Document revision date: 19 July 1999
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OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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The terminal types and characteristics that can be set are listed in Figure DCLII-2.


/NODIALUP (default)

Controls whether the terminal is a dialup terminal.



Controls whether the process connected to this terminal is disconnected if the line detects a hangup. The /DISCONNECT qualifier is valid only when the /PERMANENT qualifier is specified.


/NODISMISS (default)

Controls whether the terminal driver ignores data that causes a parity error (instead of terminating the currently outstanding I/O with an error status).



Controls whether direct memory access (DMA) mode is used on a controller that supports this feature.

/ECHO (default)


Controls whether the terminal displays the input it receives. With the /NOECHO qualifier, the terminal displays only system or user application output, or both.



Controls whether the terminal can perform ANSI-defined advanced editing functions.



Controls whether the terminal uses the 8-bit ASCII protocol rather than the 7-bit ASCII protocol. You can use the Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF) to set the 8-bit characteristic on terminals. If the terminal you specify has the TFF enabled, the /EIGHT_BIT qualifier has no effect. For more information on terminal fallback, refer to the OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Utility Manual.


/NOESCAPE (default)

Controls whether escape sequences are validated.



Controls whether the 8-bit DEC Multinational character set characters are displayed on the terminal in their 7-bit representation. The default depends on the /EIGHTBIT setting of the terminal. If the OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF) is enabled, it activates the default character conversion tables for the named terminal. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Utility Manual. If TFF is not enabled on your system, the /FALLBACK qualifier has no effect and no error message is displayed.



Controls whether a form feed is transmitted rather than translated into multiple line feeds.


Specifies the number of data bits that the terminal driver expects for every character that is input or output. The value of n can be from 5 to 8. The default value depends on the settings for the terminal established by the /PARITY and /EIGHTBIT qualifiers.

/FULLDUP (default)


Controls whether the terminal operates in full-duplex mode. The /FULLDUP qualifier is equivalent to the /NOHALFDUP qualifier.


/NOHALFDUP (default)

Controls whether the terminal operates in half-duplex mode. The /HALFDUP qualifier is equivalent to the /NOFULLDUP qualifier.


/NOHANGUP (default)

May require LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege depending on system generation parameter settings.

Controls whether the terminal modem is hung up when you log out.



Controls whether the device is established as a hardcopy terminal and outputs a backslash (\) when the Delete key is pressed. The /HARDCOPY qualifier is equivalent to the /NOSCOPE qualifier.


/NOHOSTSYNC (default)

Controls whether system transmission from the terminal is stopped (by generating a Ctrl/S) when the input buffer is full and resumed (by generating a Ctrl/Q) when the input buffer is empty.


Sets the device type when the /INQUIRE qualifier is specified and the DEC_CRT characteristic is set. The SET TERMINAL command reads the current screen size from the terminal and sets the corresponding page length and page width values appropriately. The default device type is UNKNOWN. Works only on DIGITAL terminals, and not on LA36 or VT05 terminals. Some VT100 family terminals, including the VT101 and VT105, return a VT100 type response. LA38 terminals respond as LA43 terminals.


The SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command works correctly on DIGITAL supplied VT100 and later terminals. Some personal computer terminal emulators may not work correctly, since they do not correctly emulate all VT100 escape sequences. Compaq recommends that users who experience problems with these terminal emulators contact the terminal emulator supplier.

You can include the SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command in your LOGIN.COM file to detect the terminal type automatically.

If you specify /INQUIRE=OLD, OpenVMS sets the terminal window to 24 lines by 80 columns and ignores the real terminal size. (This is the behavior of the SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command prior to OpenVMS Version 6.2.)


This qualifier clears the type-ahead buffer. If the response sequence is unrecognized, no action message or error message is displayed. The /INQUIRE qualifier should be used only on DIGITAL terminals. However, the LA36 and VT05 terminals do not support this feature.


Sets the terminal to insert mode. This feature allows you to insert characters when editing command lines. The default mode is overstrike, which allows you to type over the current character when editing a command line. Press Ctrl/A to switch from one mode to the other.


Transmits to the terminal the specified number of null characters after each line feed before transmitting the next meaningful character (to ensure that the terminal is ready for reception). The value must be an integer in the range 0 to 9. The default is installation dependent. See Figure DCLII-2 for a list of default terminal characteristics.



