
Overview - Developing a Simple RPC Application

This topic first explains how to write an interface definition in the DCE RPC Interface Definition Language (IDL) and illustrates the basic features of IDL. As an example, we present an interface definition for greet, a very simple application that prints greetings from a client and a remote server. The remainder of the topic describes how to develop, build, and run the greet client and server programs.

The OSF DCE Application Development Guide - Introduction and Style Guide describes how to develop a DCE application by using many of the features of DCE. The following topics use the term remote procedure call application (RPC application) to mean essentially the same thing, except in this context an RPC application concentrates on the features of the RPC technology, glossing over other DCE issues such as security, threads, and messaging. Since the RPC mechanism is the root technology for all DCE applications, the basic development approach is the same.