Reliable Transaction Router
System Manager's Manual

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Possible reasons include the use of an invalid character or expression in the format string, or a mismatch in the number of bytes specified by the format string and the message length argument. The maximum length of a format string is RTR_MAX_MSGFMT_LEN (currently 8192).

%RTR-F-INVMSGLEN, Invalid msglen argument

Explanation: Invalid message length (msglen) argument. The maximum size of an RTR message is RTR_MAX_MSGLEN (64000). Zero length messages are permitted.
%RTR-E-INVMSGSIZE, Signed and unsigned data must be 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes

Explanation: The size of a numeric key segment must be 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes.
%RTR-F-INVNUMSEG, Invalid numseg argument

Explanation: Invalid number of key segments (numseg) argument. The maximum number of segments in key is RTR_MAX_NUMSEG (currently 20).
%RTR-E-INVOBJCT, Specified object type invalid for managed object request

Explanation: An invalid management object type was the target of an rtr_set_info() command. Check your program and the RTR Application Programmer's Reference Manual for valid managed object types.
%RTR-F-INVOP4CLI, Invalid operation for client channel

Explanation: Invalid operation for client channel.
%RTR-F-INVOP4SRV, Invalid operation for server channel

Explanation: Invalid operation for server channel.
%RTR-F-INVPKEYSEG, Invalid pkeyseg argument

Explanation: Invalid key segment pointer (pkeyseg) argument.
%RTR-F-INVRCPNAM, Invalid rcpnam argument

Explanation: Invalid recipient name (rcpnam) argument. The maximum length of a broadcast recipient name is RTR_MAX_RCPNAM_LEN (currently 31). Some versions also tolerate 32 characters for compatibility with V2.
%RTR-F-INVREASON, Invalid reason argument

Explanation: Invalid reason argument.
%RTR-E-INVRMNAME, Invalid resource manager name

Explanation: Invalid resource manager name.
%RTR-E-INVSELITM, Invalid selitm argument

Explanation: An invalid character was found in the "selitm" argument given to rtr_request_info(), or selitm was of type OBJECT.
%RTR-E-INVSELLEN, Invalid sellen argument

Explanation: The sellen argument given to rtr_request_info() was invalid.
%RTR-E-INVSELVAL, Invalid selval argument

Explanation: The selval argument given to rtr_request_info() was invalid.
%RTR-E-INVSTATCHANGE, Invalid to change from current state to the specified state

Explanation: The SET TRANSACTION command cannot perform the required change.
%RTR-F-INVSVRCLIFLG, Either both /Client and /Server flags were supplied or they were missing

Explanation: Either /Client and /Server flags were both supplied or none were supplied. Please enter the desired flag for your command.
%RTR-F-INVWAKEUP, Invalid wakeup argument

Explanation: Invalid wakeup argument. The wakeup must be a void function with no arguments, or NULL.
%RTR-E-ITMALREXI, There is already something displayed at x = [A], y = [A]

Explanation: Invalid coordinates were specified on a "DISPLAY" command within a display file. There already is an item at point [A], [B].
%RTR-E-ITMLSTTOOBIG, Item-list got too big

Explanation: A MONITOR file is so complex that the item list is too big to pass to rtr_request_info.
%RTR-F-IVKEYW, Unrecognized keyword - check validity and spelling n [A]

Explanation: A keyword specified in a command is not valid for the command. The rejected portion of the command is displayed between backslashes.
%RTR-F-IVQUAL, Unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement n [A]

Explanation: An invalid qualifier is specified.
%RTR-F-IVVERB, Unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling n [A]

Explanation: The first word in the command is not a valid CLI command or a name equated with a command. The rejected portion of the command is displayed between backslashes.
%RTR-W-JOUALREXI, Journal already created

Explanation: A previously existing journal was found.

This status may be returned by the CREATE JOURNAL command.

1) You have issued an RTR CREATE JOURNAL command without deleting the previous journal.

Corrective action:

a) Use the /SUPERSEDE qualifier with CREATE JOURNAL or b) Delete the old journal with the DELETE JOURNAL command.

