Document revision date: 19 July 1999
OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help
Message Users
VALCNVERR, error converting value
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: A MOUNT switch parameter is invalid. For
example, a nonnumeric character might be specified in a numeric
User Action: Correct the invalid parameter.
VASOVF, system virtual address space limit exceeded
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The combination of SYSGEN parameters used
to specify various capacities within the operating system have pushed
the size of the operating system address space over the limit allowed
by the VAX architecture.
User Action: Reduce one of the parameters
(VIRTUALPAGECNT, BALSETCNT) that contribute to the virtual address
space size required by the OpenVMS system. By using AUTOGEN to set
these values for your system, you avoid selection of parameter
combinations that cause system space to overflow its architectural
VBNERROR, 'file-spec' has duplicate blocks 'n' through 'n'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The specified blocks of the specified
file were present more than once in the input save set. Data in the
save set may be corrupt.
User Action: Examine the file for corruption and
reconstruct as necessary. If this error occurs during a disk-to-disk
(copy) operation, it indicates a software error in the Backup utility;
in this case, contact a Digital support representative.
VBNMAPFAIL, virtual block map failure
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
VBNMISSING, 'file-spec' has missing blocks 'n' through 'n'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The specified blocks of the specified
file were missing from the input save set. Data in the blocks is lost.
User Action: Examine the file for corruption and
reconstruct as necessary. If this error occurs during a disk-to-disk
(copy) operation, it indicates a software error in the Backup utility;
in this case, contact a Digital support representative.
VBNPASTEOF, 'file-spec' has blocks 'n' through 'n' past end-of-file
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The specified blocks of the specified
file were present in the input save set although they follow the
end-of-file block. Data in the save set may be corrupted.
User Action: Examine the file for corruption and
reconstruct as necessary. If this error occurs during a disk-to-disk
(copy) operation, it indicates a software error in the Backup utility;
in this case, contact a Digital support representative.
VECINUSE, vector is in use
Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: The interrupt vector address specified in
a CONNECT command is being used by another device.
User Action: Change the vector address in the device
driver and reenter the command.
VEC_TOBIG, symbol vector reset data exceeds table size
Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader
Explanation: An attempt to load an executive image
failed because the image's symbol vector updates for SYS$BASE_IMAGE and
SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS exceed the size of the loader's internal tables.
User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.
VERIFYERR, verification error for block 'n' of 'file-spec'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: During a compare or verify operation, the
data in the specified block of the specified file did not agree with
the input file. If other file activity is occurring on the volume, the
error may result because another user modified the file during the
backup procedure.
User Action: None; however, note that the copies are
Virtual Circuit Timeout - REMOTE PORT 'xxx'
Facility: Cluster Port Driver
Explanation: The port driver closed the virtual
circuit that the local CI port opened to the remote port. This closure
occurs if the remote node is running CI Microcode Version 7 or higher,
and the remote node failed to respond to any messages sent by the local
User Action: This error is normal if the remote system
halted, crashed, or is shut down. This error may mean the local node's
PASTIMOUT SYSGEN parameter is set too low, especially if the remote
node is running privileged user-written software.
VMB-F-Bootfile not contiguous
Facility: VMB, Virtual Memory Boot
Explanation: The file [SYSEXE]SYSBOOT.EXE is located,
but is not contiguous.
User Action: The disk you are attempting to bootstrap
cannot be bootstrapped. Obtain another copy of the system disk.
VMB-F-Failed to initialize device
Facility: VMB, Virtual Memory Boot
Explanation: An error was encountered in the load path
while the OpenVMS operating system was trying to initialize the boot
User Action: Try initializing again. If this fails,
contact a Digital support representative.
VMB-F-I/O error reading boot file
Facility: VMB, Virtual Memory Boot
Explanation: An uncorrectable read error occurred
while the file [SYSEXE]SYSBOOT.EXE was being read.
User Action: Try rebooting the disk. If subsequent
attempts fail, obtain another copy of the system disk.
VMB-F-Nonexistent drive
Facility: VMB, Virtual Memory Boot
Explanation: The specified drive number does not exist.
User Action: Specify an appropriate device unit to the
console program, or use a different console bootstrap command procedure.
VMB-F-Unable to locate BOOT file
Facility: VMB, Virtual Memory Boot
Explanation: The file [SYSEXE]SYSBOOT.EXE could not be
User Action: An attempt is being made to bootstrap a
volume that does not contain an OpenVMS binary system. Attempt to
reboot using an appropriate disk volume.
VMB-F-Unexpected exception
Facility: VMB, Virtual Memory Boot
Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred while
the primary bootstrap (VMB.EXE) was being executed. This condition
probably indicates a corrupted SYSBOOT.EXE file or a hardware failure.
User Action: Determine the source of the error, and
either obtain a new copy of the system disk or contact a Digital support representative.
VMB-F-Unexpected machine check
Facility: VMB, Virtual Memory Boot
Explanation: An unexpected machine check occurred
while the primary bootstrap (VMB.EXE) was being executed. This
condition probably indicates a corrupted SYSBOOT.EXE file or a hardware
User Action: Determine the source of the error, and
either obtain a new copy of the system disk or contact a Digital support representative.
