Command Summary and
Processing Messages

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  • Callout number exceeds 99. Using 99.
    A <CALLOUT> or <CO> tag's value is greater than 99. POSTSCRIPT output devices cannot print numbers greater than 99.
  • Error in setting note type; using default.
    A local or personal DESIGN file specified an invalid value for the \noteformattype. Refer to Designing Doctypes for value values.
  • Error. Maximum number of table footnotes exceeded.
    You specified too many <FOOTNOTE> tags for a table. The largest number that is allowed is 12.
  • Error pushing/popping revision bars.
    <MARK> and <ENDMARK> tags are not evenly matched or are not suppressed around heading levels in the correct sequence. If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
  • Possible problem in the output of revision bars.
    The text formatter encountered a complex situation while a revision mark (from the <MARK> tag) was active. Examine your output closely to determine if the revision mark output is correct. A revision mark may not appear or it may appear where you did not intend it to. If there is a problem, you can change your source file to decrease the range in which a revision mark is active. For example, if you have changes in two rows of a table, you might place the <MARK> and <ENDMARK> tags inside each of the two <TABLE_ROW> tags instead of around the entire table.
  • Figure is too large for a single page.
    A value specified in <FIGURE_SPACE> or <FIGURE_FILE> exceeds the depth of the output page. The text formatter uses only the depth of the page.
    Correct the invalid depth argument in the SDML file.
  • The <FOOTREF> tag before the <FOOTNOTE> tag in the table is ignored.
    A tag <FOOTREF> tag occurs in a table for which no corresponding <FOOTNOTE> tag occurs. You must specify footnotes in tables at the beginning of the table, before any references to them occur.
  • Graphics files cannot be included on this device.
    A <FIGURE_FILE> or <ICON_FILE> tag was encountered that specified a graphics file to be included on a device that does not support the inclusion of graphics. The tag is ignored.
  • An index subentry is more than 4 levels deep; it is ignored.
    An indexing tag (<X> or <Y>) contains more than four <XSUBENTRY> tags. Only four levels of subentry are allowed.
    Correct the indexing tag by removing the excessive subentries.
  • Included files are not allowed to float.
    An included text formatter file in a figure is assumed to be multipage and cannot float.
    Remove the FLOAT attribute.
  • Internal error while processing a table.
    The text formatter received bad input. Submit an SPR.
  • Invalid table of contents entry.
    A local or personal doctype specified an invalid value for a table of contents entry. Correct the table of contents entry to use a valid code.
    If this error occurs using a standard DECdocument design, submit an SPR.
  • Monospaced example is too big to keep.
    You specified the keyword KEEP as an attribute to a <CODE_EXAMPLE> tag or other tag that specifies a monospaced example. The number of lines in the example cannot fit on a single page of output.
    Remove the keyword KEEP from the tag and provide <VALID_BREAK> tags to indicate acceptable page break points.
  • A multipage figure is not allowed to float.
    You specified a figure with both the attributes FLOAT and MULTIPAGE. Multipage figures cannot float; the text processor outputs it at the location of its occurrence in the source file.
    Remove the FLOAT attribute.
  • There is no template heading defined at this level; using level two.
  • A <PAGE> tag is ignored in a floating figure.
    A <PAGE> or <FINAL_CLEANUP>(PAGE) tag is encountered in a figure that has the default attribute FLOAT.
    Specify <FIGURE_ATTRIBUTES>(MULTIPAGE) for all figures that are more than a page in length.
  • A <PAGE> tag is ignored in taa ble that is not multipage.
    A <PAGE> or <FINAL_CLEANUP>(PAGE) tag is encountered in a table that has the default attribute FLOAT.
    Specify <TABLE_ATTRIBUTES>(MULTIPAGE) for all tables that are more than a page in length.
  • Possible table paging problem.
    A table that is output on more than one page is being forced to break across pages without explicit page breaking or sufficient valid table break points.
    In most cases, the output is acceptable. The text formatter makes its best decision about breaking tables across pages when there are <TABLE_ROW_BREAK> tags to specify the first and last valid breaks for the table.
  • Revision bars cannot be output on this device.
    <REVISION>, <MARK>, and <ENDMARK> tags cannot be processed for this device. No change bars are printed.
  • A <SPAN> tag at the end of a table column is ignored.
    The <SPAN> tag, which specifies that text is to span 2 or more columns in a table, must precede the text in the argument. For example,

    <TABLE_ROW>(<SPAN>(3)This text sits across all three columns) 
    Move the <SPAN> tag to the beginning of the tag's argument.

