Reliable Transaction Router
System Manager's Manual

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The DISPLAY BAR command displays a bar graph in a monitor picture.


DISPLAY BAR expression

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/AVERAGE=(keyword,...) None
/BELL[=Boolean-expression] /NOBELL
/BLANK[=Boolean-expression] /NOBLANK
/BLINK[=Boolean-expression] /NOBLINK
/BOLD[=Boolean-expression] /NOBOLD
/DAMPING=damping-factor /NODAMPING
/DESCRIPTION="text-string" None
/LENGTH=nr-chars /LENGTH=50
/MAXIMUM=max-value /MAXIMUM=10
/MINIMUM=min-value /MINIMUM=0
/RATE=interval /NORATE
/REVERSE[=Boolean-expression] /NOREVERSE
/ROWS=nr-rows /ROWS=1
/SELECT[=Boolean-expression] /NOSELECT
/SEPARATE=(keyword,...) None
/TOTALIZE=(keyword,...) None
/UNDERLINE[=Boolean-expression] /NOUNDERLINE
/VALUE=[value-type] /VALUE=CURRENT
/X[=column] Column of previous item
/Y[=row] Next free row


The DISPLAY BAR command displays the expression as a bar graph in a monitor picture. It can be used within a monitor file or issued at the RTR prompt when interactively defining a monitor picture for use in a subsequent MONITOR command.

Note that the introduction of the /SEPARATE, /TOTALIZE and /AVERAGE qualifiers has superseded the qualifiers /FACILITY, /LINK, /PARTITION, /NODE and /PROCESS. These superseded qualifiers are no longer described here, however they are still supported. Chapter 6 and Appendix A contain more information on monitor pictures and monitor files.



Specifies the quantity to be displayed. Expression can be either the name of a single data item or an expression combining several items using simple arithmetic operations and constants. In the latter case, expression must be in quotes.




Specifies that the items being monitored relating to keyword are displayed as an average. This allows a number of items to be averaged in one qualifier.

The keyword can be one of the following:
Keyword Meaning
NODE Node data items
LINK Link data items
FACILITY Facility data items
PROCESS Process data items
PARTITION Partition data items
FE_TRANSACTION Frontend transaction data items
TR_TRANSACTION Router transaction data items
BE_TRANSACTION Backend transaction data items



Sends a bell character to the terminal if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies that the displayed value blinks if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies that the displayed value is replaced by blanks if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies that the item is displayed in high intensity if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).




Specifies the character used to draw bar charts. The line drawing character set is used to display them. By default, the character "a" is used, which corresponds to a rectangular block in the character set. If /NOCHARACTER is given, no characters are displayed and the bar is visible only if attributes have been specified. This can be used to draw a scale behind the bar chart.



Specifies the number of columns the item is to span in the HTML table where it is displayed. The default is one column.



Specifies that the value displayed is to fluctuate more slowly than the raw measured value. The default for damping-factor is one. Damping is only relevant if /VALUE=CURRENT .


Provides a descriptive text for the item being displayed. Column headers are often cryptic as little room is available. The browser will display the descriptive text in a popup window (currently, Internet Explorer only).


Specifies that text formatting is to be suppressed if the /NOTEXT qualifer is chosen, so that HTML output is easier to read. Use the /NOHTML qualifier if you only want text as output. By default, items are displayed in both text and HTML views.



Indicates the item is part of a table header. This qualifier should be attached to the first item of a new row.



Specifies the text used to label the value being displayed. Symbols are substituted at display time. (See Section A.2, Substitution Symbols).


/LENGTH=50 (D)

Specifies the number of characters in a bar chart representing the maximum value. The default is 50.



Specifies the maximum value represented on a bar chart. The default is 10.



Specifies the minimum value represented on a bar chart. The default is zero.


Causes a display item to be formatted as the first item of a new paragraph in the HTML output. This qualifier is effective only while in text mode, after the /NOTABLE qualifier has been used.



Specifies that the rate of change of the expression is to be displayed rather than the absolute value. When /RATE is used, interval specifies the time interval in seconds used to calculate the rate of change. This has no effect on the sampling; it simply allows the rate to be displayed in another unit. For example, displaying the start transaction counter with /RATE=60 results in transactions per minute being displayed instead of per second.



