

The OSF DCE Administration Guide provides concepts and procedures that enable you to manage the OSF Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). Basic DCE terms are introduced throughout the guide. A glossary for all of the DCE documentation is provided in the Introduction to OSF DCE. The Introduction to OSF DCE helps you to gain a high-level understanding of the DCE technologies and describes the documentation set that supports DCE.

This guide is written for system and network administrators who have previously administered a UNIX environment.

This revision applies to the OSF® DCE Release 1.2.2 offering and related updates. (See your software license for details).

The purpose of this guide is to help system and network administrators to plan, configure, and manage DCE. After reading the guide, you will understand what the system administrator needs to do to plan for DCE. Once you have built the DCE source code on your system, use this guide to assist you in installing executable files and configuring DCE. The OSF DCE Release Notes contain instructions for installing and building DCE source code.

Document Usage

The OSF DCE Administration Guide consists of two books, each of which is divided into parts, as follows:

· OSF DCE Administration Guide - Introduction

- Part 1. Introduction to DCE Administration

- Part 2. Configuring and Starting Up DCE

· OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components

- Part 1. The DCE Control Program

- Part 2. DCE Administration Tasks

- Part 3. DCE Host and Application Administration

- Part 4. DCE Cell Directory Service

- Part 5. DCE Distributed Time Service

- Part 6. DCE Security Service

Related Documents

For additional information about the Distributed Computing Environment, refer to the following documents:

· Introduction to OSF DCE

· OSF DCE Command Reference

· OSF DCE Application Development Reference

· OSF DCE Application Development Guide - Introduction and Style Guide

· OSF DCE Application Development Guide - Core Components

· OSF DCE Development Guide - Directory Services

·OSF DCE DFS Administration Guide and Reference

· OSF DCE GDS Administration Guide and Reference

· OSF DCE/File-Access Administration Guide and Reference

· OSF DCE/File-Access User's Guide

· OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

· OSF DCE Testing Guide

· OSF DCE File-Access FVT User's Guide

· Application Environment Specification/Distributed Computing

· OSF DCE Release Notes

For a detailed description of OSF DCE documentation, see the Introduction to OSF DCE.

Typographic and Keying Conventions

This guide uses the following typographic conventions:

Bold Bold words or characters represent system elements that you must use literally, such as commands, options, and pathnames.
Italic Italic words or characters represent variable values that you must supply.
Constant width Examples and information that the system displays appear in constant width typeface.
[ ] Brackets enclose optional items in format and syntax descriptions.
{ } Braces enclose a list from which you must choose an item in format and syntax descriptions.
| A vertical bar separates items in a list of choices.
< > Angle brackets enclose the name of a key on the keyboard.
... Horizontal ellipsis points indicate that you can repeat the preceding item one or more times.
This guide uses the following keying conventions:

<Ctrl-x> or ^x The notation <Ctrl-x> or ^x followed by the name of a key indicates a control character sequence. For example, <Ctrl-C> means that you hold down the control key while pressing <C>.
<Return> The notation <Return> refers to the key on your terminal or workstation that is labeled with the word Return or Enter, or with a left arrow.

Problem Reporting

If you have any problems with the software or documentation, please contact your software vendor's customer service department.

Path Names of Directories and Files in DCE Documentation

For a list of the path names for directories and files referred to in this guide, see the OSF DCE Administration Guide - Introduction and the OSF DCE Testing Guide.