Document revision date: 10 November 2000 | |
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You cannot set a value for this resource. (Access is G.) The default is Null.
Note that if you set this resource, the XmString must exactly match one of the the print widget's supported print formats, including the character set. Digital recommends that you do not specify this resource when the print widget is first managed. Instead, after the user has selected a print format, call the Intrinsic routines XtGetValues to obtain the value and XtSetArg to set DXmNprintFormatChoice. The default is Null. Access is CSG.
The print widget supports the following data formats:
The default is Null. Access is CSG.
Value | Size in Inches | Size in MM |
DXmSIZE_DEFAULT | Queue Default | Queue Default |
DXmSIZE_LETTER | 8.5 x 11 | 216 x 279 |
DXmSIZE_LEDGER | 11 x 17 | 279 x 432 |
DXmSIZE_LEGAL | 8.5 x 14 | 216 x 356 |
DXmSIZE_EXECUTIVE | 7.5 x 10 | 191 x 254 |
DXmSIZE_A5 | 5.8 x 8.3 | 148 x 210 |
DXmSIZE_A4 | 8.3 x 11.7 | 210 x 297 |
DXmSIZE_A3 | 11.7 x 16.5 | 297 x 420 |
DXmSIZE_B5 | 7.2 x 10.1 | 176 x 250 |
DXmSIZE_B4 | 10.1 x 14.3 | 250 x 353 |
DXmSIZE_C4_ENVELOPE | 9 x 12.8 | 229 x 324 |
DXmSIZE_C5_ENVELOPE | 6.4 x 9 | 162 x 229 |
DXmSIZE_C56_ENVELOPE | 4.3 x 8.7 | 110 x 220 |
DXmSIZE_10X13_ENVELOPE | 10 x 13 | 254 x 330.2 |
DXmSIZE_9X12_ENVELOPE | 9 x 12 | 228.6 x 304.8 |
DXmSIZE_BUSINESS_ENVELOPE | 4.125 x 9.5 | 104.8 x 241.3 |
The default is DXmSIZE_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
The possible values for DXmNsides are as follows:
Value | Description |
DXmSIDES_DEFAULT | The default for the queue on which you are printing. |
DXmSIDES_SIMPLEX_ONE | Prints on one side only. This is also known as one-sided simplex. |
DXmSIDES_SIMPLEX_TWO | Prints on two sides of the sheet, but uses the same page layout conventions required for single-sided printing. The layout reflects margin and page number locations and related specifications. |
DXmSIDES_DUPLEX_ONE | Prints only on the first side of each sheet, but retains the page layout intended for duplex printing. The layout reflects margin and page number locations and related specifications. |
DXmSIDES_DUPLEX_TWO | Prints on two sides; the second side is accessed by flipping the page along its left edge, like turning the pages of a book. This is also known as two-sided duplex. |
DXmSIDES_TUMBLE_ONE | Prints only on the first side of each sheet, but retains the page layout intended for tumble printing. The layout reflects margin and page number locations and related specifications. |
DXmSIDES_TUMBLE_TWO | Prints on two sides, and the second side is reached by flipping the page along its top edge, like turning the pages of a legal document. This is also known as two-sided tumble. |
The default is DXmSIDES_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
The default is DXmSUPPRESS_NONE, or 0. Access is CSG.
Your application can use the XmNcancelCallback callback to perform related functions as well.
Note that your application can use the XmNokCallback callback to perform other functions, such as calling DXmPrintWgtPrintJob to submit the print job. Callback Structure
typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; } XmAnyCallbackStruct; |
An integer set to the callback reason. See the Callback Reasons section for the values that are valid for this widget.event
A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback.
The user activated the OK push button in the print widget primary dialog box.XmCR_CANCEL
The user activated the Cancel push button in the print widget primary dialog box.
The DXmCreatePrintDialog routine creates the print widget, which is a modeless widget that provides applications with a fast, convenient method of printing one or more files in multiple formats.See the DECwindows Motif Guide to Application Programming for a complete description of the print widget. See also the following routines for related information:
Routine Description DXmPrintWgtAugmentList Defines additional print formats DXmPrintWgtPrintJob Submits a print job
Creates a compound string text widget with scroll bars.Widget Class Hierarchy
Core Resource Set
XmPrimitive Resource Set
DXmScrolledCSText Resource Set
Widget DXmCreateScrolledCSText(parent, name, args, num_args) Widget parent; char *name; Args *args; Cardinal num_args; |
The identifier (widget ID) of the created compound string text widget.
