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If the operator issues STOP/QUEUE/RESET, and the queue is connected to
a DIGITAL PrintServer printer that is unreachable, the queue stops
properly. This was not always the case with the CPS V4.1 software.
D.12 Overwriting First Line
In the CPS V4.1 product, the top line was overwritten if the record
started with a form feed. This works correctly in the DCPS software.
D.13 Stall Timeouts
The CPS V4.1 software did not start the stall timer for directly-connected serial printers. The DCPS software starts the timer.
In the CPS V4.1 product, the default timeout for a stall message was
one minute. This frequently resulted in "queue stalled"
messages when the printer was processing a compute-intensive page (and
was not really stalled at all). In the DCPS product, the stall timeout
is four minutes.
D.14 Requeuing a Job
When a network error occurred while connecting to a printer, the CPS
V4.1 software would requeue the job with the /HOLD attribute. The DCPS
software requeues it without the /HOLD attribute.
D.15 Reading Stream Files
If a PostScript file has a record attribute of STREAM, STREAM_LF, or
STREAM_CR, it is read in head1 mode. This allows the DCPS software to
print very long stream records that the CPS software cannot print.
Files of this type are sometimes written by PC communications programs.
D.16 Copies Start on New Sheets
When /COPIES=n is requested, and n is more than one, each copy
starts on a new sheet, even when printing with NUMBER_UP or SIDES=2.
This was not the case with PostScript jobs in the CPS V4.1 product.
D.17 Generic Queues Restarted
On shutdown, OpenVMS stops execution queues but not generic queues. As
a result, when the system starts up again, the generic queues begin
running even though they may have the wrong characteristics. When you
start up generic queues in the CPS V4.1 product, you get warning
messages saying that the queues are already running (as of OpenVMS
V5.5). When the DCPS software starts up generic queues, it stops and
then restarts those that are already running.
D.18 Proprinter Translator
The DCPS software contains a new Proprinter-to-PostScript translator
not available in the CPS product. For general information on using the
PROPRINTER data type, see the User's GuideUser's Guide.
D.19 DCPS and PATHWORKS Libraries
PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) creates its own device control
library, MSAP$DEVCTL.TLB, and also puts its modules into the CPS
library if there is one. It does not put them in the DCPS library. To
rectify this, define DCPS_LIB as a search list that points to both the
DCPS and PATHWORKS libraries. An example in DCPS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE shows
how to do this.
D.20 Printing with Macintosh & PC Files
The DCPS software contains a new PostScript example file to improve
printing of Macintosh and PC files on DIGITAL PrintServer printers.
D.21 Improved Color Function for Colormate PS
The color transfer function of the Colormate PS has been changed to avoid the problems of gray scale images that are muddy or brown, and natural images with poor flesh tones. The Colormate PS now runs prints with a new default color transfer function to provide better gray scale images and natural flesh tones. Consequently, you may notice the following changes when you print on the Colormate PS:
The DCPS product provides a new example file:
This file shows how to redefine the showpage operator to write "Confidential" at the top and bottom of each page as an overlay (that is, after the contents of the page have been imaged).
This appendix lists DIGITAL software documents and documentation kits associated with PostScript printers, and their respective order numbers.
The asterisk (*) in an order number stands for the latest version of the document or kit.
PrintServer Software
Software Document | Part Number |
Digital UNIX | QA-0V9AJ-GZ |
OpenVMS | QA-0V9AA-GZ |
Solaris | QA-0V9AK-GZ |
SunOS | QA-0V9AC-GZ |
Windows | QA-0V9AH-GZ |
PostScript Programming Documentation
DECprint Supervisor Software for OpenVMS
The following is the DECprint Supervisor Software for OpenVMS documentation.
Complete documentation kit (order number: QA--09NAA--GZ)
DIGITAL ANSI-Compliant Level 3 Printing Protocol
The following is the DIGITAL ANSI-Compliant Level 3 Printing Protocol documentation.
Documentation kit (order number: QA--YNCA*--GZ)
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