Document revision date: 19 July 1999
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OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual

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Chapter 15
15 Protection XAB (XABPRO)
     15.1     Summary of Fields
     15.2     XAB$L_ACLBUF Field
     15.3     XAB$L_ACLCTX Field
     15.4     XAB$W_ACLLEN Field
     15.5     XAB$W_ACLSIZ Field
     15.6     XAB$L_ACLSTS Field
     15.7     XAB$B_BLN Field
     15.8     XAB$B_COD Field
     15.9     XAB$W_GRP Field
     15.10     XAB$W_MBM Field
     15.11     XAB$B_MTACC Field
     15.12     XAB$L_NXT Field
     15.13     XAB$W_PRO Field
     15.14     XAB$B_PROT_OPT Field
     15.15     XAB$L_UIC Field
Chapter 16
16 Revision Date and Time XAB (XABRDT)
     16.1     Summary of Fields
     16.2     XAB$B_BLN Field
     16.3     XAB$B_COD Field
     16.4     XAB$L_NXT Field
     16.5     XAB$Q_RDT Field
     16.6     XAB$W_RVN Field
Chapter 17
17 Recovery Unit XAB (XABRU)
Chapter 18
18 Summary XAB (XABSUM)
     18.1     Summary of Fields
     18.2     XAB$B_BLN Field
     18.3     XAB$B_COD Field
     18.4     XAB$B_NOA Field
     18.5     XAB$B_NOK Field
     18.6     XAB$L_NXT Field
     18.7     XAB$W_PVN Field
Chapter 19
19 Terminal XAB (XABTRM)
     19.1     Summary of Fields
     19.2     XAB$B_BLN Field
     19.3     XAB$B_COD Field
     19.4     XAB$L_ITMLST Field
     19.5     XAB$W_ITMLST_LEN Field
     19.6     XAB$L_NXT Field
Part 3
Part 3 OpenVMS RMS Services
    Command 1     $CLOSE
    Command 2     $CONNECT
    Command 3     $CREATE
    Command 4     $DELETE
    Command 5     $DISCONNECT
    Command 6     $DISPLAY
    Command 7     $ENTER
    Command 8     $ERASE
    Command 9     $EXTEND
    Command 10     $FIND
    Command 11     $FLUSH
    Command 12     $FREE
    Command 13     $GET
    Command 14     $NXTVOL
    Command 15     $OPEN
    Command 16     $PARSE
    Command 17     $PUT
    Command 18     $READ
    Command 19     $RELEASE
    Command 20     $REMOVE
    Command 21     $RENAME
    Command 22     $REWIND
    Command 23     $SEARCH
    Command 24     $SPACE
    Command 25     $TRUNCATE
    Command 26     $UPDATE
    Command 27     $WAIT
    Command 28     $WRITE
Appendix A
Appendix A RMS Control Block Macros
    Command 29     $FAB
    Command 30     $FAB_STORE
    Command 31     $NAM
    Command 32     $NAM_STORE
    Command 33     $NAML
    Command 34     $NAML_STORE
    Command 35     $RAB
    Command 36     $RAB_STORE
    Command 37     $RAB64 (Alpha Only)
    Command 38     $RAB64_STORE (Alpha Only)
    Command 39     $XABALL
    Command 40     $XABALL_STORE
    Command 41     $XABDAT
    Command 42     $XABDAT_STORE
    Command 43     $XABFHC
    Command 44     $XABFHC_STORE
    Command 45     $XABITM
    Command 46     $XABKEY
    Command 47     $XABKEY_STORE
    Command 48     $XABPRO
    Command 49     $XABPRO_STORE
    Command 50     $XABRDT
    Command 51     $XABRDT_STORE
    Command 52     $XABSUM
    Command 53     $XABSUM_STORE
    Command 54     $XABTRM
    Command 55     $XABTRM_STORE
Appendix B
Appendix B VAX MACRO Programming Information and Examples
     B.1     RMS Macros
         B.1.1         Conventions for Naming RMS Macros
         B.1.2         Applicable VAX MACRO Syntax Rules
     B.2     Using the RMS Macros
         B.2.1         Control Block Initialization Macros
         B.2.2         Control Block Symbol Definition Macros
         B.2.3         Control Block Store Macros
         B.2.4         Service Macros
     B.3     VAX MACRO Example Programs
         B.3.1         Creating, Accessing, and Deaccessing a File
         B.3.2         Example of Opening and Creating Files
         B.3.3         Example of Creating a Multiple-Key Indexed File
         B.3.4         Processing File Specifications
         B.3.5         Connecting and Disconnecting Record Streams
         B.3.6         Other File-Processing Operations
         B.3.7         Retrieving and Inserting Records
         B.3.8         Deleting Records
         B.3.9         Updating Records
         B.3.10         Using Block I/O
         B.3.11         Mixed Block and Record I/O
         B.3.12         Next Block Pointer (NBP)

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