Compaq TP Desktop Connector
Getting Started

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Chapter 9
9 Performing Setup Operations
     9.1     Setup for Clients Calling Tasks Running under a Portable TP for Windows NT System
         9.1.1         Registering the Proxy for MTS Applications
         9.1.2         Redirecting the Client System
Chapter 10
10 Managing the Client Interface
     10.1     Supplying Management Information
     10.2     Using the TPware Management Utility
         10.2.1         Computer Settings
         10.2.2         Using Shared Settings
         10.2.3         Settings for DCE RPC and Microsoft RPC Adapters
         10.2.4         ACMS Gateway Adapter Settings
                Configuring a New ACMS Group
                Changing ACMS Gateway Adapter Group Settings
                Deleting ACMS Gateway Adapter Group Settings
     10.3     Setting Up the ACMS Gateway Adapter Environment
         10.3.1         Specifying an ACMS Gateway Adapter Error Log File
         10.3.2         Specifying a TCP/IP Port Number for Calls to ACMS Tasks
         10.3.3         Managing the TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS
Appendix A
Appendix A TPware Error Logging
     A.1     Error Logging Overview
     A.2     Use of the Platform Event Log Facility
     A.3     Enabling and Disabling Error Logging to a File
         A.3.1         Enabling Error Logging on Windows NT
         A.3.2         Disabling Error Logging to a File
     A.4     Viewing Records in the TPware Error Log File
         A.4.1         Error Log Utility Syntax
         A.4.2         Sample Commands and Output
Appendix B
Appendix B Guide to Kanji Text Data Code Conversion
     B.1     Introduction to Kanji Text Data Conversion
         B.1.1         Calling the Code Conversion Functions
         B.1.2         STDL Wire Data Format
     B.2     Using the Code Conversion Functions
         B.2.1         Using Customer-Written Conversion Functions
         B.2.2         Character Code Mapping Tables
             B.2.2.1             Default Character Code Mapping Table
             B.2.2.2             Using a Customer-Defined Code Mapping Table
             B.2.2.3             Creating a Code Mapping Table
     B.3     Creating a Customer-Written Code Conversion Module
         B.3.1         Code Conversion Development and Execution Setup
     B.4     Character Code Conversion Functions
     B.5     Initialization Function
     B.6     Conversion Function: Internal Data Format to Wire Data Format
     B.7     Conversion Function: Wire Data Format to Internal Data Format
     B.8     Conversion Module Template
3-1 EINFO Data Type Definition
6-1 C Representation of an STDL Data Type Definition
6-2 C Structure Definition for the einfo Variable
8-1 The Java Adapter Sample add_task Call
8-2 The JavaBeans Adapter Sample add_number Call
A-1 Invoking the stdlog Utility
A-2 Specifying a Time Interval with the stdlog Utility
A-3 stdlog Utility Sample Output
B-1 Conversion Module Template
1-1 Connecting a Client Application to a TP Application
1-2 TP Stub and Adapter Technology
1-3 Adapters Supported by TP Desktop Connector
1-4 TP Desktop Connector Interfaces
1-5 Using the ACMSADU Extension
4-1 ACMSADU Translation Model
4-1 Integer Support for the ACMS Gateway Adapter
4-2 Floating Point and Complex Data Type Support for the ACMS Gateway Adapter
4-3 Decimal Data Type Support for the ACMS Gateway Adapter
4-4 Other Data Type Support for the ACMS Gateway Adapter
5-1 Files Generated for a Client Build
6-1 C Client Adapter Specifications
6-2 C Client Adapter-Dependent Link Input
6-3 Mapping STDL Data Types to C Data Types
6-4 Mapping of Additional ACMS Data Types to C Data Types
7-1 Automation Server Output Adapter Specifications
7-2 Automation Server Adapter-Dependent Link Input
7-3 Automation Data Type Mapping
8-1 Optional Build Environment Variables for Java Tools
8-2 Output Adapter Specifications for Java Clients
8-3 Java Client Adapter-Dependent Link Input
8-4 Java Data Type Mapping
1 A stdlog Option Flags and Default Values

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