%RTR-E-JOUCDROM, CD-ROM is unwritable, not suitable for a journal

Explanation: RTR cannot create a journal on a device that is a Compact Disc Read Only Memory and therefore mounted read-only and not designed to be writable.
%RTR-S-JOUDELETE, Journal has been deleted

Explanation: Journal has been successfully deleted after issuing a "DELETE JOURNAL" command.
%RTR-E-JOUDEVICEUNKNOWN, Cannot determine the device type, no journal has been created

Explanation: RTR cannot tell if the specified device is suitable for a journal. Setting the environment variable RTR_SCAN_ALL may help to overcome this if you are certain that the device is in fact suitable.
%RTR-E-JOUDISKFULL, Disk is full, cannot create journal

Explanation: The disk or file system is full, or the disk space quota is exceeded.
%RTR-F-JOUFILMIS, RTR journal file missing - Find missing file or CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE

Explanation: One of previously initialized RTR journal files for a backend could not be found. This status may be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands.

Probable causes are:

(1) One of the disks being used for journalling is unavailable, or

(2) A user has inadvertently deleted an RTR journal file.

Corrective action, either:

(a) Bring the missing disk back on line, or

(b) Reissue the RTR CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE command to create a new journal (in this case any recovery information in the old journal is lost).

%RTR-F-JOUFORCHA, Journal format has been changed - CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE

Explanation: The journal file(s) found have an out-of-date format. This status may be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands after a new version of RTR has been installed on a system.

Corrective action: Issue an RTR CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE command.

%RTR-W-JOUINUSE, Journal is locked by another user

Explanation: The journal is currently in use by another user.

This status may be returned by the CREATE JOURNAL, and DELETE JOURNAL commands.

Corrective action, either:

Wait for the other user to complete, and reissue the command.

%RTR-E-JOUNOTAVA, Error during recovery ([A]) from [A] journal

Explanation: RTR transaction manager requested recovery from a remote journal, but the request could not be delivered to the node hosting the journal. In a non-clustered standby configuration, this indicates that local recovery after a server failure could not be completed. No user action required, since the transaction manager will attempt to send the recovery query again, once it has detected that the remote journal has become available.
%RTR-F-JOUNOTFOU, Journal not found

Explanation: No RTR journal files can be found.

This status may be returned by the CREATE FACILITY, DELETE JOURNAL and SHOW JOURNAL commands.


1) You have not issued an RTR CREATE JOURNAL command

2) All journal disks are offline

3) The journal files have already been deleted.

%RTR-F-JOUNOTINI, Journal has not been created - CREATE JOURNAL

Explanation: No RTR journal files can be found.

This status may be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands.


1) You have not issued an RTR CREATE JOURNAL command

2) All journal disks are offline

3) The journal files have been inadvertently deleted.

Corrective action, either:

a) Bring the journal disk on line

b) Issue an RTR CREATE JOURNAL command.

%RTR-E-JOURAMDISK, RAM disk, unreliable for a journal

Explanation: There is no point in RTR creating a journal on a volatile memory device whose contents are not persistent and will disappear on power failure or reboot.
%RTR-E-JOUREADONLY, Read-only device, not suitable for a journal

Explanation: RTR cannot create a journal on a device that is either mounted read-only or is not designed to be writable.
%RTR-E-JOUREMOTDEVIC, Unreachable remote device, not suitable for journal

Explanation: Remote devices should only be used for journals if they are in fact disks in the same cluster mounted on a virtual host representing the cluster.
%RTR-S-JOURNALINI, Journal has been created on device [A]

Explanation: Confirms that the RTR journal has been successfully created on device [A] after issuing the "CREATE JOURNAL" command.
%RTR-S-JOURNALMOD, Journal has been modified on device [A]

Explanation: Confirms that the RTR journal has successfully modified the size requirements on device [A] after issuing the "MODIFY JOURNAL" command.
%RTR-E-KEYTYPEVAL, Key type value for [A] missing - try one of string, signed, unsigned

