Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
Reference Guide

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This example shows:


Performs a modification on an entry.


Status = ds_modify_entry(Session, Context, Name, Changes, Invoke-ID)

Argument Data Type Access
Session OM_private_object read
Context OM_private_object read
Name OM_object read
Changes OM_object read
Invoke-ID Integer write
Status DS_status  

C Binding

DS_status ds_modify_entry(session, context, name, changes, invoke_id_return)

DS_status ds_modify_entry (
OM_private_object session
OM_private_object context
OM_object name
OM_object changes
OM_sint invoke_id_return)



The Session OM private object that was returned by the Bind function, identifying the directory session to be used.


The Context parameters to be used for this operation. This argument must be a Context OM private object or the constant Default-Context.


A Name OM object containing the name of the target entry. Any aliases in the name will be dereferenced if the DSA attribute Dereference Alias on Modify is set and the Dont Deference Aliases service control is not set.


An Entry-Modification-List OM object specifying a sequence of modifications to the named entry.


The Invoke-ID of an asynchronous directory operation.


This function is used to make a series of one or more of the following changes to a single entry:

You can replace values by a combination of adding values and removing values in a single operation. You can only change the RDN of an entry by using the Modify-RDN function.

The result of the operation is as if each modification is made in the order specified in the Changes argument. If any of the individual modifications fail, then an Attribute-Error is reported and the entry is left as it was before the whole operation. The operation is atomic, either all the changes are made or none are. The Directory Service checks that the resulting entry conforms to the schema.

DCE Notes

Ideally, the user does not know whether X.500 or CDS is actually handling the DCE naming operations. There are, however, some situations where naming results will differ depending on which service is handling the operation. (The intro reference page for XDS functions describes the general differences between operations on X.500 and CDS.)

Note the following issues for the Modify Entry function:

Return Values

Possible return values are as follows:
Return Description
DS_SUCCESS All the modifications were made to the entry, if the operation was invoked synchronously. The operation was initiated, if it was invoked asynchronously.
DS_NO_WORKSPACE A workspace has not been set up by a call to the Initialize function.

If neither of these constants is returned, then the function returns a pointer to an error object of one of the classes listed below.


This function can return pointers to the following error objects:


The following code extracts show an example call to the Modify Entry function. Note that the standard schema does not contain an object class with the attributes used in the example. The Modify Entry function is used to modify the directory entry, identified in the Name argument, as follows:

There are two examples. The first example shows how to perform an asynchronous Modify Entry operation. The second example shows how to perform a synchronous Modify Entry operation.

The Bound_Session argument contains the identity of a session, established using the Bind function, through which the request should be issued. Two arguments are assumed to have been previously defined. These are the Name argument and the Context argument. Examples of how to define a Name argument, including an example of a CDS Name argument, are shown in the Read function. An example of how to define a Context argument is shown in the Add Entry function.

