Command Summary and
Processing Messages

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User Action: Correct the SDML source file so that the begin and end tags for the example and the callouts are correctly nested. For example:


CANTOPINT, Cannot open intermediate input file: file-spec

Fatal: The post translator cannot open the INT_TEX file.
User Action: Verify that the file specification is correct and that you have sufficient resources and access rights to open the file.
CANTOPOUT, Cannot create output file: file-spec

Fatal: The post translator cannot create the TEX file for some reason.
User Action: Verify that the file specification is correct, and that you have sufficient resources and access rights to create the file.
CASOVRFLW, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <CASE> tags have been nested beyond the limit of number

Fatal: The <CASE> built-in tag has been nested beyond the allowed limit.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
COMNOTEND, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec A <COMMENT> in a tag definition has not been terminated

Error: A tag's definition contains a comment that is not properly terminated.
User Action: Examine the tag definition to be certain that the comment text is terminated. If the comment text contains characters such as ampersand, backslash, vertical bar, or parentheses, use the <COMMENT> ...<ENDCOMMENT> format.
CPU_USAGE, Pass 1: number Pass 2: number Total: number seconds

Informational: The tag translator reports its CPU usage during pass 1 and pass 2 and the total for both passes.
User Action: None.
CPYNAMHID, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <COPY_TAG> is referencing a tag (<tagname>) that is hidden

Warning: The name referenced by the <COPY_TAG> is hidden, and therefore cannot be copied as a new tag definition.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
CPYNAMUND, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <COPY_TAG> is referencing a name (string) that is undefined

Warning: The name referenced by the <COPY_TAG> is not defined, and therefore cannot be copied as a new tag definition.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
DEFSLOADD, End of Loading of Tag Definitions

Informational: This message is issued after the tag definitions have been loaded and before the reading of any input files. If any error messages appear before this message, the errors were detected during the loading of the tag definitions.
User Action: None.
DIVBYZERO, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Argument 2 to tag <COUNTER> is attempting to divide by zero

Warning: Division by zero is undefined. (Processing continues. The result is as if a divisor of 1 had been used.)
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
DUPHIDNAM, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec A <HIDE_TAGS> tag is reusing the hide-name, string

Warning: The hide-name is already in use. Once tags have been hidden under a specific hide-name, that hide-name cannot again be used until the tags have been revealed with the <REVEAL_TAGS> tag.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
DUPSYMBOL, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The symbol string is being defined twice. The earlier definition is replaced by the new definition

Warning: The same symbol is being defined for two different purposes. The tag translator requires that each symbol be unique. If your symbols exceed 31 characters in length, the automatic truncation to 31 characters may be causing two different symbols to look alike.
User Action: Verify that both symbols are defined uniquely within the first 31 characters.
EDIT_CODE, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Argument number has illegal action code char

Error: The character shown is not one of the allowed action codes.
User Action: Correct the indicated argument to the tag.
EDIT_LNEQ, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Lengths of delimiter, action, substitute strings are not equal

Error: The number of delimiter characters and the number of action codes in one of the action strings or substitute characters in the substitute string are not the same.
User Action: Correct the delimiter, action, or substitute arguments to the tag.
ENDNOTBEG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <tagname> specified without corresponding <tagname>.

Warning: A terminating tag was specified without the tag that it terminates. The tag is ignored.
User Action: Verify that you correctly entered the beginning tag, or remove the extraneous ending tag from your source file.
ENDPASS_1, End of first pass over the input

Informational: The tag translator reports the end of the first pass over all input files. Error messages that appear ahead of this message were issued during the first pass. Error messages that follow this message are issued during the second pass over the input files.
User Action: None.
EOFARGLST, End of file encountered while searching for closing parenthesis. See argument list of tag <tagname> on line number of file filename

Fatal: An argument list is not terminated before the end of the current input file. Either a right parenthesis is missing or an <INCLUDE> tag occurred in a tag's argument list.
User Action: Verify that the indicated tag's argument list is terminated and that no tag's argument list is unterminated at the end of an included file.
EOFCOLECT, End of file encountered while searching for tag <tagname>. See <COLLECT> or <PROTECT> tag on line number of file filename

Fatal: A <COLLECT> or <PROTECT> built-in tag has encountered an end of file before encountering the indicated stop-tag.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
EOFENDCAS, End of file encountered while searching for tag <ENDCASE>. See <CASE> or <CASE_NUMERIC> tag on line number of file filename

