Document revision date: 19 July 1999 | |
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SET (ICON_PIXMAP,integer,icon_pixmap [[,widget]])
SET (ICON_PIXMAP,bitmap_file_name [[,widget]])
A keyword that indicates that the SET built-in procedure is being used to determine the pixmap that the application uses to create its icon in the DECwindows icon box.integer
The hierarchy identifier returned by the SET (UID) built-in procedure. This identifier is passed to the Motif Resource Manager, which uses the identifier to find the hierarchy's resource name in the resource database.icon_pixmap
A case-sensitive string that is the name assigned to the icon in the User Interface Language (UIL) file defining the icon pixmap. The icon must be declared EXPORTED in the UIL file.Applications must have three icons in their UIL file, as supported by the Motif window manager:
- A small icon that is 32 pixels by 32 pixels
- A medium icon that is 50 pixels by 50 pixels
- A large icon that is 75 pixels by 75 pixels
The icon name that you pass to this built-in must match the root name of the three icon names in the UIL file.
The UIL names start with the root name and end with the dimension _nXn. For example, EVE's root name is EVE_ICON. The three icon names in EVE's Motif UIL file are therefore EVE_ICON_32X32, EVE_ICON_50X50, and EVE_ICON_75X75.
When you use the SET (ICON_PIXMAP) built-in procedure, or change the window manager icon size and restart the Motif Window Manager, DECTPU automatically selects the application's largest icon currently allowed by the Motif Window Manager. Thus, the icon pixmap can correctly fill the image area decoration of the icon. This means that a Motif application cannot specify which icon to display; DECTPU decides for it.
The widget whose icon pixmap is to be set. By default, DECTPU sets the icon pixmap of its top-level widget.bitmap_file_name
The file specification of a bitmap file. SET (ICON_PIXMAP) requires these files to be in the format created by the Xlib routine WRITE BITMAP FILE. To create a file with the correct format, you can use the OpenVMS program SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$PAINT.EXE (the DECpaint application) or the program DECW$EXAMPLES:BITMAP.EXE. If you use the paint application, use the Customize Picture Size option to set the picture size to nonstandard. Use the Zoom option to manipulate this small image. Choose the X11 format when you save the file.On DECwindows, set the height and width to 75 pixels for large icons, to 50 pixels for medium icons, and to 32 pixels for small icons.
The SET (ICON_PIXMAP) procedure determines the pixmap the application uses to create its icon in the DECwindows icon box. To specify an icon pixmap defined in a UIL file, use the first format variant shown in the format section. To specify an icon created in a bitmap file, use the second format variant shown in the format section.
TPU$_FAILURE_STATUS | ERROR | The DIGITAL Resource Manager returned an error status. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | One of the parameters was specified with data of the wrong type. |
TPU$_REQUIRESDECW | ERROR | Requires the DECTPU DECwindows screen updater. |
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | You specified too few parameters. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | You specified too many parameters. |
TPU$_BADHIERARCHY | ERROR | You specified an invalid hierarchy identifier. |
The following example causes the icon pixmap stored in the file ICON_FLAMINGO.X11 to be displayed in the application's icon:
Informational messages that DECTPU writes.ON, 1
Causes the informational messages to be displayed.OFF, 0
Suppresses the display of informational messages.
The SET (INFORMATIONAL) procedure sets whether or not you see informational messages. If you specify a section file when invoking DECTPU (either by default or by using the /NOSECTION qualifier), DECTPU may not display informational messages. You can cause informational messages to be written by using SET (INFORMATIONAL, ON).If you use the /NOSECTION qualifier when invoking DECTPU, informational messages are written by default.
When you are developing DECTPU programs, the informational messages help you find errors in your program, so it is a good idea to use the SET (INFORMATIONAL) built-in procedure to cause the messages to be displayed.
See Appendix B for a list of the DECTPU informational messages.
