Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification Checklist
Appendix B
Mouse Functions
On a one-, two-, or three- button mouse, the mouse buttons are assigned to various functions which are defined below.
Some two-button mice use chording as a way to simulate a third mouse button. If so, treat as a three-button mouse, where mouse button 3 is mouse button 1+mouse button 2 (chorded).
Motif supports two different mouse models:
- Separate Selection and Transfer:
- Mouse button 1 is used only for selection and activation.
- Mouse button 2 is used only for data transfer and direct manipulation.
- Integrated Selection and Transfer:
- Mouse button 1 is used both for selection and activation and for data transfer and direct manipulation.
The way the mouse buttons are assigned depends upon the number of mouse buttons available, as well as whether selection and transfer are integrated or are separate.
Regardless of the way that the buttons are assigned, a number of "virtual" mouse buttons are defined:
- Used for selection and activation. SELECT is always mouse button 1 (the leftmost button,for a right-handed person).
- Used for adjusting and selection. ADJUST is always Shift+mouse button 1. In addition, on a three-button mouse, with integrated selection and transfer, ADJUST may optionally be assigned to mouse button 2.
- Used for data transfer and manipulation operations. With separate selection and transfer, TRANSFER is always assigned to mouse button 2. With integrated selection and transfer, TRANSFER is mouse button 1 (integrated with SELECT), and on a three-button mouse, may also optionally be assigned to mouse button 2.
- Used to obtain pop-up menus. On a three-button mouse, MENU is always assigned to mouse button 3. On a two-button mouse with integrated selection and transfer, MENU is assigned to mouse button 2. Otherwise, MENU is assigned to Alt+mouse button 1.
That is, on a two- or three-button Mouse, with Separated SELECTION and TRANSFER, the virtual mouse buttons are assigned as follows:
- mouse button 1
- Shift+mouse button 1
- mouse button 2
- mouse button 3 on a three-button mouse, or Alt+mouse button 1 on a two-button mouse
On a one-, two-, or three-button mouse, with Integrated SELECTION and TRANSFER, the virtual mouse buttons are assigned as followed:
- mouse button 1 (integrated with TRANSFER)
- Shift+mouse button 1. Optionally mouse button 2 on a three-button mouse
- mouse button 1 (integrated with SELECT) Optionally mouse button 2 on a three-button mouse.
- mouse button 3 on a three-button mouse, or mouse button 2 on a two-button mouse, or Alt+mouse button 1 on a one-button mouse.
Note: On a three-button mouse, with integrated selection and transfer, if neither ADJUST nor TRANSFER are assigned to mouse button 2, mouse button 2 may be used for application-defined purposes.
Mouse Operations and Functions
Table B-1 Mouse Operations and Functions

Select and Adjust Binding
- This is the virtual mouse button used for selection and activation. SELECT is always mouse button 1 (the leftmost button, for a right-handed person).
- This is the virtual mouse button used for adjusting a selection. ADJUST is always Shift+mouse button 1. In addition, on a three-button mouse, with integrated selection and transfer, ADJUST may optionally be assigned to mouse button 2.
Table B-2 Select and Adjust Key Bindings

Transfer Bindings
- This is the virtual mouse button which may be used for data transfer and manipulation operations. On a two- or three-button Mouse, with separate Selection and Transfer, TRANSFER is always assigned to mouse button 2. On a one-, two-, or three-button Mouse, with Integrated Selection and Transfer, TRANSFER is always assigned to mouse button 1 (integrated with SELECT). In addition, on a three-button Mouse, with Integrated Selection and Transfer, TRANSFER may optionally be assigned to mouse button 2.
Table B-3 Key Bindings When TRANSFER is Assigned Mouse Button 2

The set of bindings in Table B-4 are always defined. When selection and transfer are integrated, Style Guide rules indicate when these bindings are used for transfer vs. selection.
Table B-4 Key Bindings

Menu Bindings
MENU is the virtual mouse button used to obtain popup menus. On a two-or three-button mouse, with separate SELECTION and TRANSFER:
- mouse button 3 on a three- button mouse, or Alt+mouse button 1 on atwo-button mouse.
On a one-, two-, or three-button mouse, with integrated selection and transfer:
- mouse button 3 on a three-button mouse, or mouse button 2 on a two-button mouse, or Alt+mouse button 1 on a one-button mouse.
Table B-5 Menu Bindings

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