Fatal: A <CASE> (or <CASE_NUMERIC>) built-in tag is not terminated before the end of file.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
EOFENDCOM, End of file encountered while searching for tag <ENDCOMMENT>. See <COMMENT> tag on line number of file filename

Fatal: Comment text, introduced by the <COMMENT> built-in tag, was not enclosed as an argument, and therefore requires an <ENDCOMMENT> tag as a terminator.
User Action: Verify that the comment text is either enclosed as an argument to the <COMMENT> built-in tag or that it is terminated with an <ENDCOMMENT> tag.
EOFENDLIT, End of file encountered while searching for <ENDLITERAL> or <ENDDELAYED>. See <LITERAL> or <DELAYED> tag on line number of file filename

Fatal: Literal text, introduced by the <LITERAL> or <DELAYED> tag, was not enclosed as an argument, and therefore requires an <ENDLITERAL> or <ENDDELAYED> tag as a terminator.
User Action: Verify that the literal text is either enclosed as an argument to the <LITERAL> or <DELAYED> tag or that it is terminated with an <ENDLITERAL> or <ENDDELAYED> tag.
EOFIGNORE, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec End of file encountered while searching for tag or label

Fatal: An <IGNORE> built-in tag has encountered the end of the input file without finding one of the tags or labels supplied in the argument list.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
ERRCLSINP, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Input files not closed at end of pass.

Fatal: Files that were included as part of the input have not been properly closed.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
ERRDEFLNM, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Attempt to define logical name was unsuccessful Logical: string Equivalence:string

Warning: An <INCLUDES_FILE> tag in the <PROFILE> template has failed in its attempt to define the logical name with the given equivalence string.
User Action: Examine the arguments to the <INCLUDES_FILE> tag to ensure that they are a correctly formed name and a file specification. Correct the <INCLUDES_FILE> arguments.
ERRDURGET, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Error reading line number of file: filename. Perhaps the line is too long

Warning: The indicated line probably exceeds the tag translator's buffer size. Processing continues with a truncated line (which may introduce other errors if the information that was lost includes part of an argument list to a tag).
User Action: Edit the input file and shorten the line or break it into two lines, if possible.
ERRDURPUT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Error detected writing output file: filename

Fatal: An error was detected while attempting to write to the indicated output file.
User Action: Check that your process has sufficient privilege and access rights and that the output device has sufficient free space to hold the file.
ERROPEAUX, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open auxiliary file:filename

Warning: An attempt to open an auxiliary file failed. The next Informational message may supply the reason for the failure. Processing continues, but attempts to read or write the auxiliary file will fail and will generate error messages.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
ERROPEDMP, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open dump file: filename

Warning: The <RETRIEVE> built-in tag has failed to open a file for output. The next Informational message may indicate the reason for the failure.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
ERROPEINC, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open included file:filename

Warning: The indicated file cannot be opened for input. The next Informational message may indicate the reason for the failure. Processing continues without the included file.
User Action: Verify that the correct file is being accessed and can be read. If you are using a logical name to access the file, verify that the logical name is defined. If you are relying on an <INCLUDES_FILE> tag to define the logical name, verify that the spelling of the logical name is the same in the <INCLUDES_FILE> tag, and that the <INCLUDES_FILE> tag has been specified for the book element that contains the <INCLUDE> tag.
ERROPEINP, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open input file:filename

Fatal: The input file specified on the command line cannot be opened. The next Informational message may indicate the reason for the failure.
User Action: Verify that the correct file is being accessed and can be read.
ERROPELOG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open log file:filename

Warning: The <SET> built-in tag has failed to open a file for trace output. The next Informational message may indicate the reason for the failure.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
ERROPEOUT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open output file: filename

Fatal: The tag translator cannot open the output file. The next Informational message may indicate the reason for the failure.
User Action: Verify that the file specification is correct and that you have sufficient resources and access rights to create the file.
ERROPESEC, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open secondary output file: filename

Warning: An attempt to open a secondary output file failed. Processing continues, but output will go to the primary output file.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
ERROPESIN, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open cross reference input file: filename

Fatal: The tag translator failed to open the file that contains the symbols used for cross-references. The next information message indicates the reason for the failure.
User Action: The file that contains the symbols used in cross-referencing can be used by only one user at a time. The tag translator locks the file to ensure that users have only serial access to it. If the reason for the failure to open the file was due to the fact that another user was currently using the file, you must wait and reissue the command when the file is no longer in use.
ERROPESOT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open cross reference output file: filename

Fatal: The tag translator failed to open a file for writing the symbols used for cross references. The next Informational message may indicate the reason for the failure.
User Action: Verify that you have sufficient resources and access rights to create the file.
ERRPRSFSP, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Error parsing file specification: filename

Warning: The file specification contains an error.
User Action: Correct the file specification or logical name definition.
ERRVMZONE, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Internal error. Failure to create VM zone.