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | SET (INFORMATIONAL) requires two parameters. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | You specified more than two parameters. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | One or more of the specified parameters have the wrong type. |
TPU$_BADKEY | ERROR | You specified an invalid keyword. |
The following example causes the display of informational messages to be turned off:
SET (INPUT_FOCUS [[, SCREEN |, widget]])
A keyword that directs DECTPU to request the input focus.SCREEN
An optional keyword that indicates that the top-level widget associated with DECTPU's screen is to receive the input focus. This keyword is the default.widget
The widget that is to receive the input focus. If you specify a widget for this parameter, the DECTPU key bindings are not available to process keyboard input into the specified widget.You can set or get the input-focus state of a widget only if that widget is a shell widget, that is, if it has a resource named XtNinput.
The SET (INPUT_FOCUS) procedure requests ownership of the input focus. Ownership of the input focus determines which application or widget processes user input from the keyboard. It does not guarantee that DECTPU or the widget gets the input focus. If DECTPU or the widget receives the input focus, it gets a focus-in event. When DECTPU gets this event, it calls the input focus grab routine. For more information about the role of events in DECwindows applications, see the VMS DECwindows Guide to Application Programming.When the top-level widget for DECTPU's screen has the input focus, DECTPU processes keystrokes normally. That is, undefined printable keys insert characters in the current buffer, and defined keys execute the code bound to them.
If a child widget in the widget hierarchy has the input focus, keystrokes are processed by that widget. For example, when a text widget in an EVE dialog box has the input focus, keystrokes are processed by the text widget, not by DECTPU. No DECTPU key bindings are in effect.
TPU$_BADKEY | WARNING | You specified an invalid keyword as a parameter. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | One of the parameters was specified with data of the wrong type. |
TPU$_REQUIRESDECW | ERROR | You can use the SET (INPUT_FOCUS) built-in only if you are using DECwindows DECTPU. |
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | Too few arguments passed to the SET (INPUT_FOCUS) built-in. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | Too many arguments passed to the SET (INPUT_FOCUS) built-in. |
The following example is a modified version of the EVE procedure EVE$$WIDGET_REPLACE_EACH_OK. The original version is in SYS$EXAMPLES:EVE$MENUS.TPU. For more information about using the files in SYS$EXAMPLES as examples, see Appendix A.
PROCEDURE eve$$widget_replace_each_ok SET (INPUT_FOCUS); ! This statement grabs input focus ! so Ctrl/C events will be detected. eve$$replace_loop (0, eve$x_yes); ENDPROCEDURE; |
Procedure EVE$$WIDGET_REPLACE_EACH_OK responds when you press the OK button in the REPLACE dialog box that asks if an occurrence of the old string should be replaced with the new string.
SET (INPUT_FOCUS_GRAB , SCREEN [[, {buffer |learn_sequence |program |range |string |NONE} ]] )
A keyword that indicates that the SET built-in procedure is being used to set the input focus grab routine.SCREEN
A keyword used for compatibility with future versions of DECTPU.buffer
The buffer that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-in event.learn_sequence
The learn sequence that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-in event.program
The program that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-in event.range
The range that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-in event.string
The string that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-in event.NONE
A keyword that directs DECTPU to delete the input focus grab routine. If you specify this keyword or do not specify the parameter at all, the application is not notified when input focus is received.
The SET (INPUT_FOCUS_GRAB) procedure specifies the program or learn sequence that DECTPU should execute whenever it processes a focus-in event. For more information about DECTPU input focus support, see the Guide to the DEC Text Processing Utility.
