will not be displayed for that queue manager.
The queue manager status may be one of the following:
State Description Start pending The queue manager process is attempting to start up, however, it is waiting for a node on which it can run to enter the cluster. Starting The queue manager is in the process of starting up as a result of a START /QUEUE /MANAGER command or failing over from another node in the cluster. Running The queue manager is running. Failing over The queue manager is in the process of failing over to another node in the cluster. Stopping The queue manager is in the process of stopping. Stopped The queue manager is stopped and will not start until a START /QUEUE /MANAGER command is executed.
Displays a one-line description of queue manager(s) on the system or cluster. The information displayed includes the name and status of the queue manager and the node on which its process is running. The /BRIEF qualifier is present by default./FULL
Displays complete information about queue manager(s) on the system or cluster. The /FULL qualifier overrides the /BRIEF qualifier.
#1 |
$ SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS/FULL Master file: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]QMAN$MASTER.DAT; Queue manager BATCHQ_MANAGER, running, on BBBBBB:: /ON=(BBBBBB, AAAAAA, CCCCCC, EEEEEE, *) Database location: DISK1:[QUEUES] Queue manager PRINTQ_MANAGER, starting, on AAAAAA:: /ON=(AAAAAA, BBBBBB, CCCCCC, EEEEEE, *) Database location: DISK2:[QUEUES] Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on FFFFFF:: /ON=(FFFFFF, EEEEEE, CCCCCC, BBBBBB, AAAAAA, *) Database location: DISK1:[QUEUES] Queue manager TRANSFER_MANAGER, stopped /ON=(AAAAAA, BBBBBB, EEEEEE) Database location: DISK1:[TRANSFER] |
The SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS/FULL command displays complete information about a queue manager on a system or cluster.
#2 |
$ SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS Queue manager BATCHQ_MANAGER, running, on BBBBBB:: Queue manager PRINTQ_MANAGER, starting, on AAAAAA:: Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on FFFFFF:: Queue manager TRANSFER_MANAGER, stopped |
The SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS command in this example shows information about the queue manager in brief format. The /BRIEF qualifier is the default and does not need to be specified.
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The command, SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS/FULL SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, in this example shows a request for a specific queue manager by name.
Displays the current disk quota that is authorized for a specific user on a specific disk. This display includes a calculation of the amount of space available and the amount of overdraft that is permitted.Requires read (R) access to the quota file in order to display the quotas of other users.
The SHOW QUOTA command indicates whether a quota exists for any specific user on a specific disk. The display that results gives the quotas used, authorized, and available in blocks. The amount of overdraft permitted is also shown.
Specifies the disk whose quotas are to be examined. By default, the current default disk (defined by the logical name SYS$DISK) is examined./USER=uic or identifier
Specifies which user's quotas are to be displayed. By default, the current user's quotas are displayed.
#1 |
$ SHOW QUOTA User [360,010] has 2780 blocks used, 7220 available, of 10000 authorized and permitted overdraft of 500 blocks on DISK$ |
The SHOW QUOTA command in this example displays the amount of disk space authorized, used, and still available on the current default disk for the present user. The permitted overdraft in this example is 500 blocks.
#2 |
$ SHOW QUOTA /USER=[360,007]/DISK=XXX1: %SYSTEM-F-NODISKQUOTA, no disk quota entry for this UIC |
The SHOW QUOTA command in this example displays the fact that the user with user identification code (UIC) [360,007] has no disk quota allocation on device XXX1.
#3 |
$ SHOW QUOTA /USER=[360,111] User [360,111] has 27305 blocks used, 2305 OVERDRAWN, of 25000 authorized and permitted overdraft of 4000 blocks on DISK$ |
The SHOW QUOTA command in this example illustrates a user with an overdrawn quota.
Displays the current default values for the multiblock count, the multibuffer count, the network transfer size, the prolog level, and the extend quantity.