VOLALRMNT, another volume of same label already mounted
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: This message can occur under either of
the following conditions:
- A request was made to mount a volume that has the same label as a
volume already mounted. Shared, group, and system volumes that are
mounted concurrently must have unique volume labels.
- A request was made to mount a volume that is already mounted
/GROUP for another group.
User Action: Take one of the following actions, as
- Mount the volume as a private volume if it does not have to be
- Mount the volume as a private volume and change its label using
the DCL command SET VOLUME/LABEL. Then dismount the volume and mount it
as originally intended.
- Wait until the conflicting volume has been dismounted.
- If the volume is already mounted to another group, wait for the
volume to be dismounted from that group.
You can determine the status and ownership of a conflicting volume by
VOLIDENT, label = 'volume-label', owner = 'user-name', format =
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: This message identifies the label
information recorded on the volume after INCVOLLABEL or NOHOMEBLK
errors occur on a MOUNT request.
User Action: None. If the displayed volume label is
the one you want, reenter the command using this label.
VOLINSET, 'device-name' is already part of a volume set
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The specified volume is already bound to
a volume set. The volume cannot be used as a save-set disk.
User Action: Retry the operation using a properly
initialized Files--11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 volume.
VOLINSET, volume is already part of another volume set
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The volume specified in the DCL command
MOUNT/BIND is part of another volume set.
User Action: Check the device name specified. Either
use another volume or initialize this one.
VOLLABERR, its label does not match the one requested
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility tried to mount a tape
whose label does not match the ones specified with the /LABEL qualifier.
User Action: Mount the tape with the correct label.
VOLNAME, volume 'volume-name' in
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: This message is optionally issued with
the MOUNTDEV message. It includes the volume name of the volume being
User Action: None.
VOLNOTPRESENT, relative volume 'volume-id' is not present
Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: The rebuild operation could not find the
specified volume.
User Action: Ensure that all volumes in the volume set
are available. Take action based on the accompanying message.
VOLOERR, must override owner identifier field in VOL1 label on
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The owner identifier field of the VOL1
label must be overridden to allow access to the tape. The OWNER_ID
option of the MOUNT/OVERRIDE command is used to interchange magnetic
tapes between the OpenVMS operating system and other Compaq operating
User Action: Reenter the MOUNT command and include the
VOLOOO, volume 'label' is out of order, Volume label 'label' was
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: One or more volumes and their exact order
were specified in the command line. The loaded volume is not the
expected volume according to the order specified in the command line.
User Action: Examine the volume labels and their order
as specified in the command line. The user or the operator must respond
to the prompt to specify what action to take to complete this backup
VOLSETALRMNT, another volume set of same label already mounted
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: Either a volume set with the specified
name is already mounted in the OpenVMS Cluster environment, or the
devices were mounted into the volume set in a different order on
another node.
User Action: If the same volume set is already mounted
on another node, ensure that devices are mounted into the volume set in
the same order. Otherwise, wait for the other volume set to be
dismounted. The name of a volume set cannot be changed once it is
VOLSETSTS, change of status for volume set 'volume-set-name'
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: MOUNT encountered a condition that
resulted in a change of state for the specified volume set.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
VOLSHDWMEM, mounting a shadow set member volume; volume write locked
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The volume being mounted is a former
shadow set member. To prevent accidental destruction of data, this
volume is being mounted write-locked.
User Action: None required. To allow write access to
this volume, dismount the volume and remount it with the
VOLSTATUS, change of status for volume 'volume-name'
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: MOUNT encountered a condition that
resulted in a change of state for the specified volume.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
VOLUSED, volume with label 'label' was already used in this save
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The command specifies that accidental
volume overwrite is to be avoided. The label on the loaded volume
matches a volume label previously written in this save operation.
User Action: Examine the volume labels and their order
specified in the command line. The user or the operator must respond to
the prompt to specify what action to take to complete this backup
WACKQEMPTY, NETACP - ack wait queue empty
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WAITDEVRDY, Waiting for device 'device-name' to become ready
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The Mount utility is waiting for the
stacker/loader to load the next tape.
User Action: None. When the next tape becomes
available, the mount operation will complete.
If you wish to terminate the mount procedure, enter Ctrl/Y when this
message displays.
WAITIDLEBCB, attempted wait on idle buffer
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: A software error occurred in the Backup
User Action: Contact a Digital support representative.
WCBFCBMNG, WCB/FCB correspondence broken
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WCSCORR, WCS error correction failed
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WRITEACT, ACTIVE system parameters modified by process ID 'pid'
Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: This message is written to the operator's
console when a WRITE ACTIVE operation is done from SYSGEN. This message
is a monitoring aid for the system manager.
User Action: None.
WRITEATTR, error writing attributes for 'file-spec'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility encountered an error
during an attempt to write the file attributes of the specified file.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
WRITEBACK, error writing backup date for 'device-name' file ID
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility encountered an error
during an attempt to update the backup date of the specified file. If
other file activity is occurring on the volume, the error may be caused
by another user who may have deleted the file during the backup
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
WRITEBLOCK, error writing block 'n' of 'file-spec'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility encountered an error
during an attempt to write the specified block of the specified file.
