Other Documents
The following OSF DCE documents are not published by Prentice-Hall.
OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide The OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide provides a compilation of all DCE error messages and status codes along with explanations
and recovery actions. This guide is written for DCE application programmers and system and network administrators.
OSF DCE Testing Guide The OSF DCE Testing Guide describes the DCE code and documentation source trees, issues that arise when porting the different components to new
platforms, and how to test software that has been ported or rebuilt. It also contains information for improving the performance of various components. This manual is available through DCE licensees
and OSF Educational Services.
OSF DCE/File-Access FVT User's Guide The OSF DCE/File-Access FVT User's Guide describes the use of functional tests for verifying that the DCE/File-Access software has
been successfully ported.
OSF DCE Technical Supplement The OSF DCE Technical Supplement describes internal DCE interfaces and protocols. It also contains architectural specifications to provide
the interested reader with conceptual information about the DCE components. This manual is of interest primarily to developers who are extending DCE, and is available only to DCE licensees; it may
not be redistributed.
OSF DCE Release Notes The OSF DCE Release Notes describe a given version of DCE software from OSF. They include information on building the code and documentation, and
known defects and restrictions. This manual is available through DCE licensees and OSF Educational Services.
Application Environment Specification/Distributed Computing (Directory Services Volume) The AES/DC - Directory Services volume specifies the directory service model,
services, interfaces, and protocols. This includes the Directory Service Information Model, the Global and Cell Directory Services and Protocol specifications,
and the X/Open Directory Services Application Programming Interface.
Application Environment Specification/Distributed Computing (Time Services Volume) The AES/DC Time Services Volume specifies DTS, time representations, the RPC
interfaces to the DTS, and the application programmer's interfaces to DTS.
Application Environment Specification/Distributed Computing (Security Volume) The AES/DC - Security volume specifies the DCE security model, services, interfaces, and