Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Writing Server Procedures

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Chapter 12
12 Implementation Details of the Sample Application
     12.1     Execution Flow of the Sample Task
         12.1.1         Task Definition
         12.1.2         Form Definition
         12.1.3         Read Database COBOL Step Procedure
     12.2     Application, Task Group, and Menu Definitions
         12.2.1         Application Definition
         12.2.2         Task Group Definition
         12.2.3         Menu Definition
     12.3     Additional Procedure Server Components
         12.3.1         Initialization Procedure
         12.3.2         Termination Procedure
     12.4     Field and Record Definitions
     12.5     CASE Tools
Part 4
Part 4 Interoperability with IBM LU6.2 and CICS
Chapter 13
13 Overview of ACMS and APPC/LU6.2
     13.1     Why Use Compaq and ACMS?
     13.2     Introduction to Developing ACMS Applications
         13.2.1         Writing ACMS Definitions
         13.2.2         Composition of ACMS Definitions
     13.3     Introduction to Using the APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface
     13.4     How Do You Connect ACMS with IBM CICS Systems?
Chapter 14
14 Implementation Details of the Sample Application
     14.1     Execution Flow of the Sample Task
         14.1.1         Task Definition
         14.1.2         Prompt Form Definition
         14.1.3         Read Database COBOL Step Procedure
         14.1.4         Display Form Definition
     14.2     Application, Task Group, and Menu Definitions
         14.2.1         Application Definition
         14.2.2         Task Group Definition
         14.2.3         Menu Definition
     14.3     Additional Procedure Server Components
         14.3.1         Initialization Procedure
         14.3.2         Termination Procedure
     14.4     Field and Record Definitions
Part 5
Part 5 Appendixes
Appendix A
Appendix A Summary of ACMS System Workspaces
     A.1     ACMS$PROCESSING_STATUS System Workspace
     A.2     ACMS$SELECTION_STRING System Workspace
     A.3     ACMS$TASK_INFORMATION System Workspace
Appendix B
Appendix B Libraries Included in AVERTZ Sample Procedures
Appendix C
Appendix C Superseded Features
    Command 28     ACMSAD$REQ_CANCEL
1-1 Declaration of Initialization and Termination Procedures in a Task Group Definition
1-2 Declaration of a Step Procedure in a Task Group Definition
1-3 Processing Step in a Task Definition
2-1 SQL Initialization Procedure
2-2 BASIC Initialization Procedure for Rdb Server
2-3 COBOL Initialization Procedure for DBMS
2-4 BASIC Initialization Procedure for DBMS
2-5 COBOL Initialization Procedure for RMS Server
2-6 BASIC Initialization Procedure for RMS Server
2-7 SQL Termination Procedure
2-8 COBOL Termination Procedure for RMS Files
2-9 BASIC Termination Procedure for RMS Files
2-10 Pseudocode for Using$SETAST
2-11 Server Cancel Procedure in BASIC Using Rdb with RDO
2-12 Server Cancel Procedure in COBOL for RMS Files
2-13 Server Cancel Procedure in BASIC
3-1 Referencing a Workspace in a Task Definition
3-2 COBOL Procedure that Names a Workspace
3-3 CDD Record Definition for VR_CUSTOMERS_WKSP Workspace
3-4 Record Description for TASK_CONTROL
3-5 COBOL Procedure for Returning Status in a User-Defined Workspace
3-6 BASIC Procedure for Returning Status in a User-Defined Workspace
4-1 Task Definition that Calls Server Procedures Using SQL
4-2 Declaring the Database
4-3 Lock Specification Example
4-4 Indicator Array for Null Values
4-5 Selecting a Value from a Table
4-6 Writing to a Database
4-7 COBOL Procedure Using SQL with Rdb
4-8 Step Procedure in COBOL that Reads a DBMS Record
4-9 Step Procedure in BASIC that Reads a DBMS Record
4-10 Step Procedure in COBOL that Updates a DBMS Record
4-11 Step Procedure in BASIC that Updates a DBMS Record
4-12 Step Procedure in COBOL that Reads an RMS Record
4-13 Step Procedure in BASIC that Reads an RMS Record
4-14 Step Procedure in COBOL that Writes an RMS Record
4-15 Step Procedure in BASIC that Updates an RMS Record
5-1 Source File of Messages
6-1 LINK Command for a Procedure that Uses SQL
6-2 LINK Command for Servers Called by Tasks that Use the SQL RECOVERY Phrase
7-1 Task Definition with Breakpoint Symbols
7-2 Sample Task Group Dump File
8-1 Using the SERVER PROCESS DUMP Clause in an Application Definition
12-1 VR_DISPLAY_SITES_TASK Task Definition
12-2 VR_GET_SITES_PROC COBOL Step Procedure
12-3 AVERTZ_VR_APPLICATION Application Definition
12-4 VR_TASK_GROUP Task Group Definition
12-5 ACMS_SAMPLE_MENU Menu Definition
12-6 VR_INIT Initialization Procedure
12-7 VR_TERM Termination Procedure
12-8 Field Definitions
12-9 Record and Workspace Definitions
12-10 Text Library Record Definition
14-1 EMPLOYEE_INFO_READ_TASK Task Definition
14-3 READ_EMPL_INFO COBOL Step Procedure
14-4 EMPLOYEE_INFO_FORM Form Definition
14-5 EMPLOYEE_INFO_APPL_ACMS_APPC Application Definition
14-6 EMPLOYEE_INFO_TASK_GROUP Task Group Definition
14-7 EMPLOYEE_INFO_MENU Menu Definition
14-8 INIT_EMPL_INFO Initialization Procedure
14-9 TERM_EMPL_INFO Termination Procedure
14-10 Field Definitions
14-11 Record and Workspace Definitions
1-1 Procedure Server Terminology
1-2 Call to a Step Procedure in a Task Definition
3-1 How ACMS Applications Use Workspaces
4-1 Calling the Procedure VR_COMPLETE_CHECKOUT_PROC
5-1 Creating Message Files
6-1 Creating a Procedure Server Image
6-2 Compiling Source Code into Object Modules
6-3 Linking Object Modules into a Procedure Server Image
7-1 Files Needed for Debugging
11-1 Execution Flow of an ACMS Task Definition
11-2 ACMS Application Components
12-1 Execution Flow of the Sample Task
13-1 Execution Flow of an ACMS Task Definition
13-2 ACMS Application Components
13-3 How ACMS and APPC/LU6.2 Connect to an IBM Machine
14-1 Execution Flow of the Sample Task

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