In order for the client to send an RPC to the server, it must be able to find the server. This process is called binding. A client may have some direct way of knowing what
server it needs to communicate with; for example, it may get this information from a file, a value hardcoded into its program, an environment variable, or a user. A more flexible way for a client to
find a server is to take advantage of DCE RPC's use of the DCE Directory Service.
A client can find a server by asking the Directory Service for the location of a server that handles the interface that the client is interested in (in our example, a Bank Server). In order
for the Directory Service to be able to give the client this information, a server must first advertise itself in the Directory Service. The server adds itself to the namespace, along with
information about what interfaces it implements, what protocols it uses to communicate with, and where it is located. This way, a server can move, or there can be multiple servers implementing a
given interface, without affecting the client. The client can still go to the Directory Service, a well-known central source of information, and find out where the server is located.
The DCE programmer does not make calls directly to CDS; binding is supported by the Name Service Independent (NSI) API, an RPC-specific name service layer. Calls to this library are made by the
client side of an application in order to look up binding information for a server based on various criteria, such as the type of service, the objects it manages, and the interfaces it supports.
The server side of an application calls this library to advertise information about itself to the namespace where clients can find it.