
Establishing the Compatibility Evaluation Routine

The last step in writing an internationalized RPC client is to call the DCE RPC NSI routine rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval( ). The purpose of this NSI routine is to add evaluation routines to the import context created by the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin( ) routine that the NSI routine rpc_ns_binding_import_next( ) will call to perform additional compatibility evaluation on potential servers.

The internationalized RPC client code calls the rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval( ) routine to set up one or more character and code sets compatibility evaluation routines to be called from rpc_ns_binding_import_next( ). The client code must make the call to rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval( ) once for each compatibility routine that it wants to add to the import context for rpc_ns_binding_import_next( ). See the rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval(3rpc) reference page in the OSF DCE Application Development Reference for a description of the rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval( ) routine's signature and arguments.

The rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval( ) must be used in conjunction with the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin/next/done( ) suite of RPC NSI binding functions, because these functions provide an import context argument. If you want to use the rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin/next/done/select( ) suite of RPC NSI routines, your client code will need to perform character and code set evaluation logic on the binding handle returned by rpc_ns_binding_select( ). Example Character and Code Sets Evaluation Logic provides a sample client that performs character and code set evaluation in conjunction with the lookup and select RPC NSI routines.