Explanation: The type clause of the key qualifier requires a value - try one of string, signed, unsigned.
%RTR-F-KNLEXECFAIL, Knl_exec() delivered pid of 0 (starting [A]) on node [A][A]

Explanation: Indicates that knl_exec() failed, when trying to start a command server.
%RTR-E-KRINUSE, Key range already in use - respecify the key

Explanation: A call to rtr_open_channel() to create a partition specified a key range that is already in use. Respecify the key range.
%RTR-E-KRINUSEINJNL, Journalled transactions preclude change of partition name

Explanation: Transactions exist in the journal that were processed whilst this key range was assigned a different name. This equates to an attempt to change the partition name, which is not allowed. Recover or delete these transactions first.
%RTR-I-LFILREOPE, Log_file[[A]] [A] reopened

Explanation: Log file [A] re-opened.
%RTR-E-LINKDISABLED, Link disabled - connection rejected

Explanation: The link to this node has been disabled at the remote partner. It can be enabled with the command 'set link/enable' at the remote node.
%RTR-I-LIVEAPPL, Process [A], PID [A] still attached to RTR

Explanation: Displays the name [A] and PID [B] of the processes that are still attached to RTR.
%RTR-I-LNKDSC, Link to node [A] disconnected

Explanation: This message is issued once per disconnected network link during the execution of the RTR DISCONNECT LINK command.
%RTR-E-LOADLIBFAIL, Unable to dynamically load the shared library

Explanation: The RTR ACP was unable to load the shared library dynamically.
%RTR-E-LOADSYMFAIL, Unable to find the symbol in the shared library

Explanation: The RTR ACP was unable to locate the symbol name in the dynamically loaded library.
%RTR-E-LOCKFAIL, Cannot obtain lock for resource [A]

Explanation: Failed to obtain lock. Enable logging for more information about error.
%RTR-S-LOGFILSET, Logging to [A]

Explanation: Displays which log files will be used after issuing a "SET LOG" command with the "/FILE" or "/OPERATOR" or both qualifiers.
%RTR-S-LOGFILSUP, Logging suppressed

Explanation: Logging has been successfully suppressed by issuing a "SET LOG command" without a "/FILE" or "/OPERATOR" qualifier.
%RTR-E-LOGNOTACT, Logging not active

Explanation: Indicates that logging was not active when a "SHOW LOG" command was issued.
%RTR-F-MAXPARM, Too many parameters - reenter command with fewer parameters

Explanation: A command contained more than the maximum number of parameters allowed. This error can be caused by (1) Leaving blanks on a command line where a special character (for example, a comma or plus sign) is required (2) Using symbol names or logical names that, when substituted or translated, contain embedded blank characters (3) Failing to place quotation marks around a character string with embedded blanks.
%RTR-E-MAXTOOSMA, Maximum number of blocks may not be less than /BLOCKS

Explanation: The number of blocks specified with the /MAX_BLOCKS qualifier in the CREATE JOURNAL or MODIFY JOURNAL command was lower than the number of blocks specified with the /BLOCKS qualifier.
%RTR-F-MISSINGREQFLG, One of the required flags (Server, Client, Create_Partition, or Delete_Partition) is missing.

Explanation: One of the required flags (Server, Client, Create_Partition, or Delete_Partition) is missing. Please enter the desired flag for your command.
%RTR-E-MLTPRTTX, Partition name is required for Multi Participant tx

Explanation: This is a multi participant transaction. User needs to supply the partition name, for which user wants to change the transaction state.
%RTR-E-MONCMPERR, Syntax error in command at line [A] in file [A]

Explanation: Error found compiling a MONITOR definition file.
%RTR-E-MONNOTACT, Monitor is not active, first use the "MONITOR" command

Explanation: A SCROLL or PRINT command was issued before any monitor picture had been displayed.
%RTR-E-MSGDATILL, Unable to convert string [A] to [A]

Explanation: The string [A] could not be converted to data type [B]. The subsequent message gives the reason.
%RTR-E-MSGTOOBIG, The number of bytes in message exceeds the maximum of %u

