9.3.25 CMPLX (X [,Y] [,KIND])

Description:  Converts the argument to complex type.  
Class:  Elemental function; Generic 
Arguments:  X Must be of type integer, real, or complex. 
  Y (opt) Must be of type integer or real. It must not be present if X is of type complex. 
  KIND (opt) Must be a scalar integer initialization expression. 
Results:  The result type is complex (COMPLEX(4) or COMPLEX*8). If KIND is present, the kind parameter is that specified by KIND; otherwise, the kind parameter is that of default real type.

If only one noncomplex argument appears, it is converted into the real part of a complex value and zero is assigned to the imaginary part. If Y is not specified and X is complex, it is as if Y were present with the value AIMAG (X).

If two noncomplex arguments appear, the complex value is produced by converting the first argument into the real part of the value, and converting the second argument into the imaginary part.

CMPLX(X, Y, KIND) has the complex value whose real part is REAL(X, KIND) and whose imaginary part is REAL(Y, KIND).

The setting of compiler options specifying real size can affect this function.  


CMPLX (-3) has the value (-3.0, 0.0).

CMPLX (4.1, 2.3) has the value (4.1, 2.3).

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