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Using the dce_config Component Scripts

The dce_config script calls component scripts that reside in the /opt/dcelocal/etc directory (or the install tree directory) with symbolic links to /etc. In a custom configuration script, you can call the component scripts directly and supply the required input via the environment variables. The names and functions of the component scripts follows:

· dce_shutdown
Kills all DCE server processes except DFS processes. This script must be run on the machine running the processes. It should be run before reconfiguring DCE.

The dce_shutdown script kills the CDS, Security, DTS, Audit, and GDS daemons gracefully. It also has function (the -f option of the command syntax) that can be used to kill these daemons and other daemons ungracefully if the need arises. See the dce_shutdown reference page for detailed information.

· dfs.clean
Kills DFS server processes. This script must be run on the machine running the processes. It should be run before reconfiguring DCE. (Note that some DFS daemon processes cannot be killed by dfs.clean.)

· dce.rm [install]
Removes all data and configuration files created by DCE servers after initial configuration except for data and files created by DFS servers. This script must be run on the machine running the processes. It should be run before reconfiguring DCE. If you invoke the script with the install parameter, the script removes the binary files added during installation.

· dfs.rm [install]
Removes data and configuration files created by DFS servers after initial configuration. This script must be run on the machine running the processes, and dced must be running on that machine. The dfs.rm script should be run before reconfiguring DCE. If you invoke the script with the install parameter, the script removes the binary files added during installation. Note that this script invokes the dce.clean script.

· dce.unconfig hostname
Removes all DCE clients on hostname from the Security and Directory service databases. It should be run before reconfiguring a client machine.

· dfs.unconfig hostname
Removes the DFS client on hostname from the Security and Directory service databases. It should be run before reconfiguring a client machine.

· dce_com_env
Sets environment variables.

· dce_config_env
Calls the dce_com_env script that sets the internal environment variables.

· dce_com_utils
Contains common functions used by dce_config and dfs_config.

· dce_config_utils
Contains internal routines used by dce_config scripts.

· dfs_config
Configures a machine as a DFS server or client.

· pwd_config [-unconfig]
Configures the Password Management server on a machine.

· rc.dce
Starts DCE daemons. This script cannot be run remotely; it must be run on the machine on which the daemons are being started.

· rc.dfs
Starts DFS daemons. This script cannot be run remotely; it must be run on the machine on which the daemons are being started.