  • The table is too wide for the page.
    The values you specify in the <TABLE_SETUP> tag result in a table that does not fit on the current page. Check the arguments you specified to the <TABLE_SETUP> tag and decrease them. You are able to tell from the output how much of the table is excessive.
  • A <TABLE_HEADS> tag preceding a <TABLE_SETUP> tag is ignored.
    You must specify table headings following the <TABLE_SETUP> tag. Move the <TABLE_HEADS> tag so that it precedes the <TABLE_SETUP> tag.
  • A <TABLE_HEADS> tag within a <TABLE_UNIT> tag is ignored.
    Do not use the <TABLE_HEADS> tag inside <TABLE_UNIT> tag sequences; use the <TABLE_UNIT_HEADS> tag instead.
  • A <TABLE_ROW> tag is encountered outside of a <TABLE> tag.
    You specify a <TABLE_ROW> tag, but there is no <TABLE> tag. The tag is ignored. Correct the file so that a valid <TABLE> tag precedes it.
  • <TABLE_ROW_BREAK> tags in a single-page table are ignored.
    You specify the <TABLE_ROW_BREAK> tag in a table that has the attribute KEEP.
    Remove the KEEP attribute from the table or remove the <TABLE_ROW_BREAK> tag.
  • A <TABLE_UNIT_HEADS> tag outside of the table unit ignored.
    A <TABLE_UNIT_HEADS> tag is encountered before a <TABLE_UNIT> tag to begin a table unit.
    Remove the tag or insert a <TABLE_UNIT> tag to enclose a table unit.
  • Tracing is disabled in DECdocument.
    An instruction to accumulate tracing information occurred in a TEX file. DECdocument does not support these instructions.
  • Too many columns specified for multi-column output.
    A local or personal doctype specifies too many columns of output.
    If this error occurs using a standard doctype, submit an SPR.
    INITEXPAT, \patterns can only be used by Initex

    Warning: Text formatter only recognizes \patterns when it is building format files, not during a run of DECdocument.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    INSERTED, Missing command inserted

    Warning: Missing command was inserted into the input stream.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    INSERTHBOX, \insert can only be added to a \vbox

    Warning: Command \insert is not valid in the current context.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    INSERTING, Inserting command

    Warning: Text formatter attempted to resolve an unexpected situation by inserting shown command into the input stream.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    INSUFEXTFON, Math formula deleted: Insufficient extension fonts

    Warning: Math formula could not be typeset because extension fonts were inadequate or missing.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    INSUFSYMFON, Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts

    Warning: Math formula could not be typeset because symbol fonts were inadequate or missing.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    INTERNALERROR, Internal error number: error number. Job is aborting

    Error: Text formatter found an internal inconsistency.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    LINE, Error occurred on or around line number: number

    Informational: Reports the current line of input that the text formatter is processing.
    User Action: This message always occurs in conjuction with other messages. Action depends upon associated message.
    LINETOOLONG, Line too long by Integer.remainder points

    Informational: The text formatter found a very lengthy line.
    User Action: This message always occurs in conjuction with other messages. Action depends upon associated message.
    LINETOOSHORT, Line too short - on page Page number

    Informational: The text formatter found a line that was too short.
    User Action: This message always occurs in conjuction with other messages. Action depends upon associated message.
    MATHOVERFLOW, Arithmetic overflow