The identifier (widget ID) of the parent
The name of the created widget.args
The application override argument list.num_args
The number of arguments in the application override argument list.
The DXmCreateScrolledCSText routine uses the same arguments and resources as the DXmCreateCSText routine to create a compound string text widget but uses the following resources to create horizontal and vertical scroll bars for the widget as well:
Resource Description XmNscrollHorizontal Controls whether a scroll bar that allows the user to scroll through text horizontally is added to the compound string text window. XmNscrollTopSide Controls whether the horizontal scroll bar is positioned at the top of the compound string text window. XmNscrollVertical Controls whether a scroll bar that allows the user to scroll through text vertically is added to the compound string text window. XmNscrollLeftSide Controls whether the vertical scroll bar is placed on the left side of the compound string text window. See the DXmCreateCSText routine for a complete description of all resources.
Creates an SVN widgetWidget Class Hierarchy
Core Resource Set
Composite Resource Set
Constraint Resource Set
XmManager Resource Set
DXmSvn Resource Set
Widget DXmCreateSvn(parent, name, arglist, argcount) Widget parent; char *name; Arg *arglist; int argcount; |
XtCallbackList DXmSvnNattachToSourceCallback Boolean DXmSvnNcolumnLines; Dimension DXmSvnNdefaultSpacing; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNdetachFromSourceCallback XtCallbackList DXmSvnNdisplayChangedCallback short DXmSvnNdisplayMode; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNdraggingCallback XtCallbackList DXmSvnNdraggingEndCallback XtCallbackList DXmSvnNentrySelectedCallback XtCallbackList DXmSvnNentryTransferCallback XtCallbackList DXmSvnNentryUnselectedCallback Boolean DXmSvnNexpectHighlighting; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNextendConfirmCallback Boolean DXmSvnNfixedWidthEntries; XmFontList DXmSvnNfontList; XmFontList DXmSvnNfontListLevel0; XmFontList DXmSvnNfontListLevel1; XmFontList DXmSvnNfontListLevel2; XmFontList DXmSvnNfontListLevel3; XmFontList DXmSvnNfontListLevel4; Boolean DXmSvnNforceSeqGetEntry; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNgetEntryCallback Dimension DXmSvnNghostHeight; Pixmap DXmSvnNghostPixmap; Dimension DXmSvnNghostWidth; Position DXmSvnNghostX; Position DXmSvnNghostY; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNhelpRequestedCallback; Dimension DXmSvnNindentMargin; Boolean DXmSvnNliveScrolling; Boolean DXmSvnNmultipleSelections; XmString DXmSvnNnavWindowTitle; longword DXmSvnNnumberOfEntries; Widget DXmSvnNoutlineHScrollWidget; Widget DXmSvnNpaneWidget; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNpopupMenuCallback longword DXmSvnNprimaryPercentage Widget DXmSvnNprimaryWindowWidget Position DXmSvnNsecondaryBaseX; Boolean DXmSvnNsecondaryComponentsUnmapped; Widget DXmSvnNsecondaryWindowWidget; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNselectAndConfirmCallback short DXmSvnNselectionMode; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNselectionsDraggedCallback Boolean DXmSvnNshowPathToRoot; short DXmSvnNstartColumnComponent; short DXmSvnNstartLocationCursor; XtCallbackList DXmSvnNtransitionsDoneCallback Dimension DXmSvnNtreeArcWidth; Boolean DXmSvnNtreeCenteredComponents; Boolean DXmSvnNtreeEntryOutlines; Boolean DXmSvnNtreeEntryShadows; Boolean DXmSvnNtreeIndexAll; Dimension DXmSvnNtreeLevelSpacing; Boolean DXmSvnNtreePerpendicularLines; Dimension DXmSvnNtreeSiblingSpacing; short DXmSvnNtreeStyle; Boolean DXmSvnNtruncateText; Boolean DXmSvnNuseScrollButtons; |
The identifier (widget ID) of the created SVN widget.
The identifier (widget ID) of the parent
A character string that defines the name of the widget.arglist
The application argument list.argcount
An integer that represents the number of arguments in the application argument list. If there are no arguments in the argument list, argcount must equal 0. However, when argcount equals 0, the argument list does not have to be Null.