OM_private_object bound_session, context, name; 
/* define some public objects to contain the changes to be made to */ 
/* the directory entry                                             */ 
/* declare the descriptor lists (public objects) */ 
OM_descriptor cpub_mod_list[6]; 
OM_descriptor cpub_mod1[5]; 
OM_descriptor cpub_mod2[6]; 
OM_descriptor cpub_mod3[4]; 
OM_descriptor cpub_mod4[5]; 
/* define the first descriptor list */ 
OMX_CLASS_DESC(     cpub_mod1[0], DS_C_ENTRY_MOD); 
OMX_ENUM_DESC(      cpub_mod1[1], DS_MOD_TYPE, 
                                  "Sales & Marketing Director"); 
OMX_OM_NULL_DESC(   cpub_mod1[4]); 
/* define the second descriptor list */ 
OMX_CLASS_DESC(     cpub_mod2[0], DS_C_ENTRY_MOD); 
OMX_ENUM_DESC(      cpub_mod2[1], DS_MOD_TYPE, 
                                  "Abacus Trading Corporation"); 
OMX_OM_NULL_DESC(   cpub_mod2[5]); 
/* define the third descriptor list */ 
OMX_CLASS_DESC(     cpub_mod3[0], DS_C_ENTRY_MOD); 
OMX_ENUM_DESC(      cpub_mod3[1], DS_MOD_TYPE, 
OMX_OM_NULL_DESC(   cpub_mod3[3]); 
/* define the fourth descriptor list */ 
OMX_CLASS_DESC(     cpub_mod4[0], DS_C_ENTRY_MOD); 
OMX_ENUM_DESC(      cpub_mod4[1], DS_MOD_TYPE, 
OMX_OM_NULL_DESC(   cpub_mod4[4]); 
/* define the fifth descriptor list */ 
OMX_CLASS_DESC(     cpub_mod_list[0],       DS_C_ENTRY_MOD_LIST); 
OMX_OBJECT_DESC(    cpub_mod_list[1],       DS_CHANGES, cpub_mod1); 
OMX_OBJECT_DESC(    cpub_mod_list[2],       DS_CHANGES, cpub_mod2); 
OMX_OBJECT_DESC(    cpub_mod_list[3],       DS_CHANGES, cpub_mod3); 
OMX_OBJECT_DESC(    cpub_mod_list[4],       DS_CHANGES, cpub_mod4); 
OMX_OM_NULL_DESC(   cpub_mod_list[5]); 
    DS_status         status; 
    OM_sint           invoke_id; 
    OM_uint           completion_flag; 
    DS_status         operation_status; 
    OM_return_code    om_status; 
    OM_private_object changes, modify_entry_result; 
    /* create an OM Private object called changes*/  
    om_status = om_create(DS_C_ENTRY_MOD_LIST, OM_FALSE, workspace, 
    /* now put the contents of the public object, cpub_mod_list, */ 
    /* in to the changes private object                          */  
    om_status = om_put(changes, OM_REPLACE_ALL, cpub_mod_list, 
                       0, 0, 0); 
    /* Call the Modify Entry function using the changes object as */ 
    /* a parameter                                                */ 
    status = ds_modify_entry(bound_session, context, name, changes, 
    if (status == DS_SUCCESS) 
        printf("MODIFY ENTRY was successful\n"); 
        printf("MODIFY ENTRY failed\n"); 
    /* now wait for the response... */ 
    completion_flag = DS_OUTSTANDING_OPERATIONS; 
    /* loop around calls to receive_result() until we get one back */ 
    while ((status == DS_SUCCESS) && 
           (completion_flag == DS_OUTSTANDING_OPERATIONS)) 
        status = ds_receive_result(bound_session, &completion_flag, 
        if (status == DS_SUCCESS) 
            switch (completion_flag) 
                case DS_COMPLETED_OPERATION: 
                /* we have a completed operation */ 
                /* check operation_status */ 
                case DS_OUTSTANDING_OPERATIONS: 
                case DS_NO_OUTSTANDING_OPERATION: 

The above example shows the following:


Changes the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) of an entry.


Status = ds_modify_rdn(Session, Context, Name, New-RDN, Delete-Old-RDN, Invoke-ID)

Argument Data Type Access
Session OM_private_object read
Context OM_private_object read
Name OM_object read
New-RDN OM_object read
Delete-Old-RDN OM_boolean read
Invoke-ID Integer write
Status DS_status  

C Binding

DS_status ds_modify_rdn(session, context, name, new_rdn, delete_old_rdn, invoke_id_return)

DS_status ds_modify_rdn (
OM_private_object session
OM_private_object context
OM_object name
OM_object new_rdn
OM_boolean delete_old_rdn
OM_sint invoke_id_return)



The Session OM private object that was returned by the Bind function, identifying the directory session to be used.


The directory context to be used for this operation. This argument must be a Context OM private object or the constant Default-Context.


A Name OM object containing the current name of the target entry. Any aliases in the name will be dereferenced if the DSA attribute Dereference Alias on Modify is set and the Dont Deference Aliases service control is not set.


A Relative-Name OM object specifying the new RDN. If an attribute value in the new RDN does not already exist in the entry, either as part of the old RDN or as a nondistinguished value, then the new value is added.


When this takes the value false the old values will remain, but not as part of the RDN. When this takes the value true, all attribute values in the old RDN that are not also in the new RDN are deleted. If the operation removes the last value of an attribute, the attribute is deleted. This argument must be true when the value of a single-valued attribute is changed.