    Warning: Result of a mathematical operation was too large.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXFONTS, Maximum number of fonts is: number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of fonts.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXGROUPS, Maximum number of groups is: number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of groups.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXHASH, Maximum number of entries in hash table is: number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of entries on text formatter's hash table.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXHSTRINGS, Maximum number of hyphenation strings is: number

    Informational: User has exceeded the maximum number of hyphenation strings.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXHYPHS, Number of hyphenation exceptions is: number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of hyphenations.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXINPUTS, Maximum number of simultaneous input files is: number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of simultaneous input files.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXNESTS, Maximum number of simultaneous semantic levels is number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of simultaneous semantic levels in text formatter.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXPARAMS, Maximum number of simultaneous text macro parameters is number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of parameters to a macro.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXSAVE, Maximum number of entries on save stack is: number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of entries on text formatter's save stack.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MAXSTRINGS, Maximum number of strings is: number

    Informational: User has exceeded maximum number of strings.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MEMORYSIZE, Main memory size = number words

    Informational: User has exceeded the total size of the text formatter's main memory.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MESSAGE, text - on page number

    Warning: Text formatter macro generated a warning message. The following is a list of possible messages and actions.
    User Action: See the action associated with each of the following messages.
    MISSINGBOOL, ' or '=' or '

    Warning: Text formatter expected to scan one of the boolean values shown.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report. Determine which boolean value is needed and insert it in the right place.
    MISSINGLBRACE, Possible missing {

    Warning: Text formatter did not see an {.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MISSINGRBRACE, Possible missing }

    Warning: Text formatter did not see an }.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    MODE, Error occurred in string mode

    Informational: Reports the current mode that the text formatter is in.
    User Action: This message always occurs in conjunction with other messages. Action depends upon associated message.
    MUERROR, Mismatched glue units. Assuming that 1mu=1pt

    Warning: Text formatter scanned glue specifications that are incompatible.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NOBOX, Expected to find \hbox or \vbox or \copy or \box or something like that. Some text may be missing from output.

    Warning: Text formatter expected to find a box.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NOEND, No \end was found

    Error: Text formatter expected to see an \end command.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NOFONTID, Could not find font identifier for the following font:

    Warning: Font identifier for the current font is missing.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NOINPUTPAGE, no pages in input file

    Error: The input file named in an associated message contains no pages; therefore, there is no output to print.
    User Action: Check SDML source file to see why no text was found.
    NOINSLASTBOX, \insert255 is illegal. Changing to \insert0

    Warning: Text formatter register \insert255 cannot be used in current context.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NOMATHACCENT, Changed \accent to \mathaccent

    Warning: The text formatter command \accent works differently in formulas than it does in normal text.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NONUMBER, Missing number, using zero

    Warning: Text formatter expected to find a number.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NOROOM, Exceeded memory capacity:

    Error: Text formatter exceeded one of its memory capacities. The message immediately following indicates which quantity was exceeded.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NOUSEAFTER, After this: command, the following is invalid:

    Warning: Text formatter cannot use the command shown in the next message directly after the command shown in this message.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    NUMBERTOOBIG, Number too large, using 2147483647 instead

    Warning: Text formatter could not use specified number because it is too big. Text formatter used 2147483647 instead, which is the largest number possible in that context.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    ONEOFFOUR, Some or all of the following 4 messages apply:

    Warning: One or more of the four messages that follow on your screen apply.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    ONEOFTWO, One or both of the following messages apply:

    Warning: One or both of the two messages that follow on your screen apply.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    ONPAGE, on page number

    Informational: Identifies the current page being output.
    User Action: This message always occurs in counjunction with other messages. Action depends upon associated message.
    OUTFILENAME, file-name

    Informational: Identifies the output file name.
    User Action: None.
    PAGESOUT, number page(s) written.

    Informational: Reports the number of pages written to the output file.
    User Action: None.
    PAGETOOBIG, Cannot ship out huge page. More than 18 feet wide or long.