User Action: Examine the file for corruption;
reconstruct the file as necessary.
WRITECUR, CURRENT system parameters modified by process ID 'pid' into
file 'file-spec'
Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: This message is written to the operator's
console when a WRITE CURRENT operation is done from SYSGEN. This
message is a monitoring aid for the system manager.
User Action: None.
WRITEERR, error writing 'file-name'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: An error occurred while writing the file
the Backup utility is trying to restore.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
WRITEHDR, I/O error writing file header 'file-header' on relative
volume 'volume-id'
Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: The rebuild operation was unable to write
the specified file header to the specified volume.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying
WRITEJNLACE, error writing journal ACE for 'file-spec' file ID 'file-id'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility cannot write the
journal access control entry (ACE) for the specified file. This could
be due to a corrupt ACL or some other hardware or software error.
User Action: Determine why the ACE cannot be written.
Correct the problem if possible and retry the backup operation.
WRITELOCK, volume is write locked
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: This message indicates that the DCL
command MOUNT found the volume to be write-locked.
User Action: None, unless you wish to write on the
volume. In that case, you must write-enable the drive, and dismount and
mount the volume.
WRITENABLE, write enable volume 'n' on 'device-name'. Enter
"YES" when ready:
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility requires that the
specified volume of an output save set be write-enabled.
User Action: None; however, note that the Backup
utility will write on the volume, ensure that a suitable volume has
been mounted, and write-enable the volume. If the utility is executing
as an interactive job, reply YES to the prompt on SYS$COMMAND. If the
utility is executing as a batch job, use the DCL command REPLY to
signal completion.
WRITERRS, excessive error rate writing 'save-set-spec'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility encountered numerous
write errors in the specified save set. The save-set media is probably
User Action: Retire the save-set media.
WRITESCB, I/O error writing storage control block on relative volume
Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: The rebuild operation encountered an
error writing the storage control block.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying
WRITESCB, write error on storage control block; volume write locked
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: An I/O error occurred while the volume
was being mounted; the volume has been write-locked to protect its
User Action: Check the hardware and retry the program.
WRONGVOL, device 'device-name' contains the wrong volume
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The specified volume does not match the
volume in the drive.
User Action: If the specified volume name was
incorrect, enter Ctrl/Y to cancel the mount; then retry the operation
using the correct label. If the wrong volume is mounted on the drive,
the operator must mount the correct volume on the drive or mount the
volume on another drive and redirect the mount using this command:
REPLY/TO=identification-number "SUBSTITUTE device-name"
WRONGVOL, 'save-set-spec' is not the next volume in the set
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The volume mounted as a continuation
volume of a multivolume save set is not the successor of the previous
volume of the save set. Volumes must be processed in the order of their
User Action: Locate and mount the correct continuation
WRONGVU, device is already a member of another virtual unit
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: A shadow set member (identified in an
accompanying SHADOWFAIL message) is already mounted on another node in
the cluster as a member of a different shadow set.
User Action: Specify a different member for the shadow
set you are mounting, or specify the correct virtual unit for the
member that is already mounted elsewhere.
WRTBITMAP, I/O error writing storage bitmap on relative volume
Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: The rebuild operation encountered an
error while writing the bitmap file on the specified relative volume.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying
WRTHOMBLK, I/O error rewriting home block
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: An I/O error occurred while writing the
home block of a volume during the MOUNT/BIND operation.
User Action: Check that the hardware is functioning
properly. Reinitialize the disks and retry the operation.
WRTIBMAP, I/O error writing index file bitmap on relative volume
Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: The rebuild operation encountered an
error while writing the index file to the specified relative volume.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying
WRTINVBUF, ACP attempted to write an invalid buffer
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WRTINVHDR, ACP attempted to write an invalid file header
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WRTPGSBAK, write pages back - inconsistent data base
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WS default and quota raised to PHD +MINWSCNT
Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: The default size of the working set has
been increased to equal the sum of the working set count (the count of
fluid working set pages) plus the process header.
User Action: None.
WSLENOVAL, working set list entry not valid
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WSLPAGCNT, working set list page count error
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WSLVANVAL, working set list virtual adr has non-valid PTE
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WSLXVANMAT, working set list entry does not match VA
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
WSSIZEERR, working set size less than pages in use
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
XORERRS, 'n' errors recovered by redundancy group in 'save-set-spec'
Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility successfully recovered
from uncorrectable read errors in the specified save set the specified
number of times by using the redundancy information.
User Action: None. However, if the number of errors is
excessive, consider retiring the save-set media at a convenient time.
XQPERR, Error detected by file system XQP
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
XSMBRS, maximum number of shadow members exceeded
Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: You have specified too many members for a
shadow set. This condition can occur if you try to add more members to
a shadow set that is already mounted or if you specify the /INCLUDE
qualifier, causing other members to be located.
User Action: Omit one or more members from the MOUNT
command so that the resulting shadow set has three or fewer members.
ZEROPAGE, Zero page table entry from swap map
Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an
irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all of physical memory is
written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the
BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Digital support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.