Description:  Transposes an array of rank two.  
Class:  Transformational function; Generic 
Arguments:  MATRIX must be a rank-two array (of any data type).  
Results:  The result is a rank-two array with the same type and kind parameters as MATRIX. Its shape is (n, m), where (m, n) is the shape of MATRIX. For example, if the shape of MATRIX is (4,6), the shape of the result is (6,4).

Element (i, j) of the result has the value MATRIX (j, i), where i is in the range 1 to n, and j is in the range 1 to m. 


B is the array

  [ 2  3  4 ]
  [ 5  6  7 ]
  [ 8  9  1 ].
TRANSPOSE (B) has the value
  [ 2  5  8 ]
  [ 3  6  9 ]
  [ 4  7  1 ].

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