
DFS Client Programs

If DFS is installed, the DCE client runs the following processes:

· The Cache Manager process (dfsd) initializes the cache manager in the kernel, alters configuration settings, and starts background daemons.

The dfsd process is responsible for the local caching of file and directory data on machines used as DFS clients. When the dfsd process starts, it initializes the cache. When a client retrieves part of a file from a remote File Server, the dfsd process keeps a copy of that part of the file on the client machine's local disk. As long as that part of the file does not change, the locally cached copy remains available to the client. A new copy is retrieved from the DFS File Server machine only when another process changes the cached portion of the file. The dfsd process also caches directory and fileset location information.

· The dfsbind process does the following:

- Obtains cell location information from CDS

- Responds to Security Service requests on behalf of the DFS kernel processes by making calls to the Security server