One or more callbacks made when a widget attaches to the source data module, which then call the DXmSvnAddEntries routine to specify the initial entries (and number of entries) in the data hierarchy. The callback reason is DXmSvnCRAttachToSource. The default is Null. Access is CG.DXmSvnNcolumnLines
A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that columns are to be separated with a line. The default is False. Access is CSG.DXmSvnNdefaultSpacing
The number of pixels between components. The default is 12 pixels. Access is CSG.DXmSvnNdetachFromSourceCallback
Callback made when the widget is detached from the source data module (the widget is being destroyed). The application records that this widget will never call back. The callback reason is DXmSvnCRDetachFromSource. The default is Null. Access is CSG.DXmSvnNdisplayChangedCallback
Callback made when the entries currently being displayed to the user have changed. This change may be in response to an expand or collapse operation, scrolling, or the application issuing calls to the DXmSvnPositionDisplay routine.The callback reason is DXmSvnCRDisplayChanged. An additional callback field is loc_cursor_entry_number, which is the number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed. The default is Null. Access is CSG.
Specifies which display should appear on the screen, indicated by one of the following values:
Value Description DXmSvnKdisplayOutline Display in outline mode. DXmSvnKdisplayColumns Display in column mode. DXmSvnKdisplayTree Display in tree mode. DXmSvnKdisplayAllModes Used only by the DXmSvnSetComponentHidden routine to hide a component in all modes. DXmSvnKdisplayNone Used only by the DXmSvnSetComponentHidden routine to display (not hide) a component in any mode. The default is DXmSvnKdisplayOutline. Access is CSG.
Callback made when a user presses MB2 to drag a set of entries. This callback is required for application-controlled dragging (which you set by using the DXmSvnSetApplDragging routine).The callback reason is DXmSvnCRDragging. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description time The time that the button press event occurred x The x position of the pointer y The y position of the pointer dragged_entry_number The number of the entry currently being dragged while MB2 is pressed loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed event A pointer to the XEvent that generated this callback The default is Null. Access is CSG.
Callback made when the user releases MB2 after dragging a set of entries. This callback is required for application-controlled dragging (which you set by using the DXmSvnSetApplDragging routine).The callback reason is DXmSvnCRDraggingEnd. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description time The time that the button release event occurred x The x position of the cursor when the mouse button was released y The y position of the cursor when the mouse button was released loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed event A pointer to the XEvent that generated this callback The default is Null. Access is CSG.
Callback made when the user selects an entry. The fields provided in the callback structure enable the application to obtain more information about the selected entry from the source module.The callback reason is DXmSvnCREntrySelected. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description entry_number The entry selected. component_number The component within the entry the mouse was positioned over when the entry was selected. time Time when the entry was selected. entry_tag The value (previously set in the application with the DXmSvnSetEntry or DXmSvnSetEntryTag routine) associated with the entry_number field. first_selection One of the following values:
Value Description DXmSvnKnotFirst This is not the first selection that has been made. DXmSvnKfirstOfOne There is only one selection being made. DXmSvnKfirstOfMany This is the first of many selections being made. This value (when treated as a Boolean function) is usually True. It is False only when the user has made a range selection and this is not the first DXmSvnNentrySelectedCallback.
entry_level The entry's level number. loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed. event A pointer to the XEvent that generated this callback. The default is Null. Access is CSG.
Callback made when the user clicks on MB2 without moving the mouse.The callback reason is DXmSvnCREntryTransfer. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed. transfer_mode The value in this field reflects whether or not the user pressed a modifier key with an MB2 click and how the application should respond (either taking no action at all, or moving or copying the entry). The possible values for this field are as follows:
Value Description DXmSvnKtransfer Unknown No modifier was specified with the MB2 click. DXmSvnKtransferMove The ALT modifier was specified with the MB2 click. DXmSvnKtransferCopy The Ctrl modifier was specified with the MB2 click. event A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback. The default is Null. Access is CSG.
Callback made when the user cancels ("unselects") the selection of an entry.The fields provided in the callback structure enable an application to obtain more information about the entry from its source module.
The callback reason is DXmSvnCREntryUnselected. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description entry_number The canceled entry component_number The component within the entry the mouse was positioned over when the entry was canceled time The time when the selection was canceled loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed event A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback
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