
Installing DFS Clients

DFS client binaries are automatically installed on those machines on which you have installed a DFS server. Therefore, you must install the client binaries only on those machines on which you have not installed a server.

To install the DFS client binaries, perform the following steps:

1. Type 10 at the DCE Installation Menu and press <Return>.

The dce_config script installs the client binaries and prompts for whether to install additional optional command client binaries on the machine. Generally, it is useful to install these administrative commands, particularly the cm command that is used to manage the client cache manager.

Would you like to install: cm bos fts bak,
(all are optional) on this machine (y)?

2. Type y to install the optional servers or n to not install them and press <Return>.

When dce_config completes the DFS client installation, it returns the DCE Main Menu.