%RTR-W-NAMERR, Node name to address lookup error

Explanation: Error encountered whilst looking up a node address - details follow in a subsequent message text.
%RTR-E-NDBTABFUL, The NDB table is full

Explanation: This message is displayed when an "CREATE FACILITY" command is issued. It indicates that the total number of different nodes specified with this and all previous "CREATE FACILITY" commands would exceed the limit specified with the "/LINKS" qualifier when RTR was started.
%RTR-E-NFW, Operation requires "SETPRV" privilege

Explanation: "SETPRV" privilege is required to execute a remote command.
%RTR-E-NOACTION, No object management action specified - check argument set_qualifiers

Explanation: No action was supplied along with an object management request. Check your program.
%RTR-I-NOAPPSRV, No application server channels currently declared

Explanation: Indicates that no application server channels are currently declared, and hence the requested information cannot be output.
%RTR-E-NOBACKEND, No backends specified

Explanation: No backends were specified on a "CREATE FACILITY" command and the node where the command was executed was specified as being a router.
%RTR-S-NOCHANGES, No changes made

Explanation: The modifications specified resulted in no changes being required.
%RTR-F-NOCHANOPEN, No channel is currently open

%RTR-E-NODECNET, Network unavailable

Explanation: DECnet was shutdown on local node when the RTR utility was being used.
%RTR-F-NODEFDEV, No default device found for journal creation

Explanation: The CREATE JOURNAL command failed because RTR was unable to find a suitable default device for a journal.
%RTR-E-NODISOLATED, Node isolated - connection rejected

Explanation: Autoisolation has isolated the node. Connection attempts from the isolated node are refused in this state. Connections can be enabled by issuing the following commands:

o on the isolating node(s): set link/enable <isolated-node> o on the isolated node: set node/noisolate

This status supersedes the V2 condition LINKSHUT.

%RTR-E-NODNA, DECnet specified for [A], but transport protocol unavailable or disabled

Explanation: DECnet was specified as required through use of a node name prefix ("dna." or a substitute), but no corresponding entry in the node database can be found. Add an entry for the indicated node to your local node name database or to your name server.
%RTR-W-NODNANAM, DECnet is installed, but no node name definition found for [A]

Explanation: DECnet is active and enabled on the local node, but the address lookup for the indicated node failed. Since other network transports are available, you may continue, but protocol failover to DECnet will not be possible following this condition.
%RTR-E-NODNOTFND, Node [A] not found in configuration - check spelling and case

Explanation: Unable to locate the referenced node in the current configuration. Might occur if the address of the node was changed since it joined the configuration and the name was not entered exactly as displayed in show link output.
%RTR-E-NODNOTKNO, Node not known, [A]

Explanation: The node [A] is unknown to DECnet.
%RTR-E-NODTXOPENSTRING, No RM open_string specified

Explanation: No "open_string" were specified on a "CREATE RM" command while trying to register an underlying RM (XA Resource Manager) with ACP.
%RTR-E-NODTXRMLIB, No dtx rm lib pathname specified

Explanation: No "xalib path" were specified on a "CREATE RM" command while trying to register an underlying RM (XA Resource Manager) with ACP.
%RTR-E-NOFACILIT, No facilities have been defined

Explanation: No facilities have yet been defined with the "CREATE FACILITY" command.
%RTR-E-NOFRONTEN, No frontends specified

Explanation: No frontends were specified on a "CREATE FACILITY" command and the node where the command was executed was specified as being a router.
%RTR-I-NOHLPENV, No help available (environment variable RTRHELP not found)

Explanation: The environment variable RTRHELP that defines where the RTR help files are is not defined.
%RTR-W-NOIPNAM, IP networking is installed, but no host definition found for [A]

Explanation: IP networking is active and enabled on the local node, but the address lookup for the indicated node failed. Since other network transports are available, you may continue, but protocol failover to TCP will not be possible following this condition.
%RTR-E-NOKEYBOUND, A key segment low or high bound value is missing for [A]

Explanation: A key segment low- or high-bound value string is required.
%RTR-E-NOKEYSEGS, You must specify at least one key segment - use /KEY1 - /KEY9