Specifies that the item is displayed with the foreground and background visual attributes swapped if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).


/ROWS=1 (D)

Specifies how many rows are used to display the item. This is only meaningful if /SEPARATE is also specified. The default number of rows is one.



Displays the item if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies that the items being monitored relating to keyword are separated from each other and displayed as a list. This allows a number of items to be separated in one qualifier.

The keyword can be one of the following:
Keyword Meaning
NODE Node data items
LINK Link data items
FACILITY Facility data items
PROCESS Process data items
PARTITION Partition data items
FE_TRANSACTION Frontend transaction data items
TR_TRANSACTION Router transaction data items
BE_TRANSACTION Backend transaction data items


Indicates the start of a new table in the monitor output. This qualifier should be attached to the first item of a new row. Specifying /NOTABLE causes any current table to be closed and a new text section to be started in the HTML output.



Specifies that the items being monitored relating to keyword are added together and displayed as a total.

The keyword can be any of the following:
Keyword Meaning
NODE Node data items
LINK Link data items
FACILITY Facility data items
PROCESS Process data items
PARTITION Partition data items
FE_TRANSACTION Frontend transaction data items
TR_TRANSACTION Router transaction data items
BE_TRANSACTION Backend transaction data items



Specifies that the displayed value is underlined if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies how the value is processed before being displayed. Value-type can be one of the following keywords:
CURRENT (default) Displays the current value of expression
AVERAGE Displays the average value of expression since the MONITOR command was issued
MINIMUM Displays the minimum value of expression since the MONITOR command was issued
MAXIMUM Displays the maximum value of expression since the MONITOR command was issued

Use the MONITOR/RESUME command to reset average, maximum or minimum values.


/X=previous-column (D)

Specifies the screen column where the item is displayed (the left-most column is 1). By default, items are displayed in the same column as defined by the previous DISPLAY command.


/Y=next-free-row (D)

Specifies the screen row where the item is displayed (top row is 1). By default, items are displayed on the next free row after the item defined by the previous DISPLAY command.

Related commands


The DISPLAY NUMERIC command displays a number in a monitor picture.



Command Qualifiers Defaults
/AVERAGE=(keyword,...) None
/BELL=Boolean-expression /NOBELL
/BLANK=Boolean-expression /NOBLANK
/BLINK=Boolean-expression /NOBLINK
/BOLD=Boolean-expression /NOBOLD
/DAMPING=damping-factor /NODAMPING
/DECIMALS=decimal-places /DECIMALS=0
/DESCRIPTION="text-string" None
/RATE=interval /NORATE
/REVERSE=[Boolean-expressoin] /NOREVERSE
/ROWS=nr-rows /ROWS=1
/SELECT=Boolean-expression /NOSELECT
/SEPARATE=(keyword,...) None
/TOTALIZE=(keyword,...) None
/UNDERLINE=[Boolean-expression] /NOUNDERLINE
/WIDTH=field-width /WIDTH=1
/X[=column] Column of previous item
/Y[=row] Next free row


The DISPLAY NUMERIC command displays the specified expression as a number in a monitor picture. It can be used within a monitor file or issued at the RTR prompt when interactively defining a monitor picture for use in a subsequent MONITOR command.

Note that the introduction of the /SEPARATE, /TOTALIZE and /AVERAGE qualifiers has superseded the qualifiers /FACILITY, /LINK, /PARTITION, /NODE and /PROCESS. These superseded qualifiers are no longer described here, however they are still supported.



Specifies the quantity to be displayed. Expression can be either the name of a single data item or an expression combining several items using simple arithmetic operations and constants. In the latter case, EXPRESSION must be in quotes.




Specifies that the items being monitored relating to keyword are displayed as an average. This allows a number of items to be averaged in one qualifier.

