E.6 Miscellaneous Run-Time Routines (WNT, W9*)

Compaq Fortran provides several miscellaneous routines for Windows NT and Windows 9* applications. To use these routines, add the following statement to the program unit containing the routine:


Table E-6 summarizes these run-time routines:

Table E-6 Summary of Miscellaneous Run-Time Routines (WNT, W9*)

Name  Description 
Program Call and Control Routines 
RAISEQQ  Sends an interrupt to the executing program, simulating an interrupt from the operating system. 
RUNQQ  Calls another program and waits for it to execute. 
SIGNALQQ  Controls signal handling. 
SLEEPQQ  Delays execution of the program for a specified time. 
System, Drive, and Directory Routines 
CHANGEDIRQQ  Makes the specified directory the current (default) directory. 
CHANGEDRIVEQQ  Makes the specified drive the current drive. 
DELDIRQQ  Deletes a specified directory. 
GETDRIVEDIRQQ  Returns the current drive and directory path. 
GETDRIVESIZEQQ  Returns the size of the specified drive. 
GETDRIVESQQ  Returns the drives available to the system. 
GETENVQQ  Returns a value from the current environment. 
MAKEDIRQQ  Creates a directory with the specified directory name. 
SETENVQQ  Adds a new environment variable or sets the value of an existing one. 
SYSTEMQQ  Executes a command by passing a command string to the operating system's command interpreter. 
Date and Time Routines 
GETDAT  Returns the date. 
GETTIM  Returns the time. 
SETDAT  Sets the date. 
SETTIM  Sets the time. 
Keyboard and Speaker Routines 
BEEPQQ  Sounds the speaker for a specified duration in milliseconds at a specified frequency in Hertz. 
GETCHARQQ  Returns the next keyboard keystroke. 
GETSTRQQ  Reads a character string from the keyboard using buffered input. 
PEEKCHARQQ  Checks the buffer to see if a keystroke is waiting. 
File Management Routines 
COMMITQQ  Executes any pending write operations for the file associated with the specified unit to the file's physical device. 
DELFILESQQ  Deletes the specified files in a specified directory. 
FINDFILEQQ  Searches for a file in the directories specified in the PATH environment variable. 
FULLPATHQQ  Returns the full path for a specified file or directory. 
GETFILEINFOQQ  Returns information about files with names that match a request string. 
PACKTIMEQQ  Packs time values for use by SETFILETIMEQQ. 
RENAMEFILEQQ  Renames a file. 
SETFILEACCESSQQ  Sets file-access mode for the specified file. 
SETFILETIMEQQ  Sets modification time for the specified file. 
SPLITPATHQQ  Breaks a full path into four components. 
UNPACKTIMEQQ  Unpacks a file's packed time and date value into its component parts. 
Error Handling Routines 
GETLASTERRORQQ  Returns the last error set by a run-time function or subroutine. 
MATHERRQQ [1]  Replaces default error handling for errors from intrinsic math functions. 
SETERRORMODEQQ  Sets the mode for handling critical errors. 
Argument Inquiry Routines 
GETARG  Returns the specified command-line argument where the command itself is argument zero. 
NARGS  Returns the total number of command-line arguments, including the command. 
Array Routines 
BSEARCHQQ  Performs a binary search for a specified element on a sorted one-dimensional array of intrinsic type. 
SORTQQ  Sorts a one-dimensional array of intrinsic type. 
Random Number Routines 
RANDOM  Returns a pseudorandom real value greater than or equal to zero and less than one. 
SEED  Changes the starting point of RANDOM. 
Floating-Point Inquiry and Control Routines 
FOR_GET_FPE  Returns the current settings of floating-point exception flags. 
FOR_CHECK_FLAWED_PENTIUM  Returns a Severe error if the Pentium[R] floating-point divide flaw is found. 
FOR_SET_FPE  Sets the floating-point exception flags. 
GETCONTROLFPQQ [1]  Returns the value of the floating-point processor control word. 
GETSTATUSFPQQ [1]  Returns the value of the floating-point processor status word. 
SETCONTROLFPQQ [1]  Sets the value of the floating-point processor control word. 
Reentrancy Mode Control Routine 
FOR_SET_REENTRANCY  Controls the type of reentrancy protection that the Run-Time Library exhibits. 

[1] x86 only

For more information on these routines, see the Compaq Visual Fortran online Reference.

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