Explanation: Except for a callout partition, it is necessary to define the key range, so the absence of any key segment descriptors is an error.
%RTR-F-NOKEYW, Qualifier name is missing - append the name to the slash

Explanation: A slash character is on the command line but is not followed by a qualifier keyword name.
%RTR-E-NOLENVAL, A value is required for clause [A] of [A]

Explanation: The specified clause requires a value - specify a digit string.
%RTR-E-NOLICENSE, No license installed

Explanation: Appropriate license is not installed for the required operation.
%RTR-F-NOLIST, List of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

Explanation: The command does not accept a parameter list.
%RTR-I-NOLOGSET, Logging not set

Explanation: RTR was started with logging disabled.

It is recommended to use RTR SET LOG to enable logging before starting RTR. Various important messages are only written to the log file and will be lost forever if logging is not enabled.

As with any log file, the RTR log will grow with time. Log files should be located on a disk or filesystem where they will not interfere with operation. Should the log file become too big you can set a new log file, and archive, compress or delete the old one.

%RTR-F-NOMOREPRT, No more partition slots available

Explanation: RTR was started with not enough partitions, or the default number of partitions isn't enough to run the application. Recent versions of RTR have a fixed limit MAX_NR_PARTITIONS (500). Please consult RTR Engineering if you need more partitions.
%RTR-F-NONPRINTBLE, Command line contains a non-printable character

Explanation: Command line contains a non-printable character.
%RTR-E-NOOUTSTND, No outstanding operations on channel [A]

Explanation: A "SYS$SYNCH" command was issued but there were no outstanding operations on channel [A]
%RTR-F-NOPAREN, Value improperly delimited - supply parenthesis

Explanation: A value supplied as part of a parenthesized value list for a parameter, qualifier or keyword is missing a delimiting parenthesis.
%RTR-E-NORMXASWITCH, No dtx rm xa_switch name specified

Explanation: No "xaswitch" were specified on a "CREATE RM" command while trying to register an underlying RM (XA Resource Manager) with ACP.
%RTR-E-NOROUTERS, No routers specified

Explanation: No routers were specified on a "CREATE FACILITY" command and the node where the command was executed was specified as being a frontend or a backend or both.
%RTR-E-NORTRPROC, No processes using RTR

Explanation: No processes are currently using RTR.
%RTR-E-NOSRVAVL, Service not yet available

Explanation: Client channel open could not be completed because there is either no router available, or no server channel has yet been opened.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHCHN, No channel matched [A]

Explanation: The requested channel [A] has not been declared.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHCOU, No counter matched [A]

Explanation: The requested counter [A] does not exist.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHDIS, No such monitor file, [A]

Explanation: The requested monitor file [A] does not exist.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHFAC, No facility matched [A]

Explanation: The requested facility [A] does not exist. See CREATE FACILITY.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHITM, Nothing displayed at x = [A], y = [A]

Explanation: Invalid coordinates were specified on a "CLEAR DISPLAY" or "SHOW DISPLAY" command. No item is displayed at point [A], [B].
%RTR-E-NOSUCHNOD, No such node, [A]

Explanation: The requested node [A] does not exist.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHPRC, No such process, process ID = [A] (0x[A])

Explanation: The process with PID = [A] does not exist or is not using RTR.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHPRCS, No such process, process ID = [A]

Explanation: The process with PID = [A] does not exist or is not using RTR. Like NOSUCHPRC, but used where the PID is only available as a string.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHPRT, No partition matched [A]

Explanation: The requested partition [A] does not exist.
%RTR-E-NOSUCHPRTN, No such partition in the system

Explanation: No such partition in the system. Also returned when when processing a 'set partition' command through the rtr_set_info() API if the partition name has not been specified via the selitms argument.
%RTR-E-NOTCP, TCP specified for [A], but transport protocol unavailable or disabled

Explanation: TCP was specified as required through use of a hostname ("tcp." or a substitute), but no hostname entry can be found. Add an entry for the indicated node to your /etc/hosts file or to your name server.
%RTR-E-NOTHLIST, Nothing to LIST ...

