Document revision date: 5 July 2000 | |
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This chapter provides Integrated Login status messages. You can receive Integrated Login messages from the Integrated Login procedure or utilities. The prefix of the message denotes the source, as follows:
The Integrated Login procedure messages (IL_messagetext)
The DCE User Authorization (DCE$UAF) utility (UAF_messagetext)
DCE IMPORT utility messages (IMP_messagetext)
DCE EXPORT utility messages (EXP_messagetext)
The messages are listed in alphabetical order.
4.1 Integrated Login Procedure Messages
IL_DCECERT, certified DCE login for <USERNAME> as principal "<PRINCIPAL>"
Explanation: The user successfully logged in to OpenVMS and DCE. The credentials are certified.
User Action: None.
IL_DCENOCERT, noncertified DCE login for <USERNAME> as principal "<PRINCIPAL>"
Explanation: User successfully logged in to OpenVMS and DCE. The credentials are not certified.
User Action: None.
IL_DCEPWDEXP, your DCE password has expired and must be reset
Explanation: The DCE password has expired.
User Action: Change your DCE password by entering the CHPASS command.
IL_ERRVMSPWD, error synchronizing OpenVMS password with DCE password
Explanation: The user logged in specifying a DCE password. The user's DCE password and OpenVMS password are different. The OpenVMS password was not sucessfully synchronized to match the DCE password because an error occurred during synchronization.
User Action: Set the DCE password to a value that is a valid OpenVMS password.
IL_INVPWDLEN, password must be between 'number' and 32 characters
Explanation: Your DCE password could not be set to the same value as your OpenVMS password because its length was invalid.
User Action: Set your DCE password to a value that is the length range of the error message.
IL_NOCREDMOD, unable to modify owner field of credential files
Explanation: The credential files could not be set up correctly. The user will not see this message.
User Action: Submit a Problem Tracking and Reporting (PTR).
IL_NONETCRED, network credentials not obtained
Explanation: A problem in the network prevented Integrated Login from obtaining information about the principal from the DCE registry; therefore, network credentials were not given.
User Action: Try logging in later with DCE_LOGIN. If you still receive this error, ask your cell administrator to troubleshoot the network.
IL_RGYNOTTHERE, unable to access DCE registry
Explanation: The DCE registry was not available when you logged in. You do not have DCE credentials; you are logged in to OpenVMS only.
User Action: Ask your system manager to correct the problem.
IL_VMSONLY, DCE login as principal "<PRINCIPAL>" failed, OpenVMS login to <USERNAME> successful
Explanation: The DCE login failed but the OpenVMS login was successful. This occurs when the user's DCE and OpenVMS passwords are different and the user specifies the OpenVMS password at the password prompt.
User Action: No action is required if you want to be logged in to OpenVMS only. If you want to be logged in to DCE as well as OpenVMS, perform a manual DCE login using the DCE_LOGIN command or log out and then log in specifying your DCE password at the password prompt.
IL_VMSPWDSYNC, OpenVMS password synchronized with DCE password
Explanation: The user logged in specifying a DCE password. The user's DCE password and OpenVMS password are different. The OpenVMS password was successfully synchronized to match the DCE password.
User Action: None.
IMP_ACCEXISTS, account for <PRINCIPAL> already exists in DCE
Explanation: An attempt has been made to recreate an account for <PRINCIPAL> in the DCE registry.
User Action: None. This is a warning indicating that this suboperation in the IMPORT operation was previously performed.
IMP_ADDDCE, username <USERNAME> successfully imported into DCE
Explanation: A DCE account has been successfully created for OpenVMS username <USERNAME>.
User Action: None.
IMP_ADDDCEACC, account for <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to DCE
Explanation: A DCE account was successfully created for <PRINCIPAL>.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only if /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_ADDDCEPRN, principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to DCE
Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> record successfully created in the DCE registry.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_ADDDCEUAF, username <USERNAME> successfully added to DCE$UAF
Explanation: Username <USERNAME> successfully added to the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only if /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_BINDERR, error binding to DCE security registry
Explanation: Unable to bind to the DCE security server.
User Action: Note accompanying DCE error message for more details.
IMP_CREDCEUAF, created new DCE$UAF file
Explanation: A new DCE$UAF file was created.
User Action: None.
Explanation: Accompanying DCE error message supplied with other DCE IMPORT error messages.
User Action: Use this message to determine the cause of the problem.
IMP_DCELOGIN, error in DCE login
Explanation: An error occurred during DCE login.
User Action: Enter a valid DCE username and password when prompted by DCE IMPORT.
