Document revision date: 19 July 1999
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OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide

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Chapter 15
15 Using SDA in an OpenVMS Galaxy
     15.1     Dumping Shared Memory
     15.2     Summary of SDA Command Interface Changes or Additions
     15.3     System Dump Analysis (SDA) Galaxy Commands
    Command 1     SHOW GALAXY
    Command 2     SHOW GCT
    Command 3     SHOW GLOCK
    Command 4     SHOW GMDB
    Command 5     SHOW SHM_CPP
    Command 6     SHOW SHM_REG
    Command 7     VALIDATE SHM_CPP
Part IV
Part IV Developing OpenVMS Galaxy Programs
Chapter 16
16 Locking Programming Interfaces
    Command 8     $ACQUIRE_GALAXY_LOCK (Alpha Only)
    Command 9     $CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK (Alpha Only)
    Command 10     $CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK_TABLE (Alpha Only)
    Command 11     $DELETE_GALAXY_LOCK (Alpha Only)
    Command 12     $DELETE_GALAXY_LOCK_TABLE (Alpha Only)
    Command 13     $GET_GALAXY_LOCK_INFO (Alpha Only)
    Command 14     $GET_GALAXY_LOCK_SIZE (Alpha Only)
    Command 15     $RELEASE_GALAXY_LOCK (Alpha Only)
     16.1     Locking Error Messages
Chapter 17
17 System Events Programming Interfaces
    Command 16     $SET_SYSTEM_EVENT (Alpha Only)
    Command 17     $CLEAR_SYSTEM_EVENT (Alpha Only)
Chapter 18
18 Shared Memory Programming Interfaces
     18.1     Using Shared Memory
     18.2     System Services
         18.2.1         Enhanced Services
         18.2.2         New Section Flag SEC$M_READ_ONLY_SHPT
     18.3     Galaxywide Global Sections
Chapter 19
19 CPU Management Programming Interfaces
     19.1     SYS$CPU_TRANSITION
Chapter 20
20 Configuration Management Programming Interfaces
     20.1     SYS$GETSYI
Chapter 21
21 OpenVMS Galaxy Device Drivers
     21.1     Direct-mapped DMA Window Changes
     21.2     How PCI Direct-mapped DMA Works Prior to OpenVMS V7.2
     21.3     How PCI Direct-mapped DMA Works as of OpenVMS Version 7.2
     21.4     IOC$NODE_DATA Changes to Support Nonzero Direct-mapped DMA Windows
Appendix A
Appendix A OpenVMS Galaxy CPU Load Balancer Program
     A.1     CPU Load Balancer Overview
         A.1.1         Required Privileges
         A.1.2         Build and Copy Instructions
         A.1.3         Startup Options
         A.1.4         Starting the Load Balancer from the GCU
         A.1.5         Shutdown Warning
     A.2     Example Program
Appendix B
Appendix B Common Values for Environment Variables
2-1 APMP Diagram
2-2 Another APMP Diagram
3-1 Shared-Nothing Computing Model
3-2 Shared-Partial Computing Model
3-3 Shared-Everything Computing Model
6-1 Attaching Ribbon Cables
6-2 Connectors
21-1 PCI-based DMA
21-2 OpenVMS Version 7.2--1 DMA
10-1 Effect of INIT or Power Cycle
15-1 Definitions of Bits in DUMPSTYLE
B-1 Comon Values for Environment Variables

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