
Using the Jacketed System Calls

You do not have to rename your system calls to take advantage of the jacket routines. Macros put the jacket routines into place when you compile your program; these macros rename the jacketed system calls to the name of the DCE Threads jacket routine. Thus, a reference to the DCE Threads jacket routine is compiled into your code instead of a reference to the system call. When the code is executed, it calls the jacket routine, which then calls the system on your code's behalf.

If you do not wish to use any of the jacket routines, you can add the following line to your program before any of the thread header files:


By adding this definition, you prevent the jacket routines from being substituted for the real routines.

If you wish to use most of the jackets but do not wish to use a specific jacket, you can undefine a specific jacket by adding the following directive after the thread header files:

#undef routine_name

For example, to not use the fork jacket, you can add the following:

#undef fork