The Invoke-ID of an asynchronous directory operation.


This function is used to change the RDN of a leaf entry. This can be either an object entry or an alias entry.


CDS does not support the Modify RDN function; it returns with the Service-Error unwilling-to-perform.

Return Values

Possible return values are as follows:
Return Description
DS_SUCCESS The RDN of the entry was changed, if the operation was invoked synchronously. The operation was initiated, if it was invoked asynchronously.
DS_NO_WORKSPACE A workspace has not been set up by a call to the Initialize function.

If neither of these constants is returned, then the function returns a pointer to an error object of one of the classes listed below.


This function can return pointers to the following error objects:


The following code extract shows an example call to the Modify RDN function.

OM_private_object  bound_session, context, name, new_rdn; 
OM_sint            invoke_id; 
OM_boolean         delete_old_rdn; 
    DS_status          status; 
    status = ds_modify_rdn(bound_session, DS_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, name, 
                           new_rdn, delete_old_rdn, NULL); 
    if (status == DS_SUCCESS) 
      printf("MODIFY RDN was successful\n"); 
      printf("MODIFY RDN failed\n"); 
    return status;} 


Queries information in a particular entry.


Status = ds_read(Session, Context, Name, Selection, Result, Invoke-ID)

Argument Data Type Access
Session OM_private_object read
Context OM_private_object read
Name OM_object read
Selection OM_object read
Result OM_object write
Invoke-ID Integer write
Status DS_status  

C Binding

DS_status ds_read(session, context, name, selection, result_return, invoke_id_return)

DS_status ds_add_read (
OM_private_object session
OM_private_object context
OM_object name
OM_object selection
OM_private_object result_return
OM_sint invoke_id_return)



The Session OM private object that was returned by the Bind function, identifying the directory session to be used.


The directory context to be used for this operation. The Size-Limit Context parameter does not apply to this operation. This argument must be a Context OM private object or the constant Default-Context.


A Name OM object containing the name of the target entry. Any aliases in the name will be dereferenced unless prohibited by the Context parameter Dont-Dereference-Aliases.


An Entry-Information-Selection OM object or a constant specifying what information from the named entry is requested. Information about no attributes, all attributes, or just a named set can be chosen. Attribute types are always returned, but the attribute values need not be. The following constants can be used:


A Read-Result OM object, passed by reference, containing the distinguished name of the target object and a flag indicating whether the result came from the original entry or a copy. It also contains any requested attribute types and values. Attribute information is only returned if access rights are sufficient. No object is returned if the call does not complete successfully.


The Invoke-ID of an asynchronous directory operation.


This function is used to extract information from an explicitly named entry. It can also be used to verify a distinguished name.

If this function is called asynchronously, then the result can be abandoned by calling the Abandon function.

DCE Notes

Ideally, the user does not know whether X.500 or CDS is actually handling the DCE naming operations. There are, however, some situations where naming results will differ depending on which service is handling the operation. (The intro reference page for XDS functions describes the general differences between operations on X.500 and CDS.)

Note the following issues for the Read function:

Return Values

Possible return values are as follows:
Return Description
DS_SUCCESS The read was completed, if the operation was invoked synchronously. The operation was initiated, if it was invoked asynchronously.
DS_NO_WORKSPACE A workspace has not been set up by a call to the Initialize function.

If neither of these constants is returned, then the function returns a pointer to an error object of one of the classes listed below.


This function can return pointers to the following error objects:

An Attribute-Error, no-such-attribute, is reported if an explicit list of attributes is specified by the selection argument but none of them are present in the entry. This error is not reported if any of the selected attributes are present.

A Security-Error, insufficient-access-rights, is reported where access rights prohibit the reading of all requested attribute values.


The following code extracts show an example call to the Read function. The Read function is used to read all the types and values from all attributes of the directory entry identified in the Name argument.

There are three examples. The first example shows how to perform an asynchronous Read operation. The second example shows how to perform a synchronous Read operation. The third example shows how to perform a synchronous Read operation with a CDS name.

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