The SHOW RMS_DEFAULT command displays information that OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS) uses for file operations including the default values for the multibuffer count, the multiblock count, the network block count, the prolog level and the extend quantity. The command provides these values at both the current process level and at the system level.The SHOW RMS_DEFAULT command lists the multibuffer count values for each of the file types, including the values for the three classes of sequential files (disk, magtape and unit record).
Specifies the file to which the display is written (default is SYS$OUTPUT). The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default output file name and .LIS the default output file type.If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.
$ SHOW RMS_DEFAULT MULTI- | MULTIBUFFER COUNTS | NETWORK BLOCK | Indexed Relative Sequential | BLOCK COUNT | Disk Magtape Unit Record | COUNT Process 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 System 16 | 0 0 0 0 0 | 8 Prolog Extend Quantity Process 0 0 System 0 0 subcommand |
The SHOW RMS_DEFAULT command in this example shows a system multiblock count of 16 and a network block count of 8. These are typical values.
Displays the name, class, and profile of a protected object.
SHOW SECURITY object-name
Specifies the name of an object whose security profile is to be displayed. If the object class is SECURITY_CLASS, you can specify an asterisk (*) as object-name to see a display of all security class objects. An object name of the FILE class (explicitly or implicitly specified) can include the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters. However, wildcard characters are not allowed in any class other than FILE or SECURITY_CLASS.
The SHOW SECURITY command displays the name, class, and profile of a protected object. A profile includes an access control list (ACL), the protection code, and the owner of a protected object. For SECURITY_CLASS objects, SHOW SECURITY displays all the template profiles, which are the basis for profiles of new objects.The /CLASS qualifier identifies the class object-name is a member of. If the class is DEVICE and the object is a disk device on which a volume is mounted as a Files-11 (rather than foreign) volume, then both the device and the volume profiles are displayed.
All qualifiers other than /CLASS apply only to files.
For a description of protected objects, refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /BACKUP qualifier selects files according to the dates of their most recent backups (rather than by the creation, expiration, or modification date). By default, SHOW SECURITY selects files according to their creation date./BEFORE[=time]
Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED qualifier is the default.For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).
Selects files whose owner's UIC matches the UIC specified with uic. The default UIC is that of the current process.Specify the UIC by using the standard format described in the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
Specifies the class of the object whose profile is to be displayed. By default, the command assumes the object class is FILE. Object class keywords are as follows:
Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files according to the date they were created (rather than by the backup, expiration, or modification date). By default, SHOW SECURITY selects files according to their creation date./EXCLUDE=(filespec[,...])
Excludes the specified files from the SHOW SECURITY operation. You can include a directory, but not a device, in the file specification. You cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a specific version./EXPIRED
Modifies the time specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /EXPIRED qualifier selects files according to their expiration dates rather than by the backup, creation, or modification date. (The expiration date is set with the SET FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) By default, files are selected according to their creation date./MODIFIED
Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to the dates on which they were last modified, rather than by the backup, creation, or expiration date. By default, files are selected according to their creation date./SINCE[=time]
Selects only those files dated after the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED qualifier is the default.For complete information on specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).
#1 |
This example shows a typical request to display the security elements of an object. The logical name table LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE is displayed with the settings of the security elements owner, protection, and ACL.
#2 |
$ SHOW SECURITY/CLASS=DEVICE $99$DUA22 _$99$DUA22: object of class DEVICE Owner: [SALES,TSUTTER] Protection: (System: RWPL, Owner: RWPL, Group: R, World) Access Control List: <empty> RES17SEP object of class VOLUME Owner: [FEAST,FY93] Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: RWCD, World: RWCD) Access Control List: <empty> $ SHOW DEVICE $99$DUA22 Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt $99$DUA22: (KUDOS) Mounted 0 RES17SEP 649904 1 2 |
This example shows a request for the security profile of a disk device. The resulting display provides both the profiles of the disk $99$DUA22 and the volume RES127SEP that is mounted on it. The subsequent SHOW DEVICE command confirms the volume is mounted on the device $99$DUA22.