IMP_DCEUAFERR, error searching DCE$UAF
Explanation: An error occurred while searching the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_DELACC, account for principal <PRINCIPAL> deleted from DCE
Explanation: DCE account for <PRINCIPAL> was deleted from the DCE registry. This occurs when an atomic IMPORT operation fails during one of its suboperations. Such failure prompts a backout of all suboperations successfully performed during this IMPORT operation. Deleting the account is one such backout operation.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_DELDCEUAF, username <USERNAME> successfully deleted from DCE$UAF
Explanation: Username <USERNAME> deleted from DCE$UAF file.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only if /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_DELFRGRP, principal <PRINCIPAL> from group <GROUP>
Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> was deleted from <GROUP> in the DCE registry. This occurs when an atomic IMPORT operation fails during one of its suboperations. Such failure prompts a backout of all suboperations successfully performed during this IMPORT operation. Deleting the principal from the group is one such backout operation.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_DELFRORG, principal <PRINCIPAL> deleted from organization <ORGANIZATION>
Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> was deleted from <ORGANIZATION> in the DCE registry. This occurs when an atomic IMPORT operation fails during one of its suboperations. Such failure prompts a backout of all suboperations successfully performed during this IMPORT operation. Deleting the principal from the organization is one such backout operation.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_DELPRN, principal <PRINCIPAL> deleted from DCE
Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> was deleted from the DCE registry. This occurs when an atomic IMPORT operation fails during one of its suboperations. Such failure prompts a backout of all suboperations successfully performed during this IMPORT operation. Deleting the principal is one such backout operation.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_ERRACCEXC, error accessing DCE IMPORT exclude file
Explanation: Could not access the DCE IMPORT exclude file.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRADDEXC, adding username to DCE IMPORT exclude file
Explanation: Could not add the requested username to the DCE IMPORT exclude file.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRADDGRP, error adding principal <PRINCIPAL> to group <GROUP>
Explanation: Could not add <PRINCIPAL> to <GROUP> in the DCE registry.
User Action: Note the accompanying DCE error message for more details.
IMP_ERRADDORG, error adding principal <PRINCIPAL> to organization <ORGANIZATION>
Explanation: Could not add <PRINCIPAL> to <ORGANIZATION> in DCE registry.
User Action: Note the accompanying DCE error message for more details.
IMP_ERRADDUAF, error adding username to DCE$UAF file
Explanation: Could not add the imported username to the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRCHGAUT, error changing account authorization policy
Explanation: Could not change the DCE account's authorization policy.
User Action: Note the accompanying DCE error message for more details.
IMP_ERRCRACC, error creating account for <PRINCIPAL>
Explanation: Could not create a DCE account for <PRINCIPAL> .
User Action: Note the accompanying DCE error message for more details.
IMP_ERRCRDCEUAF, error creating DCE authorization file
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRCRPRN, error creating principal <PRINCIPAL>
Explanation: Could not create a principal in the DCE registry.
User Action: Note the accompanying DCE error message for more details.
IMP_ERRDCEUAF, error accessing DCE authorization file <GROUP>
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to access the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRDELACC, error deleting account for <PRINCIPAL>
Explanation: Unable to delete account for <PRINCIPAL> from DCE registry.
User Action: See accompanying DCE error message for more details.
IMP_ERRDELEXC, error deleting username from DCE IMPORT exclude file
Explanation: Could not remove requested username from the DCE IMPORT exclude file.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRDELFRGRP, error deleting principal <PRINCIPAL> from group <GROUP>
Explanation: An error occurred while deleting <PRINCIPAL> from <GROUP> in the DCE registry. This delete operation is performed if the overall IMPORT operation failed and a backout of changes applied to the DCE registry is required.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRDELFRORG, error deleting principal <PRINCIPAL> from organization <ORGANIZATION>
Explanation: An error occurred while deleting <PRINCIPAL> from <ORGANIZATION> in the DCE registry. This delete operation is performed if the overall IMPORT operation failed and a backout of changes applied to the DCE registry is required.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRDELPRN, error deleting principal <PRINCIPAL>
Explanation: Unable to delete <PRINCIPAL> from DCE registry
User Action: See accompanying DCE error message for more details.
IMP_ERRDELUAF, error deleting username from DCE$UAF file
Explanation: Could not delete a username from the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.
IMP_ERRSPAWN, error spawning subprocess
Explanation: An error occurred while spawning a subprocess on the SPAWN command.
User Action: Refer to appropriate OpenVMS documentation for resolution.
IMP_ERRSYSUAF, error accessing SYSUAF file
Explanation: Could not access the OpenVMS SYSUAF file.
User Action: See accompanying OpenVMS or RMS error message for more details.
IMP_EXCADD, username <USERNAME> added to DCE IMPORT exclude list
Explanation: Username <USERNAME> successfully added to the DCE IMPORT exclude file. A DCE account will not be created for this username.
User Action: None.
IMP_EXCDEL, username <USERNAME> removed from DCE IMPORT exclude list
Explanation: Username <USERNAME> successfully removed from DCE IMPORT exclude file. A subsequent IMPORT session could be used to create a DCE account for this username.
User Action: None.
IMP_EXCLUDED, username <USERNAME> has been excluded from DCE
Explanation: Username <USERNAME> cannot be imported since it has been excluded from the DCE registry.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_INDCE, username <USERNAME> already imported into DCE
Explanation: An import operation was attempted on an already imported OpenVMS username.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
Explanation: Username <USERNAME> already exists in the DCE$UAF.DAT file.
User Action: None. This is a warning indicating that this suboperation in the IMPORT operation was previously performed.
