
CDS Client Programs

The DCE client runs the following CDS processes:

· The CDS advertiser, the cdsadv process, does the following:

- Allows applications to locate and communicate with cdsd servers

- Starts any needed CDS clerks (cdsclerk)

- Creates the cache shared by local CDS clerks

· The cdsclerk is an interface between CDS client applications and CDS servers. A clerk must exist on every machine that runs a CDS client application. One cdsclerk process runs for each DCE principal on a machine that accesses CDS. The CDS clerk handles requests from client applications to a server and caches the results returned by the server. Because the results of the server request are cached, the clerk does not have to go repeatedly to the server for the same information. All CDS clerks on a machine share one cache. One clerk can serve multiple client applications running on the same machine.