Explanation: Nothing to list.
%RTR-E-NOTHTODIS, There is nothing to display

Explanation: No items had been defined with the DISPLAY command when a "MONITOR" or "SCROLL" command was issued.
%RTR-W-NOTNEG, Qualifier or keyword not negatable - remove "NO" or omit n [A]

Explanation: The word "NO" preceded a qualifier or keyword, but the qualifier or keyword cannot be specified as a negative.
%RTR-E-NOTNESTEDTX, TX in progress is not nested

Explanation: A call to rtr_prepare_tx was called on a channel with an active TX that is not a nested TX. To start a nested TX, you must start the TX by calling rtr_start_tx with a valid jointxid parameter.
%RTR-E-NOTSAMTYP, All counters must have same type, [A]

Explanation: Counter [A] is not the same type as the other counters in the expression. All counters in an expression must be either 'process counters', 'facility counters', 'link counters' or 'node counters'.
%RTR-I-NOTSTACOMSRV, Could not start command server on node [A][A]

Explanation: Indicates that a command server couldn't be started on the specified node [A].
%RTR-F-NOVALU, Value not allowed - remove value specification

Explanation: A value has been specified for a qualifier that does not take a value. Remove the value specification.
%RTR-E-NUMCONILL, Numeric constant has illegal syntax, [A]

Explanation: The numeric constant [A] is invalid.
%RTR-W-OBSQUAL, Qualifier [A] is obsolete - value ignored

Explanation: An obsolete qualifier has been specified on a command line. The qualifier no longer has any effect, and the specified value will be ignored.
%RTR-S-OK, Normal successful completion

Explanation: RTR status values ---------------------------------------------------------

Nothing went wrong.

%RTR-E-ONLONENOD, Only one node allowed if process ID specified

Explanation: If a process ID is supplied on "MONITOR" command then only one node may be monitored.
%RTR-E-ONLYDISP, Only "DISPLAY" command allowed in this context n[A]

Explanation: The specified display file contained a command [A] other than "DISPLAY". This is sometimes caused by forgetting the continuation character ("-") on the end of a line that is to be continued. Use MONITOR/VERIFY to find the incorrect command.
%RTR-W-OPENVMSQUAL, Qualifier [A] is not supported on this platform - value ignored

Explanation: A qualifier has been specified on a command line that is effective only on the OpenVMS operating system. The qualifier has no effect on the executing platform, and the specified value will be ignored.
%RTR-I-OPTSUPSED, The RTR V2.x option [A] is obsolete in V3.x

Explanation: The option is obsolete in this version of RTR.
%RTR-E-OWNNODMIS, Executing node [A] not specified as frontend, backend or router

Explanation: The node [A] where a "CREATE FACILITY" or "EXTEND FACILITY" command was executed was not specified as being a frontend, router or backend.
%RTR-F-PARMDEL, Invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special characters n [A]

Explanation: A command contains an invalid character following the specification of a parameter, or an invalid character is present in a file specification.
%RTR-F-PARREQ, Missing parameter - supply required parameter n [A]

Explanation: Missing parameter.
%RTR-E-PARTNAMELONG, Partition name too long

Explanation: Long partition name argument.
%RTR-E-PROCIDILL, Illegal process ID, [A]

Explanation: The specified process ID [A] has an invalid format. Process IDs are hexadecimal numbers with up to eight digits.
%RTR-E-PRTALREXI, Partition already exists

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a partition that already exists.
%RTR-E-PRTBADCMD, Partition command invalid or not implemented in this version of RTR

Explanation: The RTR ACP received a request for an unknown partition command.
%RTR-E-PRTBADFPOL, Unrecognised partition failover policy code

Explanation: An invalid value was specified for the partition failover policy.
%RTR-E-PRTCMDACTV, Partition command is active - try again later

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a partition command whilst a prior command instance is making a change to the system. Await prior command completion and try again.
%RTR-I-PRTCREATE, Partition created

Explanation: The partition was successfully created by the call to rtr_open_channel().
%RTR-E-PRTDEFNCONFLICT, Name and key information refer to different partitions

