Document revision date: 10 November 2000
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DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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A.3 DXmCSText

Controls Reasons
No children are supported DXmNnoFontCallback
UIL Argument Name Argument Type Default Value
DXmNbidirectionalCursor boolean False
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoShowCursorPosition boolean True
XmNbackground color dynamic
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNblinkRate integer 500
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNcolumns integer 20
XmNcursorPosition integer 0
XmNcursorPositionVisible boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNeditable boolean True
XmNeditMode integer XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT
XmNfontList font_table DXmDefaultFont
XmNforeground color XtDefaultForeground
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 6
XmNmarginWidth integer 6
XmNmaxLength integer MAXINT
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNpendingDelete boolean True
XmNresizeHeight boolean False
XmNresizeWidth boolean False
XmNrows integer 1
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionArray any array of XmTextScanType: XmSELECT_POSITION, XmSELECT_WORD, XmSELECT_LINE, XmSELECT_ALL
XmNselectionArrayCount integer 4
XmNselectThreshold integer 5
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtopPosition integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean True
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData any Null
XmNvalue any Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNwordWrap boolean False
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.4 DXmHelpDialog

Controls Reasons
AllWidgetsAndGadgets MrmNcreateCallback
UIL Argument Name Argument Type Default Value
DXmNaddtopicLabel compound_string Additional topics
DXmNapplicationName compound_string NULL
DXmNbadframeMessage compound_string Couldn't find frame !CS
DXmNbadlibMessage compound_string Couldn't open library !CS
DXmNcacheHelpLibrary boolean False
DXmNcloseLabel compound_string Exit
DXmNcols integer 55
DXmNcopyLabel compound_string Copy
DXmNcopyLabelMnem keysym C
DXmNcopyLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNdefaultPosition boolean True
DXmNdismissLabel compound_string Dismiss
DXmNeditLabel compound_string Edit
DXmNeditLabelMnem keysym E
DXmNeditLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNerroropenMessage compound_string Error opening file !CS
DXmNexitLabel compound_string Exit
DXmNexitLabelMnem keysym E
DXmNexitLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNfileLabel compound_string File
DXmNfileLabelMnem keysym F
DXmNfileLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNfirstTopic compound_string NULL
DXmNglossaryTopic compound_string NULL
DXmNgobackLabel compound_string Go Back
DXmNgobackLabelMnem keysym B
DXmNgobackLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNgobacktopicLabel compound_string Go Back
DXmNgooverLabel compound_string Go To Overview
DXmNgooverLabelMnem keysym O
DXmNgooverLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNgotoLabel compound_string Go To
DXmNgototopicLabel compound_string Go To Topic
DXmNgototopicLabelMnem keysym T
DXmNgototopicLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNhelpAcknowledgeLabel compound_string OK
DXmNhelphelpLabel compound_string On Window ...
DXmNhelphelpLabelMnem keysym W
DXmNhelphelpLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNhelpLabel compound_string Using Help
DXmNhelpLabelMnem keysym U
DXmNhelpLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNhelpOnHelpTitle compound_string Using Help
DXmNhelpontitleLabel compound_string Help On
DXmNhelptitleLabel compound_string Help
DXmNhistoryboxLabel compound_string Search Topic History
DXmNhistoryLabel compound_string History...
DXmNhistoryLabelMnem keysym H
DXmNhistoryLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNkeywordLabel compound_string Keyword...
DXmNkeywordLabelMnem keysym K
DXmNkeywordLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNkeywordsLabel compound_string Keyword
DXmNlibrarySpec compound_string NULL
DXmNlibraryType integer DXmTextLibrary
DXmNnokeywordMessage compound_string Couldn't find keyword !CS
DXmNnotitleMessage compound_string No title to match string !CS
DXmNnulllibMessage compound_string No library specified
DXmNoverviewTopic compound_string NULL
DXmNrows integer 20
DXmNsaveasLabel compound_string Save As...
DXmNsaveasLabelMnem keysym A
DXmNsaveasLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNsearchapplyLabel compound_string Apply
DXmNsearchkeywordboxLabel compound_string Search Topic Keywords
DXmNsearchLabel compound_string Search
DXmNsearchLabelMnem keysym S
DXmNsearchLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNsearchtitleboxLabel compound_string Search Topic Titles
DXmNselectallLabel compound_string Select All
DXmNselectallLabelMnem keysym S
DXmNselectallLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNtitleLabel compound_string Title...
DXmNtitleLabelMnem keysym T
DXmNtitleLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNtitlesLabel compound_string Title
DXmNtopictitlesLabel compound_string Topic Titles
DXmNviewLabel compound_string View
DXmNviewLabelMnem keysym V
DXmNviewLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNvisitglosLabel compound_string Visit Glossary
DXmNvisitglosLabelMnem keysym G
DXmNvisitglosLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNvisitLabel compound_string Visit
DXmNvisittopicLabel compound_string Visit Topic
DXmNvisittopicLabelMnem keysym V
DXmNvisittopicLabelMnemCS string dynamic
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData any Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

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