Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Concepts and Design Guidelines

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Chapter 7
7 Designing Server Procedures
     7.1     Writing Server Procedures
     7.2     Returning Status to the Task Definition
     7.3     Returning Messages to Users
     7.4     Handling Errors
         7.4.1         Avoiding Cancel Procedures
     7.5     Performance Considerations
     7.6     Performing Terminal I/O from a Procedure Server
Chapter 8
8 Designing User Interfaces
     8.1     Designing a User Interface
     8.2     Choosing a User Interface for ACMS
     8.3     Using DECforms
         8.3.1         DECforms Structure and Design
         8.3.2         Using DECforms with ACMS
                Design Issues for DECforms and ACMS
                Deciding the Number of DECforms Forms
     8.4     Using TDMS
     8.5     Using TDMS Run-Time Support
         8.5.1         Specifying CPs for Local TDMS Run-Time Support
         8.5.2         Defining the Logical Name
                DCL-Command Method
                ADU-Clause Method
     8.6     Using Request I/O and Stream I/O for Nonstandard Devices
         8.6.1         Using Request I/O and the Request Interface
         8.6.2         Using Stream I/O
Chapter 9
9 Designing Task Group and Application Definitions
     9.1     Designing Task Groups
         9.1.1         Grouping Common Elements in a Task Group
         9.1.2         Determining the Number of Task Groups in an Application
         9.1.3         Improving Performance with the Task Group Definition
     9.2     Designing Applications
         9.2.1         Determining the Number of Applications
         9.2.2         Improving Performance with the Application Definition
Appendix A
Appendix A Requirements Specification Template
     A.1     Overview
     A.2     Business Objectives
         A.2.1         Business Needs
         A.2.2         Business Goals and Measurements
     A.3     Solution Requirements
         A.3.1         Current Business System
         A.3.2         Proposed Business System
     A.4     Scope
         A.4.1         Environment
         A.4.2         Proposed Implementation
         A.4.3         Forecast Benefits
         A.4.4         Quality Requirement
         A.4.5         General Solution Requirements
         A.4.6         Project Limitation
     A.5     Alternative Solutions Rejected
Appendix B
Appendix B Functional Specification Template
     B.1     Overview
     B.2     Solution Detail
         B.2.1         External Interfaces
         B.2.2         Transaction Analysis
         B.2.3         Inputs/Outputs
     B.3     Environmental Requirements
     B.4     Quality Requirements
     B.5     General Requirements
     B.6     Solution Limitations
     B.7     Documentation
     B.8     Training
     B.9     Definitions
     B.10     Glossary
Appendix C
Appendix C Programming Specification Template
     C.1     Application Development Environment
     C.2     System Design
     C.3     Task Design
     C.4     Server Procedure Design
     C.5     User Interface Design
     C.6     Design Review
8-1 Defining Local CP Support
8-2 Defining Local EXC Support
1-1 Restoring a Database After a Failure
1-2 Logical View of a TP System
1-3 Application Development Life Cycle
1-4 Execution Flow of an ACMS Task Definition
1-5 ACMS Application Components
1-6 Panels and Viewports
1-7 DECforms Interaction with ACMS
1-8 Off-Loading Forms Processing to a Submitter Node
1-9 The Relational Database Model
1-10 A Resource Manager Interacting with ACMS
1-11 Coordinating Multiple Resource Managers
1-12 Coordinating Task Queues with Database Updates
1-13 Three Processes of the Run-Time System
4-1 A Single-Site Business with a Single Database
4-2 A Single-Site Business with Multiple Databases
4-3 A Multiple-Site Business with Multiple Central Databases
4-4 A Multiple-Site Business with Multiple-Site Databases
4-5 Determining Data Flow for Business Functions
4-6 Record Locking
5-1 Mapping One Business Function to One Task
5-2 Mapping Multiple Business Functions to One Task
5-3 Mapping Multiple Business Functions to Multiple Tasks
5-4 The Structure of the VR_RESERVE_TASK
5-5 The Structure of the VR_CHECKOUT_TASK
5-6 The Structure of the VR_CHECKIN_TASK
5-7 The Structure of the VR_GETRESEV_TASK
5-8 The Structure of the VR_COMPLETE_CHECKOUT_TASK
6-1 Structure of a Procedure Server
6-2 Effects of Retaining and Releasing Server Context
6-3 Declaring Group Workspaces in the Task Definition
6-4 Declaring Group Workspaces in the Task Group Definition
6-5 Declaring User Workspaces in the Task Definition
6-6 Declaring User Workspaces in the Task Group Definition
6-7 Including a Called Task Within a Procedure in a Distributed Transaction
6-8 Remote Update Using Called Task from Procedure
6-9 Using Rdb Remote Access for a Distributed Transaction
6-10 Remote Update Using Rdb Remote Server
8-1 Interfaces to ACMS

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