Explanation: A call to rtr_open_channel() specified both the partition name and key information, but these refer to different partitions.
%RTR-E-PRTDELCAN, Partition deleted - operation cancelled

Explanation: A pending operation was terminated because the partition was deleted prior to completion of the operation.
%RTR-E-PRTMODRMBR, Partition must be in remember on the active member

Explanation: Restriction: partition must be in remember mode on the active member before shadowing can be turned off.
%RTR-E-PRTMODSUSP, Partition not suspended - please suspend and retry the operation

Explanation: Completion status indicating a partition command was rejected as the partition was not in the prerequisite state. Suspend the partition first.
%RTR-E-PRTNACTIVE, Partition cannot be deleted so long as it has active servers or transactions

Explanation: Partition cannot be deleted so long as it has active servers or transactions.
%RTR-E-PRTNAMINUSE, Partition name already in use - use another name

Explanation: A call to rtr_open_channel() specified a partition name that is already in use in another partition of the facility. Use another name.
%RTR-E-PRTNAMINUSEINJNL, Journalled transactions preclude change of partition key range

Explanation: Transactions exist in the journal that were processed whilst this name was assigned to a different key range. Recover or delete these transactions first.
%RTR-E-PRTNAMNOTFND, The named partition does not exist

Explanation: A call to rtr_open_channel() specified a partition name that does not exist
%RTR-S-PRTNCREATED, Partition created

Explanation: The requested partition was successfully created.
%RTR-S-PRTNDELETED, Partition deleted

Explanation: The requested partition was successfully deleted.
%RTR-S-PRTNEWFPOLS, Failover policy set

Explanation: The partition failover policy was successfully changed.
%RTR-S-PRTNEWPOLWAIT, Failover policy stored - awaiting servers before taking effect

Explanation: The partition failover policy was successfully changed, but the change will only take effect once servers have been started.
%RTR-S-PRTNEWPRIO, Backend priority set

Explanation: The backend priority was successfully changed,
%RTR-S-PRTNEWPRIWAIT, Backend priority stored - awaiting servers before taking effect

Explanation: Status indicating successful change to the backend priority, but the change will only take effect once servers have been started.
%RTR-E-PRTNODNOTDEF, No definition found for a node in the list - see log file

Explanation: Status indicating absence of a definition for a node named in list of back ends for the partition.
%RTR-E-PRTNODNOTLST, Local node must be in the list of back end nodes

Explanation: Status indicating erroneous absence of the local node from the ordered list of back ends for the partition.
%RTR-E-PRTNOSRVRS, Partition has no servers - please start servers and retry

Explanation: Cannot perform the requested action until servers are attached to the partition. Start servers and retry.
%RTR-E-PRTNOTBACKEND, Partition commands must be entered on a backend node

Explanation: Restriction: partition commands must be entered on a BACKEND node.
%RTR-E-PRTNOTR, Partition command cancelled - no routers available

Explanation: The partition command cannot complete due to the lack of connected routers. Fix the connectivity problem and try again.
%RTR-E-PRTNOTSUSP, Unable to resume partition that is not suspended

Explanation: A partition resume command was attempted when the target partition was not suspended.
%RTR-E-PRTRECSTATE, Partition must be in remember or active (non-recovery) state

Explanation: An attempt was made to restart recovery whilst not in remember or active (for standby servers) mode.
%RTR-S-PRTRESUME, Partition resumed

Explanation: The partition resume command completed successfully. Transaction presentation is now enabled.
%RTR-S-PRTRSRTRCVY, Partition recovery initiated

Explanation: Completion status indicating that partition recovery was manually initiated by the operator.
%RTR-E-PRTRUNDOWN, Partition is in rundown prior to deletion - no action taken

Explanation: Cannot perform the requested action since the partition is being deleted.
%RTR-W-PRTSCOPE, Partition has no servers - scope of command is restricted to the executing node

Explanation: The partition has no servers, so the scope of command is restricted to the executing node.
%RTR-I-PRTSHDOFF, Partition [A]:[A] shadow state set to off by operator [A]