Controls whether advanced line-editing features are enabled for editing command lines: pressing the Return key and pressing Ctrl/Z are recognized as line terminators, as are escape sequences.


/NOLOCAL_ECHO (default)

Controls whether the terminal echoes characters locally (rather than the host echoing them) for command level terminal functions. (Do not use the /LOCAL_ECHO qualifier with utilities that require control over echoing, such as line editing or EDT's screen mode.)


When logging in to terminals with the LOCAL_ECHO characteristic, the OpenVMS system has no control over the echoing of passwords.



Controls whether lowercase characters are passed to the terminal. The /NOLOWERCASE qualifier translates all input to uppercase. The /LOWERCASE qualifier is equivalent to the /NOUPPERCASE qualifier.


Indicates manual switching of terminal lines to dynamic asynchronous DDCMP lines when your local terminal emulator does not support automatic switching. The /MANUAL qualifier should be specified with the /PROTOCOL=DDCMP and /SWITCH=DECNET qualifiers.



Specifies whether the terminal is connected to a modem or a cable that supplies standard EIA modem control signals. If your terminal has the MODEM characteristic, entering SET TERMINAL/NOMODEM automatically logs you out. The /MODEM qualifier and the /COMMSYNC qualifier are mutually exclusive.


Specifies whether the keys of the numeric keypad are used to type numbers and punctuation marks (/NUMERIC_KEYPAD) or to enter DCL commands defined with the DEFINE/KEY command (/APPLICATION_KEYPAD).

/OVERSTRIKE (default)

Sets the terminal to overstrike mode. This feature allows you to type over the current character when you are editing a command line. Set your terminal to insert mode if you want to insert characters when editing command lines. Press Ctrl/A to switch from one mode to the other.


Specifies the number of print lines between perforations for hardcopy terminals. (When the terminal reads a form feed, it advances the paper to the next perforation.) The value of the lines-per-page parameter can be from 0 to 255 and defaults to 0 (which treats a form feed as a line feed).


/NOPARITY (default)

Controls whether the terminal passes data with only odd or even parity, where option equals ODD or EVEN. If you specify the /PARITY qualifier without an option, the value defaults to EVEN.


/NOPASTHRU (default)

Controls whether the terminal passes all data (including tabs, carriage returns, line feeds, and control characters) to an application program as binary data. The setting of /TTSYNC is allowed.

Make sure that you spell both these qualifiers exactly as they appear in the text.


Requires LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege.

Sets characteristics on a permanent basis, that is, over terminal sessions. However, the characteristics revert to their initial values if the system is halted and restarted. Use in a system startup file to establish characteristics for all terminals on the system.



Specifies whether the terminal has a printer port (an attribute not set by the SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command). The default is installation dependent. See Figure DCLII-2 for a list of default terminal characteristics.


/PROTOCOL=NONE (default)

On VAX, controls whether the terminal port specified is changed into an asynchronous DDCMP line. The /PROTOCOL=NONE qualifier changes an asynchronous DDCMP line back into a terminal line. Note that /PROTOCOL=DDCMP is a permanent characteristic; therefore, the /PERMANENT qualifier is not required.


/NOREADSYNC (default)

Controls whether the terminal uses the Ctrl/S and Ctrl/Q functions to synchronize data transmitted from the terminal.


SET TERMINAL/READSYNC should not be used on LAT terminal lines. Setting this characteristic may cause unexpected results.

The default is the /NOREADSYNC qualifier; the system does not use the Ctrl/S and Ctrl/Q functions to control reads to the terminal. The /READSYNC qualifier is useful for certain classes of terminals that demand synchronization or for special-purpose terminal lines where data synchronization is appropriate.



Specifies whether the terminal understands ReGIS graphic commands.



Controls whether the device is established as a video terminal. The /SCOPE qualifier is equivalent to the /NOHARDCOPY qualifier.



Requires either LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege.

Controls whether the Break key on the terminal logs out the current process (except on a virtual terminal). With the /SECURE_SERVER qualifier in effect, pressing the Break key when there is no current process initiates the login sequence. With the /NOSECURE_SERVER qualifier in effect, the break is ignored.

On terminals with the AUTOBAUD and SECURE_SERVER characteristics, pressing the Break key disconnects the current process, but is not required to start a new login sequence. However, when the NOAUTOBAUD characteristic is set, the SECURE_SERVER characteristic requires a break to initiate a new login sequence.