Fatal: The tag translator failed to create space in virtual memory for storage of data.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
EXAMINLIN, Examine line number of file filename

Informational: This message follows other messages of greater severity, and directs you to a possible error in the input.
User Action: Use the information to examine and correct your input.
EXFOOTNOT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Footnotes in a monospaced example exceeds maximum of 4.

Warning: You have specified more than four <FOOTNOTE> tags in a <CODE_EXAMPLE> or other monospaced example. The maximum allowed is four. The footnote will not be processed.
User Action: Correct the source file by removing the extraneous footnotes.
EXPAPPLET, Explicit appendix letter string set on line number of file filename

Informational: Warns that the letter assigned to the next <APPENDIX> tag has been supplied explicitly by a <SET_APPENDIX_LETTER> tag. The appendixes may be lettered out of sequence.
User Action: None.
EXPAPPNUM, Explicit appendix number number set on line number of file filename

Informational: Warns that the number assigned to the next <APPENDIX> tag has been supplied explicitly by a <SET_APPENDIX_NUMBER> tag. The appendices may be numbered out of sequence.
User Action: None.
EXPCHAPNO, Explicit chapter number number set on line number of file filename

Informational: Warns that the number assigned to the next <CHAPTER> tag has been supplied explicitly by a <SET_CHAPTER_NUMBER> tag. The chapters may be numbered out of sequence.
User Action: None.
FILEWRTNG, File filename written (0 length)

Informational: An Error or Fatal message has been issued during the tag translation of a book element. The output file for that book element is reduced to 0 length.
User Action: Correct the problems indicated in the Error and Fatal messages and reprocess.
FILEWRTOK, File filename written

Informational: An element of a book has been processed through the tag translation phase.
User Action: None.
FCMDPARMS, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <tagname> specified without <tagname> in Format. Using <tagname> alone

Warning: The tags <FCMD> and <FPARMS> must be used together to produce predictable results.
User Action: Modify your source file so that it contains both the <FCMD> and <FPARMS> tags. Arguments to either of these tags may be null, that is, it is valid to specify <FCMD>.
FIGINDENT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The value number specified for a block indent exceeds the current allowed maximum of number.

Warning: A <FIGURE_FILE> tag specified the INDENT argument and a value that exceeds the current maximum allowed. The maximum value will be used.
User Action: Correct the numeric argument specified with INDENT so that it does not exceed the indicated maximum.
FIGLINMAX, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Monospaced example lines in <tagname> exceed maximum number.

Error: A monospaced example specified in the context of a <FIGURE> or <EXAMPLE> tags is too long to fit on the current page, and either no <VALID_BREAK> tags were specified to provide valid break points, or there are too many lines between <VALID_BREAK> tags.
User Action: Put <VALID_BREAK> tags at suitable places in the monospaced example to allow the pages to break automatically.
FIG_DEPTH, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Tag <tagname> value number exceeds the maximum NUMBER or is 0.

Warning: The indicated tag specifies a depth for a figure or space to be left for a figure that will overrun the page boundaries. Or, the argument was specified as 0. In either case, the document's default full page depth will be used.
User Action: Correct the tag so that you specify no more than the maximum allowed.
FIG_WIDTH, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Tag <tagname> value number exceeds the maximum NUMBER or is 0.

Warning: The indicated tag specifies a width for a figure or space to be left for a figure that will overrun the page boundaries. Or, the argument was specified as 0. In either case, the document's default full page width will be used.
User Action: Correct the tag so that you specify no more than the maximum allowed.
FILENUMNG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec File number is out of range

Warning: A number supplied to the <FILE_NAME> tag is not within the range of 1 to the number of files that have been opened.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
FILISOPEN, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Auxiliary file: filename is already open

Warning: An <OPEN> built-in tag is specifying a file that is already open. The request is ignored and processing continues.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
FILNOTOPN, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Auxiliary file: filename is not open

Warning: A <READ> or <WRITE> built-in tag is addressing a file that has not been opened.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
FMTDEVICE, Tag <tagname> produces device-specific output.