TPU$_BADKEY | WARNING | You specified an invalid keyword as a parameter. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | One of the parameters was specified with data of the wrong type. |
TPU$_NORETURNVALUE | ERROR | SET (INPUT_FOCUS_GRAB) cannot return a value. |
TPU$_REQUIRESDECW | ERROR | You can use the SET (INPUT_FOCUS_GRAB) built-in only if you are using DECwindows DECTPU. |
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | Too few arguments passed to the SET (INPUT_FOCUS_GRAB) built-in. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | Too many arguments passed to the SET (INPUT_FOCUS_GRAB) built-in. |
The following example designates the procedure user_grab_focus as an input focus grab routine:
SET (INPUT_FOCUS_GRAB, SCREEN, "user_grab_focus"); |
SET (INPUT_FOCUS_UNGRAB, SCREEN [[, {buffer |learn_sequence |program |range |string |NONE} ]] )
A keyword that indicates that the SET built-in procedure is being used to set the input focus ungrab routine.SCREEN
A keyword used for compatibility with future versions of DECTPU.buffer
The buffer that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-out event.learn_sequence
The learn sequence that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-out event.program
The program that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-out event.range
The range that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-out event.string
The string that specifies the actions that DECTPU should take whenever it processes a focus-out event.NONE
A keyword that directs DECTPU to delete the input focus ungrab routine. If you specify this keyword or do not specify the parameter at all, the application is not notified when input focus is lost.
The SET (INPUT_FOCUS_UNGRAB) procedure specifies the program or learn sequence that DECTPU should execute whenever it processes a focus-out event. For more information about DECTPU input focus support, see the Guide to the DEC Text Processing Utility.
TPU$_BADKEY | WARNING | You specified an invalid keyword as a parameter. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | One of the parameters was specified with data of the wrong type. |
TPU$_REQUIRESDECW | ERROR | You can use the SET (INPUT_FOCUS_UNGRAB) built-in only if you are using DECwindows DECTPU. |
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | Too few arguments passed to the SET (INPUT_FOCUS_UNGRAB) built-in. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | Too many arguments passed to the SET (INPUT_FOCUS_UNGRAB) built-in. |
The following example designates the procedure user_ungrab_focus as an input focus ungrab routine:
SET (INPUT_FOCUS_UNGRAB, SCREEN, "user_ungrab_focus"); |
SET (INSERT, buffer)
A keyword that specifies the mode of entering text. INSERT means that characters are added to the buffer immediately before the editing point. See also the description of the SET (OVERSTRIKE) built-in procedure. The default mode for text entry is insert.buffer
The buffer whose mode of text entry you want to set.
The SET (INSERT) procedure sets the specified buffer to insert mode.
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | SET (INSERT) requires two parameters. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | You specified more than two parameters. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | One or more of the specified parameters have the wrong type. |
The following example causes the characters that you add to the buffer to be added immediately before the editing point:
SET (INSERT, my_buffer) |
SET (JOURNALING, buffer {ON |OFF |1 |0}, integer [[,file_name_string ]])
A keyword that indicates that the SET built-in procedure is being used to enable or disable buffer-change journaling or set the frequency of journaling.buffer
The buffer for which you want to enable or disable buffer-change journaling.ON, 1
A keyword that turns on buffer-change journaling.OFF, 0
A keyword that turns off buffer-change journaling.integer
The integer that you specify that determines how frequently records are written to the journal file. The value of this integer must be between 1 and 10.file_name_string
The string that names the file you want to use as the buffer's journal file. If the file does not exist, DECTPU automatically creates it. You cannot specify this parameter if you have specified the OFF keyword. If you do not specify any file name when you turn journaling on, DECTPU creates a journal file for you and names the file by using the default naming algorithm.You can set a default journaling directory.
The SET (JOURNALING) procedure turns buffer-change journaling on or off, sets the journaling frequency, and specifies a journal file name. You can turn on journaling only if the buffer is safe for journaling. For a buffer to be safe for journaling, it must either be empty, have never been modified, or be unmodified since the last time it was written to a file. (Whether the buffer has been modified is not the same as whether the buffer is marked as modified. The modified flag can be set or cleared by the application or by you.)Once a buffer that is being journaled is written to a file, the journal file is closed and deleted and a new journal file is started that references the newly created file. Similarly, reading a file into an empty buffer does not copy the file into the journal---it simply inserts a reference to the file in the journal. This behavior must be taken into account when you perform operations that use temporary files. For example, writing a buffer to a temporary file (which is modified by an external program), then erasing the buffer and rereading a (modified) temporary file will point the journal file at the temporary file. If you then delete the temporary file, the buffer will be unrecoverable.