Requires either LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege.

Controls whether the /SPEED qualifier can be used to change the terminal speed.



Specifies whether the terminal is capable of displaying graphics using the sixel graphics protocol. The default is device dependent. For a list of default terminal characteristics, see Figure DCLII-2.



Specifies twhether the terminal is capable of loading a user-defined character set. The default is device dependent. See Figure DCLII-2 for a list of default terminal characteristics.


Sets the baud rate at which the terminal receives and transmits data. If the input and output rates are the same, specify /SPEED=rate.

Not all terminals support different input and output baud rates. For specific information on baud rates for your terminal, consult the manual for that terminal.

The default transmission rates are installation dependent.

The valid values for input and output baud rates are as follows:

 50       150       1800       4800       38400 
 75       300       2000       7200       57600 
110       600       2400       9600       76800 
134      1200       3600      19200      115200 


On VAX, causes the terminal lines at each node to be switched to dynamic asynchronous DDCMP lines, when specified with the /PROTOCOL=DDCMP qualifier. Note that /SWITCH=DECNET is a permanent characteristic; therefore, the /PERMANENT qualifier is not required.



Requires LOG_IO (logical I/O) privilege.

Determines whether the terminal requires that a system password be entered before the Username: prompt.



Controls whether tab characters are converted to multiple blanks. The /NOTAB qualifier expands all tab characters to blanks and assumes tab stops at 8-character intervals. The default is device dependent. For a list of default terminal characteristics, see Figure DCLII-2.

/TTSYNC (default)


Controls whether transmitting to the terminal is stopped when Ctrl/S is pressed and resumes transmission when Ctrl/Q is pressed.

/TYPE_AHEAD (default)


Controls whether the terminal accepts unsolicited input to the limit of the type-ahead buffer.

When you specify the /NOTYPE_AHEAD qualifier, the terminal accepts input only when a program or the system issues a read to the terminal, such as for user input at the DCL prompt ($). When you specify the /TYPE_AHEAD qualifier, the amount of data that can be accepted is governed by the size of the type-ahead buffer. That size is determined by system generation parameters.


Specifies a terminal type that is unknown to the system, which then uses the default terminal characteristics for unknown terminals. For a summary of the settings, see Figure DCLII-2.



Controls whether lowercase characters are translated to uppercase. The /UPPERCASE qualifier is equivalent to the /NOLOWERCASE qualifier.


Specifies the maximum characters per line. This value must be an integer in the range 1 to 511. With the /WRAP qualifier, the terminal generates a carriage return and line feed when the width specification is reached.

If the specified width on an ANSI terminal is 132, the screen is set to 132-character mode. If the terminal does not have advanced video option (AVO), the page length limit is set to 14 lines.

/WRAP (default)


Controls whether a carriage return and line feed are generated when the value of the /WIDTH qualifier is reached.




In this example, the SET TERMINAL command establishes the current terminal as a VT102 terminal and sets the default characteristics for that terminal type.



In this example, the first SET TERMINAL command indicates that the width of terminal lines is 132 characters and that the size of each page is 60 lines. The /NOBROADCAST qualifier disables the reception of broadcast messages while the terminal is printing the file MEMO.DOC. The next SET TERMINAL command restores the terminal to its default state.


Resets the system clock, which is used as a timer to record intervals between various internal events and as a source clock for displaying the time of day.

Requires both OPER (operator) and LOG_IO (logical I/O) privileges.


SET TIME [=time]



Specifies a date in the format day-month-year, or a time in the format hour:minute:second.hundredth, or both. These fields accept the following values:
Field Type Values
Day Integer 1 to 31
Year Integer 1858 to 9999 - VAX only
Year Integer 1957 to 2056 - Alpha only
Hour Integer 0 to 23
Minute Integer 0 to 59
Second Integer 0 to 59
Hundredth Integer 0 to 99

The hyphens (-), colons (:), and period (.) are required delimiters. Separate the date and time, when both are specified, with a colon. The syntax is sometimes specified as follows:

[dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] [] 

Alpha systems also allow a 2-digit year format:

[dd-mmm-yy[:]] [] 

The century applied to the 2-digit year format is determined by the corresponding year in the supported Alpha date range (1957-2056).

