
Configuring a DTS Server

A DTS Clerk should be configured on each machine in a cell that consists of more than one machine. A minimum of three DTS servers is recommended for any cell containing three or more machines.

Note that you can use DTS commands to reconfigure DTS after the initial configuration is complete. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components for more information.

You can configure two types of DTS machines:

· Clerks
DTS clerks receive time values and adjust the system clock accordingly. Most DTS daemons are configured as clerks.

· Servers
DTS servers synchronize times in the cell in addition to performing DTS clerk tasks. You can configure two types of servers: global servers for cells with multiple LANs and local servers for cells without multiple LANS.

You can optionally configure DTS servers with a time provider. A time provider obtains the time either from the system clock on the machine on which the server is running a null time provider or from an outside time source, such as radio, telephone, or satellite (an NTP time provider). The NTP time provider interfaces with a host running the NTP time service, which in turn should access a reliable time source.

You configure your cell's DTS servers first, then designate one of them as the location of a time provider, as well. Configuring a Time Provider on a DTS Server provides instructions for configuring a null or NTP time provider on a server machine.


Accessing the DTS Configuration Menu

Configuring Local Servers, Global Servers, and Clerks

Configuring a Time Provider on a DTS Server