The keyword can be one of the following:
Keyword Meaning
NODE Node data items
LINK Link data items
FACILITY Facility data items
PROCESS Process data items
PARTITION Partition data items
FE_TRANSACTION Frontend transaction data items
TR_TRANSACTION Router transaction data items
BE_TRANSACTION Backend transaction data items



Sends a bell character to the terminal if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies that the displayed value is replaced by blanks if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies that the displayed value blinks if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies that the item is displayed in high intensity if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies the number of columns the item is to span in the HTML table where it is displayed. The default is one column.



Specifies that the value displayed is to fluctuate more slowly than the raw measured value. The default for damping-factor is one. Damping is only relevant if /VALUE=CURRENT .



Specifies the number of digits to appear after the decimal point when displaying a numeric. The default for decimal-places is zero, that is, numbers are displayed as integers.


Provides a descriptive text for the item being displayed. Column headers are often cryptic as little room is available. The browser will display the descriptive text in a popup window (currently, Internet Explorer only).


Specifies that text formatting is to be suppressed if the /NOTEXT qualifer is chosen, so that HTML output is easier to read. Use the /NOHTML qualifier if you only want text as output. By default, items are displayed in both text and HTML views.



Indicates the item is part of a table header. This qualifier should be attached to the first item of a new row.



Specifies the text used to label the value being displayed. Symbols are substituted at display time. (See Section A.2, Substitution Symbols).


Causes a display item to be formatted as the first item of a new paragraph in the HTML output. This qualifier is effective only while in text mode, after the /NOTABLE qualifier has been used.



Specifies that the rate of change of the expression is to be displayed rather than the absolute value. When /RATE is used, interval specifies the time interval in seconds used to calculate the rate of change. This has no effect on the sampling; it simply allows the rate to be displayed in another unit. For example, displaying the start transaction counter with /RATE=60 results in transactions per minute being displayed instead of per second.



Specifies that the item is displayed with the foreground and background visual attributes swapped if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).


/ROWS=1 (D)

Specifies how many rows are used to display the item. This is only meaningful if /SEPARATE is also specified. The default number of rows is one.



Displays the item if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies that the items being monitored relating to keyword are separated from each other and displayed as a list. This allows a number of items to be separated in one qualifier.

The keyword can be one of the following:
Keyword Meaning
NODE Node data items
LINK Link data items
FACILITY Facility data items
PROCESS Process data items
PARTITION Partition data items
FE_TRANSACTION Frontend transaction data items
TR_TRANSACTION Router transaction data items
BE_TRANSACTION Backend transaction data items


Indicates the start of a new table in the monitor output. This qualifier should be attached to the first item of a new row. Specifying /NOTABLE causes any current table to be closed and a new text section to be started in the HTML output.



Specifies that the items being monitored relating to keyword are added together and displayed as a total.

The keyword can be any of the following:
Keyword Meaning
NODE Node data items
LINK Link data items
FACILITY Facility data items
PROCESS Process data items
PARTITION Partition data items
FE_TRANSACTION Frontend transaction data items
TR_TRANSACTION Router transaction data items
BE_TRANSACTION Backend transaction data items



Specifies that the displayed value is underlined if Boolean-expression evaluates to True (non-zero).



Specifies how the value is processed before being displayed. Value-type can be one of the following keywords:
CURRENT (default) Displays the current value of expression
AVERAGE Displays the average value of expression since the MONITOR command was issued
MINIMUM Displays the minimum value of expression since the MONITOR command was issued
MAXIMUM Displays the maximum value of expression since the MONITOR command was issued

Use the MONITOR/RESUME command to reset average, maximum or minimum values.


/WIDTH=1 (D)

Specifies the width (in number of characters) to display a numeric. If more characters than width are required, the number will be shifted to the right. No data will be lost, but columns of numbers will no longer line up. If /WIDTH=1 (the default) is specified, numbers are displayed left justified.


/X=previous-column (D)

Specifies the screen column where the item is displayed (the left-most column is 1). By default, items are displayed in the same column as defined by the previous DISPLAY command.


/Y=next-free-row (D)

Specifies the screen row where the item is displayed (top row is 1). By default, items are displayed on the next free row after the item defined by the previous DISPLAY command.

Related commands


See Section A.1 for examples of how to use the DISPLAY NUMERIC command.

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