If the explicit time value is not specified, the interval system clock is automatically reset according to the time-of-year clock.

Note that the time-of-year clock is optional for some VAX processors. For further information about the time-of-year clock, refer to the hardware documentation for your computer.


Alpha systems maintain system time during power failures and system down time. When a system is booted, if the time is known to be earlier than the time value of the last time modification, or greater than five years in the future, you are prompted to enter the time at the console prompt.


Resets the system clock, which is used as a timer to record intervals between various internal events and as a source clock for displaying the time of day.


The SET TIME command will not work if there is a time service available on your system or OpenVMS Cluster.



Requires OPER and LOG_IO privilege, and in an OpenVMS Cluster environment, SYSLCK privilege.

Sets the time on all nodes in a cluster to the same system time. The format of the SET TIME /CLUSTER command is the following:





$ SET TIME=14-DEC-1998:19:31:0.0

The SET TIME command in this example sets the date and time to December 14, 1998, 7:31 P.M.


14-DEC-1998 03:21:27.53

The SET TIME command in this example sets the system time according to the time-of-year clock. The SHOW TIME command requests a display of the current time.


$ SET TIME=14-DEC-1998:15:31:0.0/CLUSTER

This example sets the date and time to December 14, 1998, 3:31 P.M. on all nodes in the cluster where the command was entered.


Controls whether command lines and data lines in command procedures are displayed at the terminal or are printed in a batch job log. The information displayed by the SET VERIFY command can help you in debugging command procedures.






Specifies one or both types of verification. Procedure verification causes each DCL command line in a command procedure to be written to the output device. Image verification causes data lines (input data that is included as part of the SYS$INPUT input stream) to be written to the output device.

By default, both types of verification are set or cleared with SET VERIFY and SET NOVERIFY. If you specify only one keyword, the other is not affected. If you specify only one keyword, omit the parentheses.


By default, the SET VERIFY and SET NOVERIFY commands set or clear both types of verification. The default setting for command procedures executed interactively is SET NOVERIFY. System responses and error messages are, however, always displayed. The default for batch jobs is SET VERIFY.

If you use the SET VERIFY command to override the default setting, the system displays each command and data line in the command procedure as it reads it. When verification is in effect, the command interpreter displays each command line after it has completed initial scanning and before the command is parsed and executed. You see the results of symbol substitution performed during scanning, but not the results of symbol substitution performed during parsing and evaluation.

When you change the verification setting, the new setting remains in effect for all command procedures that you subsequently execute.

A file must have read (R) access to allow the SET VERIFY command to set verification.




In this example, procedure verification is turned on. If image verification was on, it remains on; if image verification was off, it remains off.



Procedure and image verification are turned on at the beginning of the command procedure so that the system displays all the command and data lines in the procedure as it reads them. At the end of the procedure, the SET NOVERIFY command restores the system default (no procedure or image verification).


$ SET PREFIX "(!%T)" 

This command procedure uses the F$ENVIRONMENT lexical function to save the current procedure and image verification setting, as well as the current verification prefix string. The SET PREFIX command sets the verification prefix to be used in the current command procedure. It uses an FAO control string to produce the time each command is read by the command interpreter (DCL), surrounded by parentheses. Then the SET VERIFY command turns on both procedure and image verification. Subsequently, the F$VERIFY lexical function is used to restore the original verification settings. The SET PREFIX command returns the verification prefix to its previous setting. Note how the symbol HOLD_PREFIX is used in the SET PREFIX command. This preserves casing and special characters in the stored string.



In this example, the SET VERIFY command turns procedure and image verification on. When the command procedure TEST.COM is executed interactively, the command lines and the data lines for the program AVERAGE are displayed on the terminal. The data lines were entered in the command procedure on lines that did not begin with the DCL prompt.


$ COUNT = 1 

When this command procedure is executed interactively, the SET VERIFY command causes the command and data lines to be displayed. Symbols that are substituted during the first phase of symbol substitution (such as 'COUNT') are displayed by the SET VERIFY command, but other symbols are not. The following lines are displayed when this procedure is executed interactively:

$ COUNT = 1 
$ IF P1 .NES. "" THEN GOTO &P1 

Although these values are not displayed, the value for P1 is substituted during the third phase of symbol substitution, and the value for &P1 is substituted during the second phase.

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