
Object Bind Interface

This topic includes three code modules to illustrate object binding. The modules are: sample_bind.c, sample_bind.idl, and sample_bind.acf.


/* [27.VI.94] */

/* */

/* sample_bind.c -- The remote binding interface implementation */

/* code. */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* The code below is built and linked into the server object; meanwhile */

/* the sample_bind.idl file is processed and the output of that is */

/* a set of client and server stubs for the implementation. The server stub */

/* is generated with the -no_mepv option, which allows us to call our */

/* implementation by our own names, and explicitly initialize the entry point */

/* vector structure with it (see the end of this file for how that */

/* happens). The client of course calls the routines by its standard name, */

/* as generated in the client stub from sample_bind.idl. */

/* */

/* In order to make the call remotely accessible, the server has to go */

/* through the steps of registering the sample_bind interface */

/* (separately from all other interfaces, of course) with the name service, */

/* and of registering its endpoints with the sample_bind interface (and */

/* the "sample_bind_epv" vector) with the runtime. Then the client */

/* has to import bindings to the sample_bind interface separately as */

/* well. How all this is done can be seen in sample_client.c and */

/* sample_server.c. */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* -77 cols- */


#define DCE_DEBUG

#include <stdio.h>

#include <malloc.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <pthread.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <signal.h>

#include <sys/param.h>

#include <dce/dce.h>

#include <dce/dce_cf.h>

#include <dce/dce_error.h>

#include <dce/rpc.h>

#include <dce/sec_login.h>

#include <dce/keymgmt.h>

#include <dce/uuid.h>

#include <dce/exc_handling.h>

#include <dce/dce_msg.h>

#include <dce/dbif.h>

#include <dce/aclif.h>

#include <dce/dceacl.h>

#include <dce/pgo.h>

#include <dce/dcesvcmsg.h>

#include <dce/svcremote.h>

/* Serviceability sams-generated header files... */

#include "dcesmpsvc.h"

#include "dcesmpmsg.h"

#include "dcesmpmac.h"

/* Following is our IDL-generated header... */

#include "sample_bind.h"

#include "sample_server.h"

/* Declaration of the bind interface's routines' entry point vector. The */

/* actual addresses are filled in at the bottom of this file... */

struct sample_bind_v1_0_epv_t sample_bind_epv;



* name_to_object -- The remote bind operation implementation code:

* receives a name, returns an object UUID.


* Essentially what this routine is is a remote operation that doesn't

* actually "do" anything; it just returns a given object's UUID.





name_to_object(handle_t binding_h, /* The binding that got us here. */

unsigned_char_t *component, /* The backing store's key. */

uuid_t *object_uuid, /* For the UUID we will return. */

uuid_t *mgr_type_uuid, /* Type Manager UUID. */

unsigned32 *st /* Status. */



dce_error_string_t error_string;

int print_status;

*st = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_binder, svc_c_debug6,

"Entering name_to_object()..."));

if (!component || !*component)





/* dce_db_fetch_by_name() retrieves data from the string-indexed */

/* backing store identified by the handle parameter, which was */

/* obtained from dce_db_open(). It is a specialized retrieval */

/* routine for backing stores that are indexed by string, as */

/* selected by the db_c_index_by_name bit in the flags parameter to */

/* dce_db_open() when the backing store was created. */

/* Here it's the object_uuid that is to be returned... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_binder, svc_c_debug6,

"Calling dce_db_fetch_by_name()..."));


db_name, /* Name-indexed database, globally-known handle. */

(char *)component, /* Pointer to the key we're using, i.e. */

/* the name. */

object_uuid, /* What we're hoping to get, i.e. object UUID. */


if (*st != error_status_ok)


dce_error_inq_text(*st, error_string, &print_status);

dce_svc_printf(BINDER_ERROR_MSG, "dce_db_fetch_by_name()",




DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_binder, svc_c_debug6,

"Successfully exiting name_to_object()"));


/* The bind interface's routines' entry point vector. Here the actual */

/* addresses are filled in... */

sample_bind_v1_0_epv_t sample_bind_epv = {




/* [27.VI.94] */

/* */

/* sample_bind.idl -- */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* -77 cols- */






interface sample_bind


void rs_bind_to_object(

[in] handle_t binding,

[in, string] char *component,

[out] uuid_t *object_uuid,

[out] uuid_t *mgr_type_uuid,

[out] error_status_t *status




/* [27.VI.94] */

/* */

/* sample_bind.acf -- */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* -77 cols- */


interface sample_bind


rs_bind_to_object([comm_status,fault_status] status);
