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CANTOPINT, Cannot open intermediate input file: file-spec
CANTOPOUT, Cannot create output file: file-spec
CASOVRFLW, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <CASE> tags have been nested beyond the limit of number
COMNOTEND, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec A <COMMENT> in a tag definition has not been terminated
CPU_USAGE, Pass 1: number Pass 2: number Total: number seconds
CPYNAMHID, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <COPY_TAG> is referencing a tag (<tagname>) that is hidden
CPYNAMUND, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <COPY_TAG> is referencing a name (string) that is undefined
DEFSLOADD, End of Loading of Tag Definitions
DIVBYZERO, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Argument 2 to tag <COUNTER> is attempting to divide by zero
DUPHIDNAM, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec A <HIDE_TAGS> tag is reusing the hide-name, string
DUPSYMBOL, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The symbol string is being defined twice. The earlier definition is replaced by the new definition
EDIT_CODE, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Argument number has illegal action code char
EDIT_LNEQ, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Lengths of delimiter, action, substitute strings are not equal
ENDNOTBEG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <tagname> specified without corresponding <tagname>.
ENDPASS_1, End of first pass over the input
EOFARGLST, End of file encountered while searching for closing parenthesis. See argument list of tag <tagname> on line number of file filename
EOFCOLECT, End of file encountered while searching for tag <tagname>. See <COLLECT> or <PROTECT> tag on line number of file filename
EOFENDCAS, End of file encountered while searching for tag <ENDCASE>. See <CASE> or <CASE_NUMERIC> tag on line number of file filename
EOFENDCOM, End of file encountered while searching for tag <ENDCOMMENT>. See <COMMENT> tag on line number of file filename
EOFENDLIT, End of file encountered while searching for <ENDLITERAL> or <ENDDELAYED>. See <LITERAL> or <DELAYED> tag on line number of file filename
EOFIGNORE, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec End of file encountered while searching for tag or label
ERRCLSINP, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Input files not closed at end of pass.
ERRDEFLNM, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Attempt to define logical name was unsuccessful Logical: string Equivalence:string
ERRDURGET, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Error reading line number of file: filename. Perhaps the line is too long
ERRDURPUT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Error detected writing output file: filename
ERROPEAUX, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open auxiliary file:filename
ERROPEDMP, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open dump file: filename
ERROPEINC, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open included file:filename
ERROPEINP, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open input file:filename
ERROPELOG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open log file:filename
ERROPEOUT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open output file: filename
ERROPESEC, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open secondary output file: filename
ERROPESIN, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open cross reference input file: filename
ERROPESOT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Cannot open cross reference output file: filename
ERRPRSFSP, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Error parsing file specification: filename
ERRVMZONE, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Internal error. Failure to create VM zone.
EXAMINLIN, Examine line number of file filename
EXFOOTNOT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Footnotes in a monospaced example exceeds maximum of 4.
EXPAPPLET, Explicit appendix letter string set on line number of file filename
EXPAPPNUM, Explicit appendix number number set on line number of file filename
EXPCHAPNO, Explicit chapter number number set on line number of file filename
FILEWRTNG, File filename written (0 length)
FILEWRTOK, File filename written
FCMDPARMS, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <tagname> specified without <tagname> in Format. Using <tagname> alone
FIGINDENT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The value number specified for a block indent exceeds the current allowed maximum of number.
FIGLINMAX, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Monospaced example lines in <tagname> exceed maximum number.
FIG_DEPTH, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Tag <tagname> value number exceeds the maximum NUMBER or is 0.
FIG_WIDTH, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Tag <tagname> value number exceeds the maximum NUMBER or is 0.
FILENUMNG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec File number is out of range
FILISOPEN, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Auxiliary file: filename is already open
FILNOTOPN, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Auxiliary file: filename is not open
FMTDEVICE, Tag <tagname> produces device-specific output.
GTMAXARGS, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec More than number arguments supplied to tag <tagname>
HIDNOTHID, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Internal error. A hidden tag was invoked, but was not found in the data structure of hidden tag names
ICON_TEXT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec No text supplied for <ICON>.
IGNAMEILL, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Argument string to <IGNORE> is illegal
IGNAMEMIS, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec An argument to <IGNORE> tag is a null string
IGNOREARG, Ignoring the argument
IGNORESET, Ignoring <tagname> on line number of file filename
IGNOTDONE, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The <IGNORE> tag has no arguments, so it is ignored
INCNOTARG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec An <INCLUDE> tag cannot be invoked in an argument
INCOVRFLW, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec More than number nested levels of included files
INDENTVAL, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The <tagname> specifies an indent value of number. This exceeds the maximum number allowed for this tag.
INT_LOGIC, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Internal error processing tag <NAME>
INVINHELP, Tag <tagname> being ignored for HELP processing.
INVLDDEST, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Destination string is invalid with the string doctype.
ISTHISTAG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Ignoring <string terminated by char. Is this a tag without a closing angle bracket?
KEYPADROW, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Too many keypad rows. Extra rows ignored
LASTAGWAS, Last occurrence of <tagname> was on line number
LISTYPWAS, List type was string
LITOVRFLW, More than number characters in literal. See line number of file filespec
LMF_NOLMF, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec No LMF information is specified for this document
LMFINFAFT, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Make sure <tagname> is specified after the LMF tags. No LMF information is written out.
LMFNOALTN, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Tag <tagname> may be missing
LMFNOINFO, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Missing <LMF_INFO> tag.
LMFTAGMSG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Tag <tagname> is missing
LMF_TOMNY, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec LMF information is specified more than once for this document
LTMINARGS, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Fewer than number arguments supplied to tag <tagname>
MARKUNBAL, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec <MARK> tags are unbalanced.
MILNOCLSS, No security classification has been specified
MINEXCMAX, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Minimum argument count (number) exceeds maximum argument count (number). (Minimum argument count is being reset to zero)
MSGIDISNG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec The message identification string is invalid. The <HIDE_TAGS> tag is ignored
NAME2LONG, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Condition name string exceeds 28 characters
NAMETRUNC, at tag or text, line n, file file-spec Name string exceeds 31 characters. Name string is truncated version
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