Informational: A tag that produces specific formatting controls has been processed. The output may not be suitable if the file is processed for another doctype, destination, or both. For example, <FINAL_CLEANUP>(LINE_BREAK) tells the text processor to create a new line of output, but the line break may not be suitable on all output devices.
User Action: Informational Use explicit formatting commands sparingly.)
GTMAXARGS, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec More than number arguments supplied to tag <tagname>

Error: The indicated tag does not expect more than the indicated number of arguments. You may have included a backslash character in one of the arguments, which the tag translator interpreted as an argument separator.
User Action: Verify that the argument list is correctly coded. If necessary, use the <BACKSLASH> tag to code a backslash character that is actually part of an argument.
HIDNOTHID, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Internal error. A hidden tag was invoked, but was not found in the data structure of hidden tag names

Fatal: The algorithm for hiding and revealing tags has failed.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
ICON_TEXT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec No text supplied for <ICON>.

Warning: An <ICON> tag was specified, but no <ICON_TEXT> tag specified text to accompany the graphics. No text will be output.
User Action: Verify that you specified <ICON_TEXT> correctly.
IGNAMEILL, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Argument string to <IGNORE> is illegal

Warning: The argument is not a legal name or label. The argument is dropped from the argument list, and processing continues.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
IGNAMEMIS, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec An argument to <IGNORE> tag is a null string

Warning: One of the arguments to an <IGNORE> tag is empty.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
IGNOREARG, Ignoring the argument

Informational: This message usually accompanies other error messages that indicate a faulty argument. It indicates that the faulty argument is being ignored.
User Action: Correct the SDML file.
IGNORESET, Ignoring <tagname> on line number of file filename

Informational: This tag is ignored when doing a book build or element build, because the numbering of book elements is done automatically.
User Action: Remove the tag.
IGNOTDONE, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The <IGNORE> tag has no arguments, so it is ignored

Warning: Missing or illegal arguments have resulted in an <IGNORE> tag that has no legal arguments. The <IGNORE> tag is not executed.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
INCNOTARG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec An <INCLUDE> tag cannot be invoked in an argument

Error: An <INCLUDE> tag can be invoked only in text.
User Action: Move the <INCLUDE> tag outside the argument list.
INCOVRFLW, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec More than number nested levels of included files

Fatal: The number of included files that can be open at the same time is limited. The limit has been exceeded.
User Action: Consider whether the included files can be included sequentially rather than simultaneously. If file A includes file B, and file B includes file C, consider whether file A can include both B and C, one after the other.
INDENTVAL, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The <tagname> specifies an indent value of number. This exceeds the maximum number allowed for this tag.

Warning: The INDENT argument to the specified tag specified an indent value that exceeds the maximum allowed. The maximum value will be used.
User Action: Correct the tag to specify an indent value less than or equal to the maximum allowed.
INT_LOGIC, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Internal error processing tag <NAME>

Error: An SDML tag definition has an error in it.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
INVINHELP, Tag <tagname> being ignored for HELP processing.

Informational: The SDML tag used is invalid in the HELP doctype. The tag and its arguments are ignored.
User Action: None.
INVLDDEST, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Destination string is invalid with the string doctype.

Fatal: The destination is invalid with the doctype used.
User Action: Check to see that the doctype and destination you are using are compatible.
ISTHISTAG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Ignoring <string terminated by char. Is this a tag without a closing angle bracket?

Warning: An apparent tag name has been found, but without the closing angle bracket that is needed to make it a complete tag invocation.
User Action: If this is a typing error, simply add the closing angle bracket. If this is not a typing error (you really want the left angle bracket and the tag name to appear in the output), use the <LITERAL> tag to enclose the left angle bracket.
KEYPADROW, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Too many keypad rows. Extra rows ignored

Warning: A set of tags within a <KEYPAD_SECTION> specifies more than four <KEYPAD_ROW> tags. The keyboard keypad has only four rows and one end row.
User Action: Determine which <KEYPAD_ROW> tag is extra and remove it from your source file.
LASTAGWAS, Last occurrence of <tagname> was on line number

Informational: This message is issued when a tag is not ended before a particular context or the end-of-file. It tells you the line number of the last occurrence of the tag.
User Action: Use the indicated line number to determine where to correct your source file.
LISTYPWAS, List type was string

