Document revision date: 10 November 2000 | |
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typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; } XmAnyCallbackStruct; |
An integer set to the callback reason. See the Callback Reasons section for the values that are valid for this widget.event
A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback.
The help window was just mapped.XmCR_UNMAP
The help window was just unmapped.
The DXmCreateHelpDialog routine creates a help widget that includes its own dialog box. The help widget is a modeless widget that enables the application to display appropriate user assistance information in response to a user request. When the user requests help, the help widget displays an initial help topic, then gives the user the ability to view additional help topics.Geometry Management The help widget does not support children. Resizing The help widget sizes itself at creation, based on XmNrows and XmNcols.The DXmNfirstTopic resource allows the application to provide context-sensitive help by selecting a specific topic based on implicit or explicit cues from the user.
After the widget has been created, you can change the help topic by specifying a new DXmNfirstTopic (using the Intrinsic routine XtSetValues), and then managing the widget (using the Intrinsic routine XtManageChild) to display the help window. (See the X Window System Toolkit manual for more information about using the Intrinsic routines.)
When the user exits from a help session, the widget is automatically unmanaged.
See the DECwindows Motif Guide to Application Programming for a complete description of the help widget.
Creates the print widget without a dialog box.Widget Class Hierarchy
Core Resource Set
Composite Resource Set
Constraint Resource Set
XmManager Resource Set
XmBulletinBoard Resource Set
DXmPrintBox Resource Set
Widget DXmCreatePrintBox(parent, name, arglist, argcount) Widget parent; char *name; Arglist arglist; int argcount; |
The identifier (widget ID) of the created print widget.
The identifier (widget ID) of the parent
The name of the created widget.arglist
The application argument list.argcount
An integer that represents the number of arguments in the application argument list.
The DXmCreatePrintBox routine uses the same arguments and resources as the DXmCreatePrintDialog routine to create a print widget, but does not include a dialog box. Refer to the DXmCreatePrintDialog routine for a complete description.
Creates the print widget with a dialog box.Widget Class Hierarchy
Core Resource Set
Composite Resource Set
Constraint Resource Set
XmManager Resource Set
XmBulletinBoard Resource Set
DXmPrintDialog Resource Set
Widget DXmCreatePrintDialog(parent, name, arglist, argcount) Widget parent; char *name; Arglist arglist; int argcount; |
Boolean DXmNautoPagination; XmString DXmNdefaultPrinter; Boolean DXmNdeleteFile; Boolean DXmNdoubleSpacing; int DXmNfileBurstSheet; int DXmNfileEndSheet; int DXmNfileNameCount; XmStringTable DXmNfileNameList; int DXmNfileStartSheet; Boolean DXmNheader; Boolean DXmNholdJob; int DXmNinputTray; XmString DXmNjobName; XmString DXmNlayupDefinition; int DXmNmessageLog; Boolean DXmNnotify; int DXmNnumberCopies; int DXmNnumberUp; XmString DXmNoperatorMessage; XmString DXmNoptionsDialogTitle; int DXmNorientation; int DXmNoutputTray; XmString DXmNpageRangeFrom; XmString DXmNpageRangeTo; int DXmNpageSize; Boolean DXmNpassAll; XmString DXmNprintAfter; int DXmNprinterCount; XmString DXmNprinterChoice; XmString DXmNprinterFormChoice; XmStringTable DXmNprinterFormList; int DXmNprinterFormCount; XmStringTable DXmNprinterList; XmString DXmNprintFormatChoice; int DXmNprintFormatCount; XmStringTable DXmNprintFormatList; int DXmNpriority; XmString DXmNsetup; int DXmNsheetCount; int DXmNsheetSize; int DXmNsides; XmString DXmNstartSheetComment; unsigned long DXmNsuppressOptionsMask; Boolean DXmNunmanageOnCancel; Boolean DXmNunmanageOnOk; XtCallbackList XmNcancelCallback; XtCallbackList XmNokCallback; |
The identifier (widget ID) of the created print widget.
The identifier (widget ID) of the parent
The name of the created widget.arglist
The application argument list.argcount
An integer that represents the number of arguments in the application argument list.
A Boolean value that, when True, indicates that autopagination (formatting the output into pages based on length or line count) is turned on. When False, autopagination is turned off. By default, the value of this resource changes when the user switches print formats. The default settings for the print formats are as follows:
Print Format Default Default 1 False Text (ANSI Level 0) True Line Printer (ANSI Level 1) True Terminal True ANSI2 (ANSI Level 2) False ANSI (ANSI Level 3) False PostScript False ReGIS False TEK (Tektronix) False DDIF False
Access is CSG.