#3 |
$ SHOW SECURITY LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE /CLASS=SECURITY_CLASS LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE object of class SECURITY_CLASS Owner: [SYSTEM] Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: R, World: R) Access Control List: <empty> Template: GROUP Owner: [SYSTEM] Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: R, Group: R, World: R) Access Control List: <empty> Template: JOB Owner: [SYSTEM] Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group, World) Access Control List: <empty> Template: DEFAULT Owner: [SYSTEM] Protection: (System: RW, Owner: RW, Group: R, World: R) Access Control List: <empty> |
This example shows the output for the special case of a security class object. The security class object LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE is displayed with the security profile. In addition, three templates are displayed.
#4 |
$ SHOW SECURITY * /CLASS=SECURITY_CLASS SECURITY_CLASS object of class SECURITY_CLASS Owner: [SYSTEM] Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: R, World: R) Access Control List: <empty> LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE object of class SECURITY_CLASS Owner: [SYSTEM] Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: R, World: R) Access Control List: <empty> . . . |
This example shows the output for the special case of showing all the security classes currently registered. The asterisk (*) wildcard character is used; any other form of wildcard characters is not accepted. Security profiles are shown for each security class. Note that template information is not shown.
Displays the current status of your process.
The SHOW STATUS command verifies that your current process is running. The SHOW STATUS information can also indicate if the process is using an abnormal amount of CPU time, is opening too many files, or is accruing too many page faults. The information displayed includes the following:
- Current time and date
- Elapsed CPU time used by the current process
- Buffered I/O count
- Current working set size
- Open file count
- Direct I/O count
- Current amount of physical memory occupied
- Number of page faults
The information displayed by SHOW STATUS is similar to that displayed by the Ctrl/T function. (See the SET CONTROL command.)
$ SHOW STATUS Status on 14-DEC-1998 12:56:48.68 Elapsed CPU : 0 00:00:55.02 Buff. I/O : 5117 Cur. ws. : 300 Open files : 1 Dir. I/O : 458 Phys. Mem. : 162 Page Faults : 8323 |
The SHOW STATUS command in this example displays the current status of your process.
Displays the value of the specified symbol.
SHOW SYMBOL [symbol-name]
Specifies the name of the symbol whose value you want to display. You must specify a symbol name unless you use the /ALL qualifier. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed in the symbol-name parameter.
The SHOW SYMBOL command searches for the specified symbol name in several places. First, it looks in the local symbol table of the current command level. Next, it searches the local symbol tables of preceding command levels. Last, it searches the global symbol table. The SHOW SYMBOL command displays the first match it finds.The /LOCAL and /GLOBAL qualifiers override the search order.
Displays the current values of all symbols in the specified symbol table (/LOCAL or /GLOBAL). If you specify the /ALL qualifier and do not specify either the /LOCAL or the /GLOBAL qualifier, the SHOW SYMBOL command displays the contents of the local symbol table for the current command level./GLOBAL
Searches only the global symbol table for the specified symbol name. If you specify both the /ALL and /GLOBAL qualifiers, all names in the global symbol table are displayed./LOCAL
Searches only the local symbol table for the current command level for the specified symbol name. If you specify both the /ALL and /LOCAL qualifiers, all names in the local symbol table for the current command level are displayed./LOG (default)
Controls whether the system generates an informational message if the symbol value has been truncated. The value is truncated if it exceeds 255 characters.
#1 |
The SHOW SYMBOL command in this example displays the current value of the symbol name PURGE. The command interpreter first searches the local symbol table for the current command level, then local symbol tables for preceding command levels, and finally the global symbol table. The single equal sign (=) following PURGE means it is a local symbol.
#2 |
The SHOW SYMBOL command in this example displays all the symbols defined in the global symbol table. Note that the symbols $RESTART, $SEVERITY, and $STATUS, which are maintained by the system, are also displayed.
#3 |
$ SHOW SYMBOL/LOCAL TIME %DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol |
The SHOW SYMBOL command in this example searches only the local symbol table for the symbol TIME. The response indicates that TIME currently has no value.
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