IMP_INEXCLUDE, username <USERNAME> already in DCE IMPORT exclude file
Explanation: Username <USERNAME> has previously been added to the DCE IMPORT exclude file.
User Action: None. This informational message is displayed when an exclude operation is attempted on an already excluded username and is displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_INITERROR, initialization error
Explanation: An error occurred during DCE IMPORT's initialization phase.
User Action: Note error messages accompanying or directly preceding this message.
IMP_INITWAIT, initializing.....
Explanation: DCE IMPORT is in initialization mode.
User Action: None.
IMP_INVDATETM, invalid date/time
Explanation: Date/time entered has invalid format.
User Action: Enter date/time in standard format (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss).
IMP_INTINPDEV, internal error opening input device
Explanation: Error opening SYS$INPUT.
User Action: Verify user run-time environment. See the appropriate OpenVMS documentation for more details.
IMP_INPREQ, input required!
Explanation: Input not entered where input was mandatory.
User Action: Provide required input.
IMP_INTERROR, internal error
Explanation: DCE IMPORT internal error occurred.
User Action: Contact your support engineer or submit a Problem Tracking and Reporting (PTR).
IMP_INVPASSWD, password validation failed. Please retry
Explanation: The password entered when prompted for a retype does not match the originally entered password.
User Action: Enter correct password for original and retype entry.
IMP_NODCEUAF, unable to open DCE authorization file
Explanation: Error occurred while attempting to open the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: See accompanying message for details.
IMP_NOEXCUSR, no excluded users
Explanation: No users listed in DCE IMPORT exclude file.
User Action: None.
IMP_NOPRIN, principal <PRINCIPAL> does not exist in DCE Registry
Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> does not exist in the DCE Registry. This means that <PRINCIPAL> does not have a corresponding OpenVMS username/account.
User Action: None.
IMP_NOSCHPRM, corresponding primary principal not found in DCE
Explanation: The DCE principal name specified as the primary principal while attempting to create an alias principal name is nonexistent in the DCE registry.
User Action: Use the correct DCE principal name. Use the DCE tool RGY_EDIT to view the DCE registry.
IMP_NOSCHUSR, OpenVMS username <USERNAME> does not exist on this system
Explanation: An attempt was made to import a nonexistent OpenVMS user.
User Action: Choose a valid OpenVMS user.
IMP_NOSUCHEXC, no such username in exclude file
Explanation: Username specified does not exist in DCE IMPORT's exclude file.
User Action: Specify username that exists in DCE IMPORT's exclude file. Enter command SHOW/EXCLUDE to display the entire exclude list.
IMP_NOSUCHGRP, no group <GROUP>. Please choose a valid group
Explanation: The group name specified is nonexistent in the DCE registry.
User Action: Choose a valid group name. Use the DCE tool RGY_EDIT to search the DCE registry for group names.
IMP_NOSUCHORG, no organization <ORGANIZATION>. Please choose a valid organization
Explanation: The organization name specified is nonexistent in the DCE registry.
User Action: Choose a valid organization name. Use the DCE tool RGY_EDIT to search the DCE registry for organization names.
IMP_OUTOPNERR, error opening alternate output
Explanation: Could not access output medium.
User Action: If /OUTPUT was specified, verify the file name supplied with /OUTPUT. If /OUTPUT was not specified, check user run-time environment. See appropriate OpenVMS documentation for more details.
IMP_PREXISTS, principal <PRINCIPAL> already exists in DCE
Explanation: An attempt has been made to add <PRINCIPAL> to the DCE registry.
User Action: None. This is a warning indicating that this suboperation in the IMPORT operation was previously performed.
IMP_PRINGRP, principal <PRINCIPAL> already exists in group <GROUP>
Explanation: An attempt was made to add <PRINCIPAL> to DCE group <GROUP> when it already was a member of the group. This action was attempted during an import operation.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_PRINORG, principal <PRINCIPAL> already exists in organization <ORGANIZATION>
Explanation: An attempt was made to add <PRINCIPAL> to DCE organization <ORGANIZATION> when it was already a member of that organization. This action was attempted during an import operation.
User Action: None. This is an informational message displayed only when /INFORM is specified on the DCE IMPORT command line.
IMP_PRINUSE, principal <PRINCIPAL> in use by another OpenVMS username
Explanation: The DCE principal name specified for the OpenVMS username being imported is associated with another OpenVMS username.
User Action: Choose a DCE principal name that is not associated with any OpenVMS username.
IMP_RANGEERR, error in entry! Number must be between 1 and 65535
Explanation: The value entered for quota is not within the desired range.
User Action: Enter a number between 1 and 65535.
IMP_TIMERR, DCE time configuration error
Explanation: Time configuration incorrect on the DCE system.
User Action: Refer to the Troubleshooting chapter in the Compaq DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Product Guide.
IMP_TOOLONG, input for <QUALIFIER> too long
Explanation: Value of <QUALIFIER> is longer than expected maximum size of value.
User Action: Enter a value that is within the valid size range.
IMP_USERERR, error getting input from user
Explanation: Error occurred while getting user input.
User Action: Provide valid input.
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