Value | Description |
DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT | Indicates that you want the default for the queue on which the job is being printed. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_NONE | Indicates that you do not want a burst page. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_ONE | Indicates that you want only a single burst page that will precede the first file printed. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_ALL | Indicates that you want the burst page to be printed before every file in the print job. |
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
Value | Description |
DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT | Indicates that you want the default for the queue on which the job is being printed. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_NONE | Indicates that you do not want a File End Sheet. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_ONE | Indicates that you want only a single File End Sheet to follow the last file printed. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_ALL | Indicates that you want the File End Sheet to be printed after every file in the print job. |
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
Value | Description |
DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT | Indicates that you want the default for the queue on which the job is being printed. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_NONE | Indicates that you do not want a File Start Sheet. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_ONE | Indicates that you want only a single File Start Sheet that will precede the first file. |
DXmFILE_SHEET_ALL | Indicates that you want the File Start Sheet to be printed before every file in the print job. |
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
Value | Description |
DXmINPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT | The default input tray is that which is specified for the queue. |
DXmINPUT_TRAY_TOP | The top input tray is the source of the medium on which to print. |
DXmINPUT_TRAY_MIDDLE | The middle input tray is the source of the medium on which to print. |
DXmINPUT_TRAY_BOTTOM | The bottom input tray is the source of the medium on which to print. |
The default is DXmINPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
Value | Description |
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_DEFAULT | Accept whatever is specified for the print queue. |
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_IGNORE | Nothing is done with the error messages. |
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_PRINT | The error messages are written to the File End Sheet. |
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_KEEP | The error messages are retained in a file. |
DXmMESSAGE_LOG_KEEP_AND_PRINT | The error messages are written to the File End Sheet (or additional job error sheet) and are retained in a log file. |
The default is DXmMESSAGE_LOG_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
Value | Description |
DXmORIENTATION_DEFAULT | Allows you to accept the orientation that is defined for the print queue you have selected. |
DXmORIENTATION_PORTRAIT | Allows you to force a portrait orientation to the resulting printout. |
DXmORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE | Allows you to force a landscape orientation to the resulting printout. |
The default is DXmORIENTATION_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
Value | Description |
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT | The default output tray is that which is specified for the queue. |
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_TOP | Allows you to select the top output tray to receive the printed medium. |
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_SIDE | Allows you to select the side output tray to receive the printed medium. |
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_FACE_UP | Allows you to select the faceup output tray to receive the printed medium. |
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_UPPER | Allows you to select the upper output tray to receive the printed medium. |
DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_LOWER | Allows you to select the lower output tray to receive the printed medium. |
The default is DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG.
The default is Null. Access is CSG.
The DXmNpageRangeTo resource may be left blank to print to the last page of the file. The default is Null. Access is CSG.
Value | Size in Inches | Size in MM |
DXmSIZE_DEFAULT | Queue Default | Queue Default |
DXmSIZE_LETTER | 8.5 x 11 | 216 x 279 |
DXmSIZE_LEDGER | 11 x 17 | 279 x 432 |
DXmSIZE_LEGAL | 8.5 x 14 | 216 x 356 |
DXmSIZE_EXECUTIVE | 7.5 x 10 | 191 x 254 |
DXmSIZE_A5 | 5.8 x 8.3 | 148 x 210 |
DXmSIZE_A4 | 8.3 x 11.7 | 210 x 297 |
DXmSIZE_A3 | 11.7 x 16.5 | 297 x 420 |
DXmSIZE_B5 | 7.2 x 10.1 | 176 x 250 |
DXmSIZE_B4 | 10.1 x 14.3 | 250 x 353 |
DXmSIZE_C4_ENVELOPE | 9 x 12.8 | 229 x 324 |
DXmSIZE_C5_ENVELOPE | 6.4 x 9 | 162 x 229 |
DXmSIZE_C56_ENVELOPE | 4.3 x 8.7 | 110 x 220 |
DXmSIZE_10X13_ENVELOPE | 10 x 13 | 254 x 330.2 |
DXmSIZE_9X12_ENVELOPE | 9 x 12 | 228.6 x 304.8 |
DXmSIZE_BUSINESS_ENVELOPE | 4.125 x 9.5 | 104.8 x 241.3 |
The default is DXmSIZE_DEFAULT. Access is CSG.
Print Format | Default |
Default 1 | False |
Text (ANSI Level 0) | False |
Line Printer (ANSI Level 1) | False |
Terminal | False |
ANSI2 (ANSI Level 2) | True |
ANSI (ANSI Level 3) | True |
PostScript | False |
ReGIS | False |
TEK (Tektronix) | True |
DDIF | True |
Access is CSG.
If this resource is not specified, the job becomes eligible for immediate print scheduling. The job also becomes eligible for immediate print scheduling if the user specifies this resource but specifies either nothing or "now" as the XmString. The default is "now". Access is CSG.
If you set this resource, the XmString must exactly match one of the print widget's supported printers, including the character set. The recommended approach is to not specify this resource when the print widget is first managed. Then, once the user has selected a print format, call the XtGetValues routine to obtain the value and then XtSetArg to set DXmNprinterChoice.
The print widget sets this resource as follows:
The default is Null. Access is CSG.
You cannot set a value for this resource. (Access is G.) The default is 0.
Note that if you set this resource, the XmString must exactly match one of the operating system's supported printer forms. (Use the DXmCvtOSToCS routine to convert the string to an XmString.) Digital recommends that you do not specify this resource when the print widget is first managed. Instead, after the user has selected a printer form, call the Intrinsic routines XtGetValues to obtain the value and XtSetArg to set DXmNprinterFormChoice. The default is Null. Access is CSG.
You cannot set a value for this resource. (Access is G.) The default is Null.
You cannot set a value for this resource. (Access is G.) The default is 0.
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