DCE Developers
Some of the audience for DCE documentation are system developers, such as system vendors who are taking the DCE source code and extending it or modifying it to suit the specific
requirements of their customers. This audience should begin by reading the OSF DCE Release Notes to determine the state of DCE software in the specific release they are working with. They
may also want to read the Introduction to OSF DCE for an overview of the system.
The OSF DCE Application Development Guide and OSF DCE Application Development Reference may be helpful in understanding the use of the other DCE components by the component being
developed. Finally, the OSF DCE Technical Supplement has been included in the DCE documentation set particularly for the DCE developer. It contains information on DCE internals,
architectures, and concepts. This information is not needed by most DCE end users or programmers, but it may be very helpful to a DCE developer. The OSF DCE Testing Guide also contains
useful information for this audience.