    Warning: Text formatter became confused during typesetting of current page because page was too large.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    PAGETOOLONG, Page too long by string.string points

    Warning: Text formatter could not fit the contents of the current page into boundaries of current page. Such errors are common with a line printer because it is monospaced.
    User Action: Examine the output on the page shown to determine if there is a problem with the coding of the SDML file. You can ignore the problem if it is not serious, or you can change destinations or change the doctype, if possible. number)
    PAGETOOSHORT, Page too short - on page Page number

    Informational: The text formatter had trouble composing the current page. There were not enough lines to reach the bottom. Such errors are common with a line printer because it is monospaced.
    User Action: Examine the output on the page shown to determine if there is a problem with the coding of the SDML file. You can ignore the problem if it is not serious, or you can change destinations or change the doctype, if possible.
    PATTERNEXISTS, Duplicate pattern found

    Warning: Text formatter found a duplicate pattern.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    PATTERNMEMSIZE, Hyphenation pattern memory size = number words

    Informational: User has exceeded total size of text formatter's hyphenation memory.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    POOLSIZE, String memory size = number bytes

    Informational: User has exceeded total size of text formatter's string memory.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    RUNAWAY, Runaway kind of text

    Warning: Text formatter became confused while scanning the shown kind of text.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    SCALED, Font was scaled: number

    Informational: This is an internal error.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.

    Informational: Displays the input stream that the text formatter was attempting to read when something went wrong.
    User Action: This message always occurs in conjunction with other messages. Action depends upon associated message.
    SHOWTOKEN, text

    Informational: Displays part of text formatter's current token list.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    TIGHTSPACING, Insufficient inter-word spacing - on page Page number

    Informational: The text formatter had trouble composing a line - there was not enough white space on the line. Such errors are common with a line printer because it is monospaced.
    User Action: Examine the output on the page shown to determine if there is a problem with the coding of the SDML file. You can ignore the problem if it is not serious, or you can change destinations or change the doctype, if possible.
    TOOFEWLINES, Excess inter-line spacing - on page Page number

    Informational: The text formatter had trouble composing the current page. There was too much white space between the lines. Such errors are common with a line printer because it is monospaced.
    User Action: Examine the output on the page shown to determine if there is a problem with the coding of the SDML file. You can ignore the problem if it is not serious, or you can change destinations or change the doctype, if possible.
    TOOMANYERRORS, Error limit is 30

    Error: Text formatter found more than 30 errors.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    TOOMANYLINES, Insufficient inter-word spacing - on page Page number

    Informational: The text formatter had trouble composing the current page. There was not enough white space between the lines. Such errors are common with a line printer because it is monospaced.
    User Action: Examine the output on the page shown to determine if there is a problem with the coding of the SDML file. You can ignore the problem if it is not serious, or you can change destinations or change the doctype, if possible.
    TOOMANYPARAMS, More than nine parameters were passed to a macro

    Warning: Text formatter became confused while scanning parameters to a macro because there were too many paramters.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    TRACE, text

    Informational: User has turned on text formatter's tracing mechanism. Text contains information about DECdocument's text formatter's internals.
    User Action: None.
    UNDEFINEDCS, Undefined control sequence

    Warning: Text formatter encountered an undefined control sequence.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    UNKNOWNUNIT, Dimension unit must be: em,ex,in,pt,pc,cm,mm,dd,cc,bp,sp

    Warning: Text formatter expected to read one of the dimensions shown.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    USINGZERO, Bad value, must be between smaller number and larger number, using zero instead

    Warning: Text formatter expected to scan a value in the range shown.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    VSPLITHBOX, Attempted to \vsplit a \hbox

    Warning: Command \vsplit is not valid in current context.
    User Action: If you receive this message and are under a service contract with Digital, call your customer service center. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report.
    WIDESPACING, Excess inter-word spacing - on page Page number

    Informational: The text formatter had trouble composing a line; there was too much white space on the line. Such errors are common with a line printer because it is monospaced.
    User Action: Examine the output on the page shown to determine if there is a problem with the coding of the SDML file. You can ignore the problem if it is not serious, or you can change destinations or change the doctype, if possible.

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