Informational: This message accompanies an error that indicates that a <LIST> tag was not terminated. It indicates the type of list, for example, NUMBERED, UNNUMBERED, and so on.
User Action: Use this information to correct your SDML source file.
LITOVRFLW, More than number characters in literal. See line number of file filespec

Fatal: The size of the text encompassed by a <LITERAL> or <DELAYED> tag is limited. This error may indicate that a <LITERAL> or <DELAYED> tag was incorrectly terminated.
User Action: Verify that the <LITERAL> or <DELAYED> tag has been correctly coded. If the text to be encompassed by the tag exceeds the limit, you must break it up and use more than one <LITERAL> or <DELAYED> tag.
LMF_NOLMF, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec No LMF information is specified for this document

Warning: LMF information is missing.
User Action: Check to ensure that the LMF information exists if it is required for your document. Sometimes, incorrect use of the <REFERENCE> tag within the argument to the <TITLE> tag causes this problem.
LMFINFAFT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Make sure <tagname> is specified after the LMF tags. No LMF information is written out.

Warning: The <LMF_INFO> tag may be specified before the LMF tags.
User Action: You may want to check to ensure that the LMF tags are coded before the <LMF_INFO> tag.
LMFNOALTN, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Tag <tagname> may be missing

Warning: An <LMF_ALTNAME> tag may be missing.
User Action: Although this tag is not required, you may want to check to ensure that, if it exists, it is not miscoded.
LMFNOINFO, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Missing <LMF_INFO> tag.

Warning: The <LMF_INFO> tag is missing.
User Action: Check to ensure that the LMF information exists if it is required for your document.
LMFTAGMSG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Tag <tagname> is missing

Error: An LMF tag is missing.
User Action: Check to ensure that the <LMF_PRODUCER>, <LMF_PRODUCT>, <LMF_RELEASE_DATE>, and <LMF_VERSION_NUMBER> tags exist.
LMF_TOMNY, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec LMF information is specified more than once for this document

Error: LMF information is specified more than once for this document.
User Action: You can specify LMF information only once for each document. Check for too many <LMF> tags.
LTMINARGS, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Fewer than number arguments supplied to tag <tagname>

Error: The indicated tag requires a minimum number of arguments. Perhaps one of the arguments has an unmatched right parenthesis in it, and the tag translator has treated that character as the terminator of the argument list.
User Action: Review and correct the argument list. Be sure that the open parenthesis for the argument list is not preceded with a space; for example <TAG> (ARG) should be <TAG>(ARG).
MARKUNBAL, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <MARK> tags are unbalanced.

Error: A <MARK> tag and its corresponding <ENDMARK> tag cross a tag's boundary or are incorrectly nested with respect to another pair of tags. For example, if a <MARK> tag is specified before <FORMAT> and <ENDMARK> is specified before <ENDFORMAT>, the tags are considered unbalanced.
User Action: Find the source file location of the indicated tag and move it. In particular look for instances where a <MARK> tag is specified in a tag argument, but the <ENDMARK> tag is specified outside that tag's argument or in an argument to another tag.
MILNOCLSS, No security classification has been specified

Informational: The <HIGHEST_SECURITY_CLASS> tag has been specified to output the highest security classification. However, no <SECURITY> tags have been specified in the document to provide a classification and so no output will be produced.
User Action: Add a <SECURITY> tag to indicate the document's security classification or remove the <HIGHEST_SECURITY_CLASS> tag.
MINEXCMAX, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Minimum argument count (number) exceeds maximum argument count (number). (Minimum argument count is being reset to zero)

Warning: A <DEFINE> or <REDEFINE> tag is specifying a minimum and maximum number of arguments and the minimum exceeds the maximum.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
MSGIDISNG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The message identification string is invalid. The <HIDE_TAGS> tag is ignored

Warning: The second argument to a <HIDE_TAGS> tag is supplying an unknown message identification.
User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
NAME2LONG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Condition name string exceeds 28 characters

Error: Condition names may not exceed 28 characters in length.
User Action: Shorten this name (and any other condition names that are too long) to 28 characters or less.
NAMETRUNC, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Name string exceeds 31 characters. Name string is truncated version

Warning: Names may not exceed 31 characters in length. The name that was supplied is a legal name, but it is too long. It is truncated to 31 characters.

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