Explanation: The partition shadow state was changed in response to the user request.
%RTR-I-PRTSHDON, Partition [A]:[A] shadow state set to on by operator [A]

Explanation: The partition shadow state was changed in response to the user request.
%RTR-I-PRTSUSCAN, Suspend operation cancelled - partition resumed by operator

Explanation: A pending partition suspend operation has been cancelled as a result of the operator command to resume the partition.
%RTR-S-PRTSUSPENDED, Partition suspended - use resume to restart transaction presentation

Explanation: The partition suspend command completed successfully. Transaction presentation is now halted. Use resume to restart.
%RTR-E-PRTSUSTMO, Suspend operation timeout - transaction presentation is reset to 'active'

Explanation: A time out condition was encountered whilst waiting for the partition to be suspended. The partition transaction presentation is reset to 'active'
%RTR-E-PTRARDYSUSP, Partition already suspended

Explanation: A partition suspend command was attempted when the target partition was already suspended.
%RTR-E-PTRSUSPENDING, Partition already suspending - awaiting completion of current transactions

Explanation: A partition suspend command was attempted while the target partition was already suspending. Be more patient.
%RTR-E-RCHALRSTA, RTR remote client handler already started

Explanation: The remote client handler was already running when the "START REMOTE_CLIENT_HANDLER" command was executed.
%RTR-E-RCHNOTSTA, RTR remote client handler not started

Explanation: The remote client handler had not been started when a command was issued which requires it to be running.
%RTR-E-RCHWASSTO, RTR remote client handler has been stopped

Explanation: The remote client handler had been stopped when a command was issued which requires it to be running.
%RTR-S-REASONSTS, Reason status: [A]

Explanation: Displays the contents [A] of the RSNSTS field of the TXSB after calling a RTR V2 system service via the DCL interface.
%RTR-E-RESERVFILE, Reserved device name is used as file, [A]

Explanation: A file name begins with a reserved device name (CONx, LPTx, COMx, PRN, etc.). Because the device names are reserved for use in Windows environments, their use is not allowed in RTR.
%RTR-E-RMSTRINGLONG, Resource manager open or close string too long

Explanation: Resource manager open or close string too long.
%RTR-E-RTRALRSTA, RTR already started

Explanation: RTR was already running when the "START RTR" command was executed.

Explanation: The RTR LOG command was used to make an entry in the RTR LOG.
%RTR-I-RTRNOTRUN, RTR not running

Explanation: Message created specifically for the STOP RTR command if RTR is not currently running, so that the IVP does not report a fatal message.
%RTR-E-RTRNOTSTA, RTR not running

Explanation: RTR had not been started when a command was issued which requires RTR to be running.
%RTR-S-RTRRCHSTART, RTR remote client handler started

Explanation: Indicates that remote client handler has been successfully started after issuing a "START REMOTE_CLIENT_HANDLER" command.
%RTR-S-RTRRCHSTOP, RTR remote client handler stopped

Explanation: Indicates that the remote client handler has been successfully stopped after issuing a "STOP REMOTE_CLIENT_HANDLER" command.
%RTR-S-RTRSTART, RTR started on node [A][A]

Explanation: RTR has been successfully started after issuing a "START RTR" command.
%RTR-S-RTRSTOP, RTR stopped on node [A][A]

Explanation: RTR has been successfully stopped after issuing a "STOP RTR" command.
%RTR-E-RTRWASSTO, RTR has been stopped

Explanation: RTR had been stopped when the command when a command was issued which requires RTR to be running.
%RTR-E-SECGRP, User authentication can only be disabled for system mode operation

%RTR-S-SETTRANDONE, [A] transaction(s) updated in partition [A] of facility [A]

Explanation: The requested set transaction command was successfully performed.
%RTR-W-SETTRANROUTER, Cannot process this command if coordinating router still available

Explanation: The SET TRANSACTION command cannot change because router is still available.
%RTR-F-SPUJOUFIL, Spurious RTR journal file found - remove extra file, or CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE and submit SPR

Explanation: A spurious RTR journal file has been found which does not correspond to the other journal files on the system. This status may be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands.

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