You can supply a journal file name only if journaling is turned on. If a journal file name is supplied, DECTPU creates a journal file that uses the name you specified. If this parameter is omitted, DECTPU creates a journal file name based on the buffer's name.
If journaling is turned off for the specified buffer, DECTPU closes the journal file but does not delete it.
DECTPU signals a warning or error if any of the following conditions apply:
- Journaling is turned on and one or more of the following is also true:
- The specified buffer is not safe for journaling.
- The specified buffer is already being journaled.
- An RMS error was returned when DECTPU tried to create the journal file.
- Journaling is turned off and a journal file name is specified in the built-in call.
Journal files contain a record of all information being edited. Therefore, when editing files that contain secure or confidential data, be sure to keep the journal files secure as well.The integer parameter specifies the journaling frequency. DECTPU provides a 500-byte buffer for journaling keystrokes. If journaling is enabled, a write to the journal file occurs when the buffer is full. With this built-in procedure, you can determine the frequency with which records are written to the journal file; the lower the integer you specify, the more often journal records are written to disk.
A value of 1 causes a record to be written for approximately every 10 keys pressed. A value of 10 causes a record to be written for approximately every 125 keys. If you are entering only text (rather than procedures that are bound to keys), the number of keystrokes included in a record is greater. For a value of 1, a record is written for approximately every 30 to 35 keystrokes; for a value of 10, a record is written for approximately every 400 keystrokes.
TPU$_MINVALUE | WARNING | Argument is less than minimum allowed. |
TPU$_MAXVALUE | WARNING | Argument is greater than maximum allowed. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | You specified too many parameters. |
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | You specified too few parameters. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | You specified a parameter with the wrong data type. |
TPU$_BADKEY | ERROR | You specified an invalid keyword. |
TPU$_JRNLOPEN | ERROR | A journal file for this buffer is already open. |
The following example turns on buffer-change journaling for the current buffer and directs DECTPU to use the file JOURNAL.JNL in the directory [JONES] as the journal file:
#1 |
SET (JOURNALING, CURRENT_BUFFER, ON, "disk1:[jones]journal.jnl"); |
The following example causes a record to be written from the buffer to a journal file at intervals of approximately 10 user keystrokes. If all or most of the keys pressed have procedures bound to them, DECTPU may write out the contents of the buffer after fewer than 10 keystrokes. The journaling interval shown in this statement is the shortest that you can specify.
#2 |
SET (KEY_MAP_LIST, string {[[, buffer ]] |, window})
The key map list that you bind to a buffer or window. The default key map list is TPU$KEY_MAP_LIST.string
A quoted string, or a variable name representing a string constant, that specifies the key map list that you bind to a buffer or window.buffer
The buffer to which you bind the specified key map list. The default is the buffer to which you are positioned.window
The window with which you want to associate the key map list.You use the key map list manipulated by SET (KEY_MAP_LIST) only to process mouse events in the specified window. Keystrokes are processed using the key map list associated with the buffer.
The SET (KEY_MAP_LIST) procedure binds a specified key map list to a buffer or window. If the buffer or window is not specified, the default is to bind the key map list to the current buffer. A buffer or window can be associated with only one key map list at a time. A key map list can be associated with many buffers or windows simultaneously.
TPU$_NOKEYMAPLIST | WARNING | Attempt to access an undefined key map list. |
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | Too few arguments passed to the SET (KEY_MAP_LIST) built-in. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | Too many arguments passed to the SET (KEY_MAP_LIST) built-in. |
TPU$_NOCURRENTBUF | ERROR | You are not positioned in a buffer. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | Wrong type of data sent to the SET (KEY_MAP_LIST) built-in. |
The following example binds the key map list called TPU$_KEY_MAP_LIST to the current buffer:
#1 |
SET (KEY_MAP_LIST, "tpu$_key_map_list") |
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