Document revision date: 5 July 2000
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Compaq DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
Installation and Configuration Guide

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C.3 Showing the DCE System Configuration and the DCE Daemons

   *** System Management Procedure, DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 *** 
****************************    INFO     ***************************** 
***  DCE is configured to support 70 DCE Processes 
This system has the following DCE configuration: 
    Cellname:    opnmnd-cell 
    Hostname:   opnmnd 
    Service                                             Status 
    ----------                                          --------- 
    RPC & Security Client Services                      Enabled 
    CDS Name Service                                    Master Server Enabled 
    Global Directory Agent                              without LDAP Enabled 
    LDAP client                                         Disabled 
    Distributed Time Service                            Global Server Enabled 
      Accept DECnet time (DTSS) sources                 Disabled 
    Distributed Time Service Null Time Provider         Disabled 
    Distributed Time Service NTP Time Provider          Disabled 
    KRB5 Services                                       Disabled 
    Security Services                                   Master Enabled 
      Secval activated 
    Auditing Subsystem daemon                           Disabled 
    PC Name Service Interface                           Enabled 
    Integrated login                                    Disabled 
This system supports the following network transport protocols: 
    TCP/IP:         [ncacn_ip_tcp] 
    UDP/IP:         [ncadg_ip_udp] 
    DECnet:         [ncacn_dnet_nsp] 
TCP/IP services on this system are provided by: TCPIP 
   TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
The current cell is: opnmnd-cell 
Based on this configuration, the following DCE daemons should be active: 
        Daemon                       Process Name            Process ID 
   RPC & Security Client Services    DCE$DCED                 20C119C0 
   Security Service Server           DCE$SECD                 20C119C1 
   CDS Name Service Advertiser       DCE$CDSADVER             20C109C2 
   CDS Name Service Client           DCE$CDSCLERK             20C119C3 
   CDS Name Service Server           DCE$CDSD                 20C119C4 
   Global Directory Agent            DCE$GDAD                 20C119C5 
   PC Name Service Interface         DCE$NSID                 20C112D1 
   Distributed Time Service          DCE$DTSD                 20C119D3 
     ***  DCE System Management Procedure Complete  *** 

C.4 Modifying Configuration

*** System Management Procedure, DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 *** 
****************************    INFO     ***************************** 
***  DCE is configured to support 70 DCE Processes 
This system has the following DCE configuration: 
    Cellname:   opnmnd-cell 
    Hostname:   ylekot 
    Service                                               Status 
    ----------                                           --------- 
    RPC & Security Client Services                        Enabled 
    CDS Name Service                                      Clerk Enabled 
    CDS Cached Server Host                                opnmnd ( 
    LDAP client                                           Disabled 
    Distributed Time Service                              Clerk Enabled 
      Accept DECnet time (DTSS) sources                   Disabled 
    Distributed Time Service Null Time Provider           Disabled 
    Distributed Time Service NTP Time Provider            Disabled 
    KRB5 Services                                         Disabled 
    Security Services                                     Client Enabled 
      Secval activated 
    Auditing Subsystem daemon                             Disabled 
    PC Name Service Interface                             Disabled 
    Integrated login                                      Disabled 
This system supports the following network transport protocols: 
    TCP/IP:          [ncacn_ip_tcp] 
    UDP/IP:          [ncadg_ip_udp] 
    DECnet:         [ncacn_dnet_nsp] 
TCP/IP services on this system are provided by: TCPIP 
   TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
The current cell is: opnmnd-cell 
Based on this configuration, the following DCE daemons should be active: 
            Daemon                     Process Name              Process ID 
   RPC & Security Client Services      DCE$DCED                  238185B0 
   CDS Name Service Advertiser         DCE$CDSADVER              238160B1 
   CDS Name Service Client             DCE$CDSCLERK              2381C334 
   Distributed Time Service            DCE$DTSD                  2380F6BA 
****************************   WARNING   **************************** 
Executing this procedure will potentially modify this configuration. 
Do you want to proceed with this reconfiguration?  (YES/NO/?) [Y]? 
                   DCE Configuration Menu 
                   DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 
      1)  Client            Configure this system as a DCE client 
      2)  New Cell          Create a new DCE cell 
      3)  CDS Server        Add Master CDS Server 
      4)  Modify            Modify DCE cell configuration 
      5)  RPC_Only          Configure this system for RPC only 
      0)  Exit              Exit this procedure 
      ?)  Help              Display helpful information 
Please enter your selection: 4 
             *** Modify Configuration Menu *** 
                   DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 
      1) Add Replica CDS Server 
      2) Add Replica Security Server 
      3) Add DTS Local Server 
      4) Add DTS Global Server 
      5) Add Null Time Provider 
      6) Add NTP Time Provider 
      7) Enable Auditing 
      8) Enable DCE Integrated Login 
      9) Enable Kerberos 5 
     10) Configure LDAP Name Service 
     11) Add LDAP Client Service 
     12) Enable LDAP GDA 
     13) Register in X.500 
      0)  Exit         Return to previous menu 
      ?)  Help